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€&r jUmtd fljr t&e DeaO*
It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray
Jar thedead 9 that theymav be loosed from sins.
2 Maccabees, ch. xii. v. 46.
HontJon :
Printers to the R. R. the Vicars Apostolic,
96, Duke-street, Grosvenor-tquare, aud
63, Paternoster cow»
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. d» •
’ -■»»»♦< « « «»■■
Preface, ........ , v
Vespers or Even Song, 13
Various Prayers for the Dead, . ,.22 28
Matins — T he Invitatory, 28
1st NoctOrn, said qn Mondays and
Thursdays* 30
,2d Nocturn, Tuesday and Friday ,.. 40
3d Nocturn, Wednesday and Saturday ,... 50
Libera — to $a?d tMen Me Noc turns are
repeated without intermission* ......... 60
Lauds, Ps. 60. Miserere*.... 61
, Benedictus 74
De Profundis, Psalm 129, 76
Mass for all the Faithful,.;. 78
Libera — after solemn Masses for the
Dead,.., 108
Mass on the Day of Death or Burial.. .... Ill
•••...-..•on the 3d, 7th or 30th Day, 114
..on the Anniversary, 115
.Common or Daily 118
at the Death or Burial of a Pope, 121
«... for a Bishop or Priest...... 123
A 2
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Mass for a Man 125
...for & Woman,..............,.,.* 126
.........for a Father and Mother 127
..for either a Father or Mother ...... 128
for all such as lie buried in a Church
Yard, .. 129
.........for Many departed, 13d
The Orbsr of Burying the Dead 132
..•*,„«,of Burying baptised Children,..,,,. 138
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It being an article of Catholic Faith
that there is a place of temporal pu-
nishment after death, and that the
souls therein detained are helped by
the prayers and alms of the faithful,
but especially by the oblation of the
holy Sacrifice of the Mass ; it has
therefore been the constant practice
of the Church, derived from the
Apostles, (as appears from the eon-
current testimonies of the Councils
on d ancient Fathers) to pray, give
alms* and offer up the holy Sacrifice
of the Altar for their consolation and
deliverance. *
On the decease of a Bishop the great
Council of Nice ( anno 325. Can. 05.
Arab.) ordains that notice thereof be
sent to all the Churches and Monaste-
ries in his Diocese, in order that the
Faithful, Clergy and Laity, ipight offer
up their Prayers to God for the Repose
of his Soul.
In the 3d Council of Carthage*
{anno 397. Can. 29.) mention is made
of Prayer for the Dead ; and the
Council of Bragues ( anno 503* Can.
16—21.) after mentioning Alius and
Offerings to be made for the Dead, for-
bids those vr ho have committed sui-
cide, i. e. self-murder, to be prayed
But long before the above-men-
tioned Councils Tertullian , towards
the close of the second century,
speaking of a faithful widow, says :
“ She prays for the soul of her hus-
“ band, -and begs refreshment for
“ him in the mean time, and keeps
“ his anniversaries.” (Lib. de Monog.
c. x.)
“ The Apostles,” says St. John
Chrysostome, “ did not in vain com-
“ mand, that in the venerable and
“ dreadful mysteries, the dead should
“ be remembered : for they knew they
€€ would derive considerable advan~
“ tage from it.” ( Horn . iii. in Ep. ad
“ We also pray,” says St. Cyril
of Jerusalem, “ for all that die amongst
“ us ; thinking the holy and dreadful
“ Sacrifice of the Altar, offered in sup-
t€ plication for them, to be of the great-
(t est possible help to tlieir souls.”
(Cat. Myst. v.)
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Lastly, St. Augustine (whose testi-
mony alone in favour of this ancient
custom might suffice) says : “ By the
“ prayers of the holy Church and
“ wholesome sacrifice and alms , it is
“ not to be doubted but that the dead
cc are assisted; so that God deals
u more mercifully with them than their
u sins deserve : wherefore it is the
<c practice of the whole Church to pray
u and offer sacrifice for them.” Serm.
172. § 2. And in his Confessions, book
ix. chap. 12. he tells us, that the sacri-
fice of our ransom was offered for the
soul of his mother, and that (c. 13.) she
desired to be remembered at the altar
of our Lord, from whence she knew the
Holy Viaticum was dispensed, by which
the hand-writing of sin that stood a-
gainst us was cancelled.
But do not the primitive liturgies,
translated by an eminent Protestant,
Dr.lket, operate s corroborating proofs
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of /this practice. Hence, r from these
venerable testimonies it evidently ap-
pears, that it was the belief of the
whole Catholic Church from the time of
the apostles, that there exists a place
of temporal punishment after death,
and that the souls therein detained are
comforted and assisted by the prayers
and alms of the faithful, but more par-
ticularly by the holy Sacrifice of the
Moreover, if an appeal be made to
the Holy Scriptures, is it not plain
from the words of our Saviour, that
some sins are remitted in the next
world, when he' says, “ But he that
4t shall speak against the Holy Ghost,
** it shall not be remitted him, neither
** in this world nor in the world te
M come (Matt. xii. 32.) and does
iiot the assistance of the . living
faithful towards their deceased bre-
thren, from hence appear necessfry ?
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for if souls are capable of receivingad-
vantage, refreshment, and assistance,
they must undoubtedly be in some state
of punishment, which cannot be either
heaven or hell ; the former being a
state of eternal happiness*— the latter of
endless misery there must necessarUy
then be a third place different from ei-
ther of them.
• j •„ . i
St. Augustine distinguishes three
states of souls after death, when he
tells us, that “ The sacrifice of the
44 Altar, and the aljms usually offered in
44 the Church for all the dead, who bad
44 received baptism, serve. as thanksgiv -
44 ing& fpr such as were very good,;
44 propitiation s for such as were not
44 very bad ; but as to sych of the
de$d as were vefy wicked, though
44 tli^y could aive tfyem no relief, yet
44 they afforded some consolation to the
44 diving.” ( JSnchiridi ad Laur, { cap.
For bad they not believed that
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such persons (as either had not fully
satisfied divine justice for all thei?>
sins, or had committed some trivial
offences, whereof they had not as yet
sufficiently repented) remained in a
state of punishtneht capable of being
refreshed, comforted, and assisted by
their prayers and alms, and especially
by the holy sacrifice of the Altar, then
would it certainly have been both su-
perfluous and vain, either to have
jHfayed, given alms, or offered the
holy sacrifice for them : but seeing
that such was the constant practice of
he Church in those days, does it not
amount to a demonstration, that the
existence of a place of punishment after
death was the uniform belief of the
Church from her very infancy : and
what else is this intermediate state of
souls in effect, but what is now more
significantly expressed by the word
Purgatory, viz . a place of purification
or pusgation > which) setting cavil and
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prejudice aside, is a doctrine perfectly
conformable to reason for, if God
will render to every man according to
his works, (Rom. ii. 6.) it can ever
be supposed that either his justice or
mercy will permit him to Cast a soul
into the eternal torments of hell for
trivial or slight offences ; it must therer
fore be purified from the stains of those
small faults by a proportionate temporal
pain, in a place where it may be assist-
ed by the holy Sacrifice of the Moss,
and the prayers and alms of the faith-
ful, since whatever is defiled cannot
enter into heaven . (Rev. xxu 27 ,)
Whtn tne whole Office is said, it is recited in the
manner of a Doubl?, viz the Vespers on the
£ve f and the invitatory, Matins and bauds, oft
the following morning, concluding with one or
more appropriate payers; but at V^nbhePe.
£auda anima, und at Lauds the De profundis
are omitted On other occasions, (when drily one
of the Not turns and the Lauds are recited) there
are but a word or tuo of the Anthems before
each Psalm recited , and the whole Anthem of
the end thereof. t
AnUphona. Placebo
Domitu m regione vi*
▼orum .
TV tex i quoniam ex
^ audiet Dominos ;
vocem oration is tn«e,
2. Quia incliuavic
fturem suam cmhi : et
in diebufe meis invocabo.
Anth. I will pleas*
the Lord in the land of
the living,
| Have loved, because
* the Lord will bear
the voice my prayer.
% Because he hath
inclined his ear unto
me s and in niy days I
will call upon him.
14 Vesper* for t%e Dead*
. 3. Circumdederunt me
ddlores mortis ; et pe-
ricu la intern j invene-
runt me
4* Tribulationem et
dolorem itiveni : et no*
tnen Domini invocavi.
5* O Domihe, litora
antmam meam : mise-
ricors Dominus, et jus-
tus: et Dens noster mi-
Ourtediens parvn-
lot Dominus ; hurailia-
£u&suui,et liberawkme.
IT. Convertere aniraa
mea in requiem tuam :
quia Dominus benefecit
s 8* Qina eripuit anir
main meam de morte :
oculos meos a lacrymis,
pedes meos & lapsu.
p. Placebo Domino in
Requiem seternara
dona eis Domin* : . -
R? lux perpetuaJuce-
a£ eis»
jL ni* Placebo Domi'
no in regioue vivorum.
A#t. Heumihi, Do*
3. The sorrows of
death have compassed
me; and the perils of
hell have founn me.
4 . 1 met with trou-
ble and sorrow : and T
called upon the name of
£he;L!>rrt. . .
5. O Lord, deliver my
soul : the Lord is mer-
ciful and just, and our
God sheweth mercy.
6. The Lord is the
keeper of little ones : 1
was humbled, and he
delivered me.
7. Tarn^O nty seul,
into thy rest : for the
Lord hath bee* hotmft-
ful to thee.
8. For he. hath deli-
vered my .soul from
death; my eyes, foom
tears, my feet front
9. I will please the
Lord in the land of the
living* ( \
Grant them eternal
rest, O L»rd :
Aim), let , perpetual
light shine on them* fc
I will please
the Lord in the food of
the living
An(A* Woe is me.
V&per* J&r the Deal is
amine, quia incolatus 0 Lord, that my so- !
nieus prolongates est. : journing is prolonged.
^ Psatmctiu.
A D Domint*m,cu«<i f N my trouble I cried
tribularer, clama- A to .the Lord $ and he
wi : et exaudivit me heard me.
• S.r Domioe libera 2. O Lord, deliver my
animam meamil labiis soul from wicked lips,
iniquis s et a lingua do- and a deceitful tongue,
■ S. Quid detur tibi; 3. What shall be
ant quid apponatur ti- given to thee, or what
Li s ad linguam dolo* shall be added to thee,,
Sam ? to a deceitful tongue?
4. Sagitte potentis 4. The sharp arrows
acutae : cum carbonibus of the mighty; with
idcsolatoriis. cdals that lay waste:
4. Heu mihi, quia 5. Woe is me that my
incolatus meus proton- sojourning is prolonged !
gat us est, habitavi cum 1 have dwelt with the
Habitaotibus Cedar; inhabitants of Cedar;
tuullum incola ftfit ani* my soul hath been long
mamea. a sojourner.
/ 4 . Cum his qui ode- 4. With them that
runt pacem, eram pad. hated peace I was peace-
ficus: cum Idquebar aide: when I spoke to
illis, impugnabant me them they fought
grads; ' against me without
Sbequiem tetemam, Grant them eternal
£ u. rest, &c.
Ant* Heu mihi, Do- Antk. Woe is me, O
mine, quia incolatus Lord, that my sqjodrn-
aeus prolongatus est. iug is prolonged.
Ant . Dominus cus- Anth, The Lord kepp-
todit te ab emni malo s eth thee from ab ;
custodial animam mam may the Lord keep thy
Dortiinus. souL
8 2
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1<j Vespers for th a Iked,
Psalm cxx.
L EV A VI oculos me-
os in monies: node
▼eaierauxiiiuin inihi.
9. Aimliurn roeum
& Domino * efui fecit
cceluroi ei lerrauw
3. Non clet m com*
motiOnern pedem tu-
Wfi : neque dormitet,
qui cost o< lit te.
4, E<ct* non dormi*
tabit, ntque dormiet:
qui custodit Israel.
5. Dominua custodit
te, Dumimis protectio
tua : super manum ilex-
teram tuam.
6. Pet diem sol non
uret te : neque luna per
7 i Doroinus custodit
te ab oinni malo ; cus-
todiat animaiu mam
Deniinu •
8. Dominuscustodiat
introiimn ex-
itum tnuin': ex hoc
uunc, ei usque in sae-
Requiem setercam,
. AM. Dominua cus-
todit te a»* oinni nraio j
custodial an imam tuum
Ant. Si iniquitates
1 11 A VE lifted up my
eyes to the moun-
tains : from whenOg help
shall coroe to me.
9. My help is from
the Li»rd, who made
heaven and earth.
S May he not suffer
thy foot to be moved ;
neither let him slumber
that keepeth thee.
4. Behold he shall
neither slumber nor
sleep, tliat keepeth
5. The Lord is thy
keeper, the Lord is thy
protection upon thy
right hand.
6* The sun shall not
burn thee by day : no{
the moon by night.
. 7. The Lord keepeth
thee from all evil : may
the Lord keep thy soul.
8. May the Lord keep
thy coming in and thy
going out ; from hence-
forth now and for ever*
Grant them eternal
rest, &c.
A nth . The Lord keep-
eth thee from all evil:
may the Lord keep tby
Anthi If thou, O
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Viipertfor the Dead. If
observavens v Domine : Lord, wilt mark injqui-
XDomine, quis Susliije* ties: Lord who snail
bie?-" • * stapdit?
! Pmltn cxx\x,
D E profundi s clam a- / \UT of the depths
vi ad te Domine, I have cried to
^Defnine exaudi vocem thee, O Lord; Lord
2. Fiant aures tuae
intendentes : in vocem
'deprecationis mese.
3. Si iuiquitates oh-
servaveris Domine: Do-
mine, quis sustinebit ?
hear my voice.
J 2. Let thy ears be at*
tintive to the voice of
my supplication.
S. If thou, O Lord,
wilt mark iniquities :
Lord, who shall stand
4. Qui apud te prb-
fcitiatio est : et propter
legem tuam sustinm te,
T 5. Sustinuit a dim a
ihea in verbo ejuS : spd-
ravit anima mea in po-
tntno. \
* 6. A custodia matii-
tina usque ad noctem :
sper^t Israel in Domino.
'7. Quia apud Do-
miniim misericordia: et
cdpiosa apud eum re-
; 8. Et ipse redimet
Israel, ex omnibus ini-
quitatibus cjus.
Kequiem aelernam,
&c. ’
4 . For with thee
'there is merciful for-
giveness : and by reason
of thy law, I have wait-
ed for thee, O Lord.
5. My soul hath re-
lied on his word : my
soul hath hoped in the
6. From the morning
watch even until night,
let Israel hope in /the
7. Because with the
Lord there is mercy;
and with him plentiful
8. And he shall re-
deem Israel from all tii$
Gran him eternal
rest, &c.
Ant, Si iniquitaies Anth,
B 3
If thou, O
S8 Vcspcrtfir ike Died,
observaveris Doraine: Lord, wilt i^nrk iniqui
X>onrii le, quis sustine- ties i Lord who ^haU
bit? stand it?
Ant. Opera nianuum Anth. Despise not^
tuariim, Dgmiue, he O Loid, the wo$K* pf
despicias. ' thy hands.
i% *’ Psalm cxxxvii.
J^^Onfitebor tfbi Do-
mine in toto corde
-tnfttr: Quoniam audisti
v y, In 'con spec tii a*-
’gfelortim pfcallam ttbn
Yidorabo ; ad r templum
sanctum tuiim, dt con-
iitebpr nomini tuo,
3. • Super misericor-
“diaf tua, pt veritate tuai
quoniatn niagnificasti
istfper miftne, nomen
sanctum tuum.
4. In quacumque die
invocavero te, exaudi
«ie ; maltiplicabis in
anjma mea virttiftem.
5. Conhteantur tibi,
Xtomine, .omnes reges
terra: quia audierunt
omnia verba oris tub
Et cantent in viis
Dpmini: quoniam irtag-
na est gloria Domini.
Quoniam excels us
Porpinus, et humiiia
I Will praise thee, O
Lord, with my whole
heart : for thou hast
heard the words of my
% 1 will sing pfai$e
to thee in the sight qt
the Angels ; I Will wor-
ship towards thy holy
temple, and I wril giyo
glory to thy name.
3. For thy mercy, and
for thy truth: for tho<*
hast magnified thy holy
name above all.
4. In what day soever
I shall call upon thee,
hear me; thou shalt
multiply strength in
thy sou L
5. May all the kings
of che earth give glbry
to thee : for they have
heard all the words of
thy mouth.
& And let them sing
in the ways of the Lord:
for great is the glory of
the Lord.
1. For the Lord
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Vesptrsfor the Dead. 4 $
pcspkit * ;$kalta k longe highland looketh on
vcognoscit. the low; and the higfi
he knoweth afar off.
8 Si 'apibulavero in 8. If i shall walk, ia
medio tribufationis vi- the midst of iribuWion,
vificabis me : et super thou -wilt quicken mej
fram inimicomm nieo- and thou hast stretched
rum extendisti marium forth thy hand against
tuam, et salvum me the wrath of my en£-
fecit dextera tua. rnies ; and thy right
hand hath, saved me.
9. Dominustetribiiet ■9- The X^orU wfff r*.
j)ro me: Domine mi- l*ay for me4 thy mercy,
sericordia tua in saecu- Lord, endurefh for
lum: opera manuuwi even O despise not the
tuarum ne despicias. works of thy hands.
Requiem zeternara, Grant ttnen etetnel
&c. reat, &c.
AhU Opera niamium Auik Despise not,
tuarum Domine ne *Je- O Lord, the worka of
jspicias, thy hands*
V. Audivi voceo* de V. I heard a voice
•ccelo dicentem mihi : from heaven sAymg to
It. Beati mortui qui R* Blessed are the
'an Domino tporiuntur. dead that die in the
Ant. Onine quod dat Autlt All that my
mihi Pater ad me vein, father gives me shall
«t, et eiud qui venir ad crime to me, and him
me non ejiciam tbra* that comes to me I will
not cast out
Canticle of the bleated Virgin Xlary, Luke i, 46 .
M Agnificat anima ]%/I Y soul noth mag-
mea Domiiium ; XvA uify ’.he Lord :
^ 2. Et exultavit spin- 2. And iny spirit hath
♦n* mpn5, in pro sakjta- rejoiced in God my $ 4 *
fi .vwmi. -vioiu*.
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*V l etpers for the. Dead*
- S», Quia respexit hu-
militatem ancillae sug? :
ecce enim ex hoc hea*
tam me dicent omnes
‘ 4 . &uia fecit tnihi
TO&gna qui potens est :
(jtsanptum nomen ejus.
misericord ia
<§us a progenie in pro*
ijtpiffi • timentibiis tyira.
6. Fecit potent iatu in
bfachio suo ; dispersit
‘superbos mente cordis
fcui, , . „ t
* 7 Beposuit potentes
dfe. 4 »ede : . et,exaltavit
8. Esurientcs imple-
vit bonis ; et divites di*
misit inanes.
9. Susccpit Israel pu#
erum suutn : recorda-
lus misericord^ suae.
10. Sicut locutus est
ad patres nostros: A*
btanam, et seiuini ejvti *
in ,sae< ula
JRequ iem seternam
dtina tis Domine, et
lux perpctua luceat eis*
.td- tit* Chime qi$)d dat * *
3. Because Jbe hath
regarded the humility et
his handmaid : lor be&
hold from henceforth
all generations shall
call me blessed.
4. Because he that is
mighty hath done great
things to me, and holy
is his name.
; 5. And his mercy is
from generation unto ge~
nerations, to them that
fear him.
<? He hath shewed
might in his arhi : life
hath scattered the proud
in the conceit of the if
7. He hath put down
the mighty from their
seatV and hath exalted
the humble.
8. He hath filled the
hungry with good
things and the rich he'
hath sent empty away, :
9. He hath received'
Israel his servant, being
mindful of his mercy.
10. As he spoke id
our fathers, to A bra*
hant and to his seed for
ever. * '
Grant them eternal’ 7
rest, O Lord, and let
perpetual light shine on
theih. i
4 nth. Adi r rtiat my
Jigilized by GoOgle
Vespers for the Dead. „ ki
flubi Pater, ad me ve- Father gives me* shall
niet ; et etim qui veniet come te me; and him
ad me, non ejiciam to- that comes to me, 1 will
ras. not cast out.
When the Office is not a Double, the following
Prayers are said kneeling.
Pater noster, &c. $e± Our Father, &c. in
creto, secret*
V. Et ne nos inducas V. And lead t>s i»ot
in tentationem. into temptation.
R. Sed libera nos & R. But deliver us from
malo. evil.
When the Office is a Double , the following Psalm
is omitted .
Psalm cxlv.
L AUDA ammamea pila se the Lord, O
Dominum : Itu* JL my soul, in my life
diaho Dominium in vita I will praise the lird :
mea : psalldin Deo t will sing to my God
ineo quamdiu fuero. as long as 1 shall he.
2. Nolite coufklere 2 Put not your trust
In principibus: in filiis in princes : in the chil-
hoininum, in. quilais dren of men, in wnofli
non e«t salus there is no salvation.
3 Exhibit spiritm 3 His spirit shall go j
ejus, et revertetur in forth, and he snail re- j
terram -uam : iu ilia die turn into his earth : in !
peribum oinnes cogita- that- day all- their
tioncs thrum. thoughts shall perish* \
4. Beatus cujus Deus 4. Blessed is he who
Jacob jahju tor xjus,spes hath the God ot Jacob
ejus ii Domino Deo for his helper, whoso
ipsius : qui fecit cceluni hope is iu the Lord his
et terram, mare, et om- God : who. made hea-
tsia qua iueis sunt. ven and earth, the sea,
and all things that ara
iu them.
6* Qui custodit vert* 5. Who keepeth truth
tatem in sfecuiunij facit for ever ; who executeth
3y Google
sa Vctpcnfor the EMU
jvjdicium injuriam pa*
Uenribijs : dat escara
p. Dominus solvit
coropeditos : Dominus
illuminat csecos.
7. Dominus erigit
fjjsos* Dominus diiigit
justos. ■ . ,
8. Dominus custedit
advepas, pupiHum ct
viduam suscipiet : et vi-
as peccatorum disper-
9m Regnabit Dominus
in ssecula, Deus tuus
Sion: in generationem
ft generationem.
Requiem aternam,
V. A porta inferi.
K. Brae Dornine aui*
V* Rtquiescaut in
JR. Amen.
V# Domine, exaudi
erationem meara.
R« Et clamor incus
ad H veuiat. *
V. Dominus vobis*
IV Et cum spiritu
tun. - . - -
judgment for them tint
suffer wrong ; who
giveth food to the
6. The Lord ioosetfa
them that are fettered :
the Lord ealightetiith
the blind.
7. The Lord liftethup
them that are cast do wnj
the ford loveth the just.
8. The Lord keepeth
the strangers t ' he will
support the fatherless
and the widow ; and the
ways ef sinners he will
destroy. n *
9. The Lord shall
reign for ever : thyGod,
O Sion, unto generation
and generation.
Grant them eternal
rest, &c.
V. Fwm the gates of
helL 7
R. Delhrertheir souls,
O Lord.
V. May they rest kt
R. Amen.
V. O Lord, hear my
R. And kt my cry
come to thee.
V* The fold be with
R. And with thy spi-
rit- i
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Btqjfrrtjb* ihelkad*
r Oremat*
TYEUS, qui inter
\J Apostolicos sacer-
ootes fomulos tuos pon-
tificali, seu sacerdotal i
iedsti digniiate vigere :
prassta qspsumus : , ut
eorumquoque perpdtud
aggicegenter consortfo.
js pray.
God, by . wfeosee
Let us
o favour thy ser-
vants were raised to the
dignity of bishops [<*+
priests] and so honour-
ed with the apostoHcaS
functions; grant, we be-
seech thee, they may be
admitted to the eternal
fellowship of thy apostles in heaven Thro*. * ‘ *
D EUS, venue largi- /^V God, the giver oi
tor, et human* v/ pardon, and lover
salutis amator; quaesu-
mus clementiam tuanv
nt nostra cougregatio-
nis fratres, propinquos,
et benefartores, qui ex
hoc ssculq transient rit,
beata Maria semper vir^
gine intercedente, cum
omnibus sanctis tuis, ad
porpetuae bcatitudinis
consortium pervenire
F fdelium; Deus om-
nium couditor et
redemptor, onimabfis
fsm ulorum famularufn.
que toaruin remission
nem cunctorum trihue
peccatorum ‘ ut indul*
geiuiam, quam semper
optaverunt, piis . suppli-
catif nihus consequan-
tur. Qui viyis et regnas
in ssecuta satculorum.
E. Amen.
. V. Requiem aetornwn
dona eis, Domine.
of human salvation; we
beseech thy clemency,
that the hrethren, rela-
tions, and benefactors
of our congregation,
who are departed this
life, may, thro* the in-
tercession of the blessed
Mary, ever a virgin,
and of ail thy saints, at-
tain to the fellowship of
eternal bliss*
O f God, the Creator
and Redeemer of
ail the hujdifulpghre to
the souls of ihyserVants,
men and women, the
remission of all . their
sins : that by pious sup-
plications they may ob-
tain the pardon they
have always desired*
Who li vest and reignest
world without end.
R. Amen.
V. Eternal rest give,
to them, O Lord.
3y Google
44 Praftrefor the ^ Dead* |
R. £t lux perpetua R. And let perpetua j
htceat eis.< light shine on them. * I
• V. »Requiescant in . V.'May they rest in
pace. R. Amen. peace. R. Amen. )
Un the Day of the Commemoration of all the Dead , \
the last Prayer is said thus i
F ldelium Deus om-> God, the Creator
niqm conditor et Vy and Redeemer of*
redemptor, animabus all the faithful, give to
femulorum famulariun- the souls of thyservaists,
que .tuarum remission men and women, the'
Bern cunctomm tribue remission of all their
pefccAtoruro : ut indul- sins ; that by piotls sup*
gentiam, quara semper plications they may ob-
optaverunt piis suppli- tain the pardon they
cationibus consequaU- have always* desired,
tdr. Qui vivis. : Who Hvest. ,
R. Amen. R. Amen. • ,
V. Reqriem aetern&m V. Eternal rest give
dona eis, Domine. 1 to them, O Lord. *
K. Et lux perpetua' R. And let perpetual '
luceat eis. • light shine on them.
V. Requiescant in V. May they rest in '
pace. peace. r •
R. Amen. : « R. Amen.
A Prayer or the Day of the Departure if a Mak
or Woman . • ?
A Rsolve, quxsumus \ Rsolve, we beseech"
. Docnme, animam il thee, O Lord, thd-
famuli tui >{vel. faimda soul of thy* servant N.'
turn)- N. ut dehinctus that being dead to th&
(v*L defunct*) saeculo' world, lie (or she) may 1
tibi> vivat : et qua? per live to thee : and what*
fragihtateni earwig nu- ever be for she) has,-
mana conversation? committed through hu-*
conimisit, tu veuia mi- man frailty, do thou
•aericofdissimtt pietatts wipe away -by the par*
absterge : per Doroi- don of thy most merciful
arum aottrum Jssum goodness: thro’ our
, y Google
Praysrf for the Dead, 45
Chriftnm Eiliumtuum, Lord Jesus Christ thy,
qui locum vivit et leg- Son, who Iivest and
Bat -Hi imitate Spiritus reignest with thee in
Sancti Dens, per omnia the unity of the Holy
st^cula saeculorum. Ghost,' God, worid
wirhout end. . 4
• R. Amen. * R. Amen,
■“ V. Requiem seternam V. Grant them etef-^
dona eis, Domine. nal rest, O Lord. f
R. Et lux perpetba R,And let perpetual
luceat eis. light shine on them. t
: V; Requiescant in V, May they rest \n f
pace. peace.
R. Amen. R. Amfcn.
A Prayer for a Bishop ot Priest deceased. When
it is for a Priest , thespprd Pontifical! is omitted,
and Sacerdotali (in the parenthesis ) is read in
its stead, j * , ,
P EUS, qai inter i \ God, whfd, among*
,*postolicos sacer- \J thy apostolic
dotes, . famulani tuuin* priests, liast hestowerf
N.ppntificeJi (sett racer- on thy servant N. the
dotali) fecisti dignitate pontifical (or priestly)*'
vigere : praesta qnaesii- dignity ; grants we be-
mus, ut eorum quoque seech thee, that he may*'
perpetuo. . aggregetur* also be joined with them
consortio. Per Domi- in perpetual society t
num, See. . Thro’, Sec.
V- Fora Father and Mother deceased.
D EUS, cjui uos pa- God, who' hast
trem et mairem' commanded us to
hofiorire praecipisti, mi- honour our father apd .
sereteclcinenteramma mother, have compas-*,.
bus patris et matris sion, in thy mercy, ott,.
meat, eorumqtie pec- the souls of my father^
. cat* dirnitte, meque eos’ and rnpfsher,qnd forg>ve :
in spleln® claritaus gait- them their sins, and j
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26 Prayers for the Dead. •
dio fac vktere. Per Do- grant that we may meet,
minum, &c. in the joy of eternal
bliss. Thro*, &C.
Jbr a Father or a Mother .
D EUS, qui nos pa- God, who hast com-
trem honorare V/ manded tis to ho-*
prsecepisti, miserere cle- nour our father and mo-
inenter animae patris ther, have mercy* thn/
mei, ( vel matris meae) thy goodness, on the
•jtisque peccata dimitte, soul of my father (or my
meque eum in aeternae mother) and forgive him
elaritatis gaudi© fan vi- {her) his {her) sins, and
dere. Per Dominum grant I may see him
nostrum, &c. (ter) in the joy of eter-
nal bliss. Thro’, dec.
For a Mother deceased,
D EUS* qui nos pa- God, who hast
trem et matrem VJ commanded u$ to
honorare praecepisti, mi- honour our father and
serere clementer animae mother, have nsefcy,
matris meae, ejusque thro* thy goodness, on
peccata dimitte, meque ; the soul of my mother,,
eum in aternae ciarita- and forgive her her sins,
tis fac videre. Per Do- and grant I may see her'
minum nostrum, dec. in the joy of eternal
bliss. Thro’, dec.
For a Man departed,
I Nclina, Domine, au- TNcline, O Lord, thy
rem tuam ad preces j,. ear to our prayers, in
nostras, quibus miseri- which we humbly be-
cord ianr tuam suppl ices seech thy mercy, that
deprecamur : ut anr- thou wouldst place the
mam famuli tui, quam soul of thy servant,
de hoc saeculo migrare which thou hast caused
jussisti, in pads ad lucis to depart from this
regione constituas: et world into the region
sanctorum luorura ju- of peace and light; and
beas esse consortem. unite it in the fellowship
Per Dominum nostrum, of thy saints. Thro*, dec.
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Prayers for ike Dead. 27
For a Woman deceased*
Q UaesumusDomine, T JI fE beseech thee,
pro tua pieiate V V O Lord,Ybr thy
miserere animae faniulae goodness, have merfcy
'tuae; eta contagiis raor- on the soul of thy ser-
talitatis exutam, in «• vant; and being freed
ternar salvatiouis pat*- from the corruption Of
tem restitue. Per Do- mortality, restore her
minum nostrum, &c. ^the portion of eternal
salvation. Thro’> & c.
On an anniversary Day. If it be for one Person on-
ly. it is to be said in the singular number .
D EUS iudnigentia- £ \ Lord, the God of
rum Doming da pardon, give to
aniinabus famuiorum the souls of thy servants,
famularumque luaruin, men and women depart-
oujrum anniversarium * ed, whose anniversary
aepositionis diem com- day of departure we
roemoramus refrigerii commemorate, the seat
sedepv ^uietis.bcautur of refreshment, the hap-
drnem, et'luminisclari- piiless of rest, and the
tatem. Per Dominum brightness of eternal
nostrum, &c. light. Thro', be.
For Brethren , Relations , and Benefactors .
D EUSveniaelarcitor t A God, the giver of
et huuiause salutis pardon, and lover
amator ; qusesumus of human salvatiou, we
clementiam ttiam, ut beseech thy clemency
nostrap congregation is to grant that the bre-
fratres, propmquos, et thren, relations, and be-
benefactores, qiii ex hoc tiefactors of our con-
aseculo trausierum, bea- gregation, who are de*
ta Maria semper virgine parted this world, may,
intercedente, cum om- by the intercession of
nibus sauctus tuis, ad the blessed Mary, ever
perpetual beati^dinis virgin, and of all thy
consortium perveuire saints, attain to the fel*
concedas Per Dotni- lowship of eternal bea-
num nostrum. &c. titude Thro’, &c.
C 2
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28 At Matins.
Tor the Dead in general.
F IDELIUM Dens ^XGod, the Creator
omnium conditor V^/ and Redeemer of
et redemptor, animabus
iamuloruui iamularum-
que luariim reraissio-
nem cunctorum tribue*
peccatorum : ut indul-
gentiam, quant semper
Optaverunt, piis suppli-
cationibus consequan-
tur. Qui vivis et reguas
cum i)co Patre in u ro-
tate Spiritus Sancti Dj-
tis, per omnia ssecula
R. Amen.
-T ■■ ■ * ■
all the faithful, give to
the souls of thy servants,
men and women, the
remission of all their
sins* that by pious sup-
plications they may ob-
tain the pardon which
they have always desir-
ed. Who livest and
reignest with God the
[Father, in the unity of
the Holy Ghost, one
God, world without
R. Amen.
The following 1' vitatory is recited on All-Souls-
Day, and a* of ten as the three Nocturns are said,
as before directed in the rubric, .page 19# At
other tunes it u omitted , and the Office begins
with the Anthem Of the Psalms cy ///e. Nocturn,
token omy one Nut tum is said with the Lauds in
the following order , viz. on Monday and
' T|mr$uay, the first Not turn ; on Tuesday and
Friday, the second Noctura ; on Wednesday and
Saturday, the third Nocturn.
the invitatory.
Regem cui omuia vi- Come, let us adore
vunt, venite adoremus. the king, to whom all
things live.
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» \ ,y o.
r Jor the Dead.
Regem. cut omnia vi-*
vunt, veniteadoremus.
i :
ENITE exulterous
Domino, jubile-
moa Deo salutari nos-
tro : pneoccupenma ia-
cipm ejus in confession©,
et in psalmis jubileum s
«i?:i .
j. Regem cui omnia vi-
vunt, veuite adoremus.
. Quoniam Deus mag-
nus Dominus,et Rex
magnus super omnes
deos : aqgii.iani . non
re pellet Dominus t pie*/
bem suarn, quia in ma-
ny ejus sunt omnes fi-
ne? torxae : et altmidk
nes moniium ipse con,
Venite adoremus.
. Quonmm .ipsius est
mare, et ipse fecit illud,
ec -aridam furidaverunt
loajius ejus 4 Veoifle
adoremu^ , et.vprocida-
mus ante Deura ? .plo > *
remus c ora m Domino,
qui fecit nos, quia ipse
est Donnnws -Dens
ifoster : nos autem_po-
pulus -ejus* et oves pasr.
uiie qjus. " -
. Gome, let us adore
the king* to whom all
things live*
xciv. t . .*• ■ . ■;
C OMEf-kt us praise ‘
the Lord with
joy : let us joyfully sing
to God our Saviour. Let
us come ^before his pre-
sence with thanksgiv-
ing : and make a joyful
noise to him with
psalms. * •
Gome let us adhre
the King, to whom ali
things live. ' .
For the Lord is
great God, and a great
Kingv above all gods i
hecause.lbe Lord repels
not his people, for its hii
hand are all the ends of
the earth i and the
heights of the moun-
tains are his.
Come let us adore. -
For the sea is his, •
and he made it : and
his hands formed the
dry hind. Come let us
adore and fall rio&n ?'
and weep before IheLord
-that made • us; — FOrUH*
»S ? 'the Lord our God :
and we are i he people
ot his pasture; aath the
sheep* ot»dt -
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.BO At Matins*
Regem cui omnia vi-
vunt, venite adoremus.
Hodie si vocem ejus
audieritis, noliteobdu-
rare corda yestra, sicul
in exacerbatione secun-
dum diem ter. tat ion is
in deserto: uhi teuta-
verunt me patres vestri,
probaverunt, et vide*
runt opera mea.
Venite adoremus.
Quad rag mt a annis
proximus hu generatio-
oni huic, et dial, semper
hi errant corde: ipsi
vero non cognoverunt
yias meas, qu i bus jura vi
in ira mea, si introibunt
in requiem meam.
Regem cui omnia vi-
vunt, venite adoremus.
Requiem aetcrnam
dona eis, Domine, et
lux perpetua iuceat eis.
Venite adoremus.
Regem cui omnia vi-
yunt, venite adoremus.
Come, let us adore
the King, to whoq& all
things live., if you shall
hear his voice, harden
not your hearts : as in
the provocation, accord-
ing to the day of temp.
Ution in the wilderness:
where your lathers
tempted me, .they prov-
ed me, and saw my
Come, let iis adore.
Forty years long was
I offended with that ge-
neration: and I said:
These always err in
their hearts. And these
men have not known my
ways : so I swore in my
wrath mat they shall
not enter into my rest.
Come, lei us adore
the King, to whom all
things live.
Grant them eternal
rest, O Lord, and let
perpetual light shine
on them.
Come, let us adore.
Come, let us adore
the King, to whom all
things live.
On Monday and Thursday*
Ant* Dirige, Domine Anth, Direct, O Lord
Deus me us, in conspec- my God, my way in thy
tu tuo, viain meam. sight.
ed by Google
First Noclur n. Si
\TErba mea auribus
~ percipe, Domine :
iotellige clamorem me-
9. Intende voci ora-
tionis me* : Rex meus,
et Dens meus.
3. Quoniam ad te
orabo: Domine, mane
exandies vocem meam.
4 . Mane astabo tibi
et videbo : quoniam
non Detis volens ini-
quitatem tu es.
5. Neque habhabit
juxta te maiignus : ne-
que permanebunt injus-
ti ante oculos tuos.
6. Odist i omnes qui
operant ur iniquitatem:
perdes omnes, qui lo-
quuntur racndacium-
7. Viruin sanguiitum,
et dolosum abominabi-
tur Dominus : ego au-
tem in multitudine mi-
aericordne tuae,
©.Introibo in domum
tuam : ad ora bo ad
templuiq sanctum tu-
um, in timore tuo.
9. Domine deduc me
in justitia tua : propter
inimicos mem dirige iu
conspectu tuo viam
G IVE ear, OLord, to
my words, under*
stand my cry.
9, Hearken to the
voice of my prayer, O
my King and my God.
3. For to thee will 1
pray: O Lord, in th<e
morning thou shaft
hear my voice.
4. Iu the morning I
will stand before thee,
and will see : that
thou art not a God that
wiliest iniquity.
5. Neither shall the
wicked dwell near thee:
nor shall the unjust
abide before thy eyes.
6. Thou hatest all
the workers of iniquity:
thou wilt destroy all
that speak a lie.
7. The bloody and
the deceitful man the
Lord wilL abhor % but as
for me, in the multitude
of thy mercy,
6. I will come into
thy house : I will wor-
ship towards thy holy
temple, iotbyfear
9. Conduct 6
Lord, in thy justice:
because of my enemies,
direct my way in thy
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3 & At Matin*.
10. Quoniatp non est
ill ore eoiruiii' veritafk
cor eoruni vauhm est.
11. Sepulchrum pa-
,t*ns est guttur eoruni,
linguis suis dolose age-
bant, judica illos Deus.
12 Decidant a co^ita-
tionibus suit, secundum
multitudincm impieta-
lum eoruni expelle eos,
qooniam irritaverant te,
5 IS. Et lstentur onr\-
nes qui speraut in te, in
sternum exultabuut v :
et habitabis m eis.
14. Et gloriabuntur
in te onioes, qui dili-
gunt uoiiien tuurn, quo-
iiiam tu benedicesjusto.
15 pomine, ut scu-
to.bons voluntatis tusq,
coronasli nos.
* Kequiem seternam,
&c. ;
Ant. ^)iYige, Demine
Den s mieu*, in conspec-
‘tii tuo^. viain meam,
1 Ant. Converters, Do-
pine. . " \
10. Foy. there is iio
truth in their mouth :
their heart is vain. ;
11. Tbeir tnroat la aa
open sepulchre : : they
dealt deceittully with
their tongues : judge
them, O God.
12. Let them Fay
from their devices : ac-
cording to the multi-
tude of their . wicked-
nesses cast them put :
for they have provoked
thee, O Lord.
13. But let ail them
be. gkd that hope in
thee : they shall ' re-
joice for ever, and thou
shah dwell in them.
14. And all they that
love thy name shall
glory in thqe : for, thou
wilt Hess the just.
lo. 0 Lord, thoju hast
crowned us, as with a
shield of thy good-rwill.
Grant them eternal
rest, &c ,
, AhUi. Direct, O Lord
my God, my stey$ ju
thy sight. ‘ . ;
-dn/A.Tutn to me. O
First Noctum.
Fsalm vi.
D Omine, ne in furo-
re, tuo arguas me,
rieque in Ira tua corri-
das me*
2. Miserere mei Do-
mine, quoniam iufirmus
sum : sana me Domiae
quoniam conturbata
■sunt ossa inea.
f 3. Et anuria mea tor-
l>ata est valde : sed tu
Domiue usquequo ?
4 . Converters Domi-
et eripc auimam
rneam : sal v urn me Cac
|>ropter misericordiam
5. Quoniam non est
in morte.qui memor sit
Jtui ; in .nferno autem
quis coutitebitux tibi ?
6. Laboravi in gemi-
tu meo, lavabo per sin-
gulas nodes ledum
meum : lacrymis meis
stratum meum rigabo.
7. Turbatuser t a fu-
rore ocuius meus : iu-
Wteravi inter onmes
inimicos meos,
8. Discidite k me om-
ne$ qui operaimni ini
quitatem : quoniam ex-
a,udivit Donkinus vo-
cem fletis meL
O Lord, rebuke me
not in tby indig-
nation, nor chastise me
in thy wrath
t. Have mercy on me,
6 Lord, tor I am weak*
heal me, O Lord, for
my bo^es are troubled/
8. And my soul is
troubled exceedingly :
,but thou, O Lord, bow
long ?
4 . Turn to me, O
Lord, and deliver my
soul : O save me .for
thy mercy’s sake.
. 3. For there is no one
in death that is, mind'?
ful of thee ; and who
shall confess to thee in
hell ? . .
6. I have laboured in
my groanings, every
night I will wash my
bed ; I will water my
couch with my tears.
7. My eye is troub-
led through indignati-
on ; I have grown old.%»
mongst all my enemies.
8. Depart from ms^
all ye workers of ini-
quity ; for the Lori
hath heard the voice of
my weeping.
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34 At Matins.
9. Exaudivit Do mi-
nus deprecationem me.
am, Dorn inns, oratio-
nem meam suscepit.
10. Erubescant et con-
turbentur vehement er
omnes inimici mei :
convertantur et erubes-
c&nt vakle velociter.
Requiem seternam,
Ant. Convertere Do-
mine, et eripe animam
meam : quoniam non
est in morte, quime-
mor sit tui.
Ant. Ne quando ra-
9. The Lord hath
beard my supplication ;
the Lord hath received
my prayer.
10 Let all my ene-
mies be ashamed, and
be very much troubled ;
let them be turned
back, and be ashamed
very speedily.
Grant them eternal
rest, &c.
Anth . Turn to me, Q
Lord, and deliver my
sou It for there is none in
death who will be mind-
ful of thee.
Anth Lest at any
$i*k time.
Psalm vii.
D Oinine Deus meus
in to speravi : sal-
vum me far ex omnibus
perseqtieniihus me, et
libera me.
2. Ne quando rapiat
lit leo animam meam s
duni non est qui redi-
mat, nequequi salvum
3. Pom ice Deus me-
us si leci istud : si est
iniquitas in man i bus
meis :
* 4. Si reddidi retribu-
<entibus mihi mala: de-
eidam merito ab inimi-
cis meis inanis.
Lord, my God, in
thee have I put
my trust : save me from
all them that persecute
me, and deliver me.
2. Lest at auy time
he seize upou my sou{,
like a lion, while there
is no one to redeem me,
nor to save-
4. OLord, my God,
It I have done this
thing, it there be ini-
quity in my hands ;
4 if I have rendered
to them that repaid me
evils, let me deservedly
fell empty before my
First Aoc/wra. 35
3. Persegualur inirni-
tfus aninram meam, et
comprehendat, et con-
culcet in terra vitam
meam : et gloriam me-
am in pulvercm dedu-
6. Exurge Dominc in
Ira tua : et exahare in
finibus inimicorqm me-
7 Et exurge Domine
Deus meus in praecepto
quod mandasti : el sy-
nagoga populorum cir-
8. Et propter hanc in
altum regredere : Do-
rn iniisjudicat populos.
9. Judica me Domine
^c'undum juslitiam me-
am 1 : et secundum in-
nocentiam meam super
10. Consuroetur ne-
qtiitia peccatorum, et
dirigesjustum: scrutans
corda et renes, Deus.
11, Justum adjutori-
um meum h Domino :
qui salvos facit rectos
12. Deus judex jus-
tuX, fortis, ei patiens:
rmmquid irasVitur per
s!Rguu;s dies ?
6. Let the enemy
pursue my souT, and
seize it; and tread dowq
my life on the earth;
aud bring down my
glory to the (just.
7. Rise up, O Lord,
in thy anger : and be
thou exalted in the bor-
ders of my enemies.
8. And arise, O Lord
my God, in the precept
which thoti hast com-
manded. And a con-
gregation of people shall
surround thee.
8. And for their satfes
return t\wu on high.
The Lord judgeth the
9. Judge me, O Lord, \
according to my jus- \
tice, and according to j
my innopence in me. !
10. The wickedness
of sinners shall he
brought to nought, and
thou shalt direct the
just: the searcher of
hearts and reins is God,
31. Just is my help
from the Lord : wha
saveth the upright ot
X2. Gcd is a just
judge, strong, and pati-
ent : is lie angYy every
day ?
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36 At Matins..
13. Nisi conversi fue-
ritis; gladium suum Vi-
brabit : arcum Suum te-
tendit, et paravit ilium.
14. Et in eo paravit
vasa mortis : sagittas
suasardentibus effecit.
15. Ecce parturiit in-
iustitiam ; concept do^
lorem, et perpent ini-
16. Lacum a pern it et
offodit eura: et incitfit
in foveam quam fecit.
17. Convertetur do-
lor eju« in caput ejus :
et in verticem ipsius in-
iquitas ejus descended
18. Confitebor Domi-
no secundum justitiam
ejus : et psallam nomini
Domiui altissimi.
' Requiem aetcrnam,
Ant. Nc quando ra-
piat ut ien aniinam
meam,dum non est qui
redimat, neque qui sal -
vum faciat.
V. A porta inferi.
18. Except you will
be converted, he will
brandish his sword ; he
hath bent his bow, and
made it ready 1
14. And in it he hath
prepared the instru-
ments of death he hath
made ready his arrow*
for them that bum.
15. Behold he hatb v
been in labour with in-
justice ; he hath con-
ceived sorrow, and
brought forth iniquity.
16. He hath opened
a pit and dug it: and
he is fallen into the
hole he made.
17- His sorrow shall
be turned on his own
head : and his iniquity
shall come down upon
his crown.
18. And I will give
glory to the Lord a<>
cording to his justice;
and will sing praise to
the name of the Lord
the most high.
Grant them 'eternal
rest, &c.
Ant h. Lest at any time
the enemy seize upon
my soul, like a lion,
while there is none to
redeem me, nor to saVe.
V. From the gates of
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First Npcturn. Sf
It.Eiue Domine ani- R. Deliver, their soul,
mas eorum. O Lorck ’
Pater noster, &c. *e- Our Father, &c. in
creto. * secret. ' "
The first Lesson. Job vii.
P Arce miln Domine, O Pare me, O Lord,* for
nihil enim stint dies my daysare nothing,
'inei.. Quid est homo, What is a mshl that their*
quia magnificas eum ? shouldst magnify him ?
aut quid apponis erga or why dost thou set
eumcortuum? Viskas thy heart uporvhim ?
fum diluculo, et subito Thou visitest hiineaHy
p rob as ilium. Usque- in the morning, and thou
t.qtio non parcis mihi-,nec provest him suddenly,
aimittis me ut glutiam How long wilt thtfti not .
salivammeam? Pecca- spare mCj nor let me
jvii quid faciam tibi, O atone to swallm* down
cuetoshominum? Quare my spittle ? 1 have sin-
posuisti me contrarium ncd,vwhai shall I do to
tibi, et (actus sum mi- thee, O keeper of mfeh ?
himetipsi gravis * Cur why hast thodr set me
non toilis pecca Him me- opposite to f thee, • and I
utn ? et quare non an* am become burdensome
fers iniquitatem tneam ? to myself? Why dost
Ecce nunc in putvcre thou not remove my
dormiam, et si mane me sin, and why dost thou
quaesieris, non subsis- not take away my ini-
tam. quity ? -Behold now I
shall sleep m the dust;
and if thou seek me in the morning I shall not be.
It. Credo quod Re- R. I believe my Re-
demptor mens vivit;' et deemer hvetb, and that
in novissimo die de in- the last day I shall
terra surrecturus sum ;* rise- from the earth, *
« t in came me urn vide- and in my flesh I shall
bo Deum salvaiorem see God my Saviour,
nieurn. .
V. Qwem vistirussuiu V. Whom' I myself
ego ipse, et non alius, et shall see, and not a«o-
v. . , - D - • '
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4* Matin f,
ociili raei conspecturi ther, and my eyes shall
sfint. *Et in came mea. behold.* And in my flesh.
The second Lesson . Job x.
T ^det animam me- Ti >TY soul is weaiy of
am vitae me®, di- iVA my life, I will let
mittam adversnm me go my speech against
eloquium tneum, locjuar myself, I will speak in
In amarituiline animae .the bitterness of roy
me®. Dicam Deo ; noli soul. I will say to God:
me condemnare : indica Do not condemn me:
mihi, cur me ita judices. tell me why thou judg»
Numquid boiium tibi est me so. Doth it seem
videtur, si calumiueris good to thee that thou
me, et oprimas me opus shouldstcalumhiate me,
manuum tuarum, et and oppress me, the
consilium impiorum ad- work of thy own hands,
juves ? Numquid oculi and help the counsel of
carnei tibi sunt : aut si- the wicked ? Hast thou
cut videt homo, et lu eyes of flesh : or shait
videbis? Numquid sicut thou see as man seeth ?
dies homiuis dies tui; Are thy days as the
et anni tui sicut huma- days ot man, and are
na sunt tempora, ut thy years as the times of
quaeras iniquitatem me- men, that thou shouldst
am, et peccalum meutn enquire after my iniqui-
scrutenis? Etsciasquia ty, and search after my
nihil impium fecerim, sin? And shouldst know
cum sit nemo* qui de that I have done no
maou tua possit eruere. wicked tiring, whereas
there is no man that can deliver out of thy hands.
R. Qui Lazarum le- 'Jl. Thou who didst
suscitasli a monumen- raise Lazarus stinking
to fcetidum. *Tu eis from the grave* *Thoci,
Domi tie dona requiem, O Lord, give them rest,
et locum indulgent;®. and a place of pardon.
V. Qui venturus es V. Who art to come
judicare vivos et iGor- to judge the living and
tuos, et saeculum per the dead, and the workl
ignem. * Tu eis, Do* by fire, • Thou. 0 *
mine, L^rd,
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First Nocturn , $0
The third Lesson* Job x. -
M Anustuaefecerunt HpHY hands have
me, et plasma- X made me, and fa-
vemntmetotum in cir- shioned me wholly
cuitu : et sic repente round about, and dost
pisecipitas met Me- thou cast me down
mento quaeso quod si- headlong on a sudden ?
cut lutum lecens me, et Remember, I beseech
in pulverum reduces thee, that thou hast
me. Nonne sicut lac' made me' as the clay,
mulsisti me, et sicut and thou wilt bring me
raseum me coagulastr ? into dust again. Hast
Pelle et carnibus vestis thou not milked me and
ti me : ossibus, et ner- curdled me like cheese?
vis compegisti me. Vi- Thou hast clothed me
tam et misericordiam with skin and flesh'}
tribuisti mihi, et visita- thou hast put me to-
tio ttia custodlvit spi- gether with bones and
ritum meum. sinews. Thou ha&t
granted me life and
mercy, and thy violati-
on hath preserved my
R. Domine, quando R. O Lord, when
vencrisjudicareterram, thou " shall come tp
ubi me abseondam 4 judge the earth, where
vultu irae tuae? Quia shall I' hide myself from
peccavi nimis in vita the face of* thy wrath?
mea. Tor I have Sinned ex*
ceedingly in my life.
V. Cothmissa mea V. I dread my mis-
pavesco, et ante te era- deeds, and blush before
fresco; durn veneris ju- thee : do not condemn
dicare, noli me condem- me, when thou shak
nare. * Quia peccavi come to judge. *Fori
nimis in vita taea. have sinned exceeding*
ly in my life. j
D 2
40 At Matins .
V. Requiem aternam V. Grant them eter-
don* eis,Domine,et4gx nal rest, O Lord, ami let
perpetua luce at eis. perpetual light shine
*Quia peccavi nimis in on them * For 1 have,
litre the Lauds ere recited , when the first Nocturw
only is said.
j - \ *
• *. •
t At tur, Second Nocturn.
u ( On Tuesday and Friday. 4
Ant, In loco pascuae ' Anth. In a place of
ibi itie cbllocavit. pasture he hath set me.
Psalm xxii.
D Ominua regifc me, rr^HE Lord nileth me;
et nihil wihi dee- X and I shall want
rit : in loco pascuse, ibi nothing. He hath set
me collocaviU r * me in a place of pas-
; « turn.
G Super aquam re* 8. He hath brought
fectionis educavit me : me up on die water
an imam meam convert of refreshment; he hath
tit. converted my soul. <
3. Deduxitme, super S. He hath led me on
sejamas jnstitis, • prop* the paths of justice, for
J&ruomen suum. . hisown name’s^ sake.
4. Nam, et si ambu- 4 . For the’ I should
lavero in medio umbrae walkdn the midst of the
Baortis, non timebo ma- shadow, of death, I will
la4-,quoniam tu mecum fear no evUs, for thou
.es. - i art with me.
5. Virga tua, et bacu- 5. Thy rod and thy
los tuus : ipsa me con- staff, they have £om*
*oiata sunt, . lotted me.
, y Google
Second Nocturn . • 41*. .
*6. Parasti inconspec- •« . 6. Thou hast: prepay r --
4*T meo mensam: ad- ed a table before
‘versos eos-qui tribulant against them that wfc.
xne. flict me. • :
7. Tmpinguastrin oleo 7. Thou hast ano’mt-
eaput meuin ; et eali* ed my head with oil*
tneus inehnans quara and my chalice which
•pr&clarus est. inebriateth me Jiow
8. Et misericord ia tua goodly is ill
eubsequetur me: omni- 8. And* "Tfiy ~ ? mercy
-bus diebus vitae me®. will follow me all the
days of my life;
9. £t lit inhabitfem 9. And that 1 1 may
in domo Domini;: in dwell in the house of
iottgitudinem die rum. the Lord, unto 4engtfr
of days. ■ k *
Requiem setetnam, nGrant Hliem eternal *
■&c. . rest, &c; '* .
Amt. In loco pascuse Anth. In a place of
fibi me collooavit'. pasture he hath set me:
Ant. Delieta. Antki The offences..
Ptatm xxrvi ■ 1
A D 4© Dotnine leva* thee, O Ldrd,
vi animam mcam « X liave I lifted up
Dens metis in ite confi- my; soul, in tbee/O' tny .
de, non entbescam. ’ God; 1 put my trust j •'
* > * •> * j let mewit be a$l ranted; *
8* Neque irrideawt 8. Neither Jet my
me inimioimeii etenim enemies laugh at me t
umversi, qtfi 'ewfctiucnt for none of them, that
te, nonconhudemur; * wait on cf>ee shall be
. ; confoundedi
3. Confimdantur. om* 3. Lee. all thenv be? *
nes iuiqiia agentes : Su- confounded that act iln-
pervaCue. * ' jbst things withdttT
■ ‘ • , • • ‘ d oan6er. •’ < * 1 '
4 . Vias tuas, Domi 4. Shew, O LoPd>*thyp
ne v deinonstra mihit et ways to roe, and teac&
^seiuitas tuas edoce me. me thy paths*
O 3
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42 At Matins,
5. Dirige me in veri-
iate tua, et doce me:
quia tu es Deus Salvator
mens, et te sustinui io-
ta die.
- 6. Remio1s< ere roise-
rationuin tuarum Do-
mine: et misiricordia
rum tuarum quae k sas-
culo sunt.
7.;Delicta juventutis
«ne» : et ignorantias
meas ne rnemmeris.
& Secundum faiseii-
ccrdiaiu tuaan memeii*
to qtet tu 3 pcupter bo*
uitatem luam Dotuiue.
' 9. Dulcis et reclus
Dominus: propter, hoc
legem dabifcdelinqucn-
tibus in via
10. Dirigt t roanSue-
tos in judicio : docebtt
mites vias suas. I
1 U Umversa? vise Do*
mini misericord ia et ve*
rita$,-requirentil>ua tes-
tameotum ejus et testi.
monia cjus.
12. Propter nevnert
tuum, Domine* propi-
tiaberis peccato meo i
mulUMD est enioi*
18. Quis est homo
qui timet Dominum ?
Legem statuit ei in via,
quern elegit.
5. Direct me in thy
truth, and teach me :
♦or thou art God my Sa*
viour ; and on thee nave
T waited all the day long.
6 Remember, OLord,
thy bowels of compas-
sion; and thy mercies
that are from the be*
gh aing of the world.
7. The sins of my
youth and my ignoran-
ces, do not remember.
8. According U> . thy
mercy remember thou
me a for thy goodness
sake, O Lord.
9. The I oiid is sweet
and righteous; there*
fore lie will give ® law
to sinners in the way;
10. lie will guide the
mild in judgment : he
will teach the meek his
11. All the ways of
the Lord are mercy and
truth, to them that
seek alter bis coeenaut
and his testimonies.
12. For thy name's
sake, OLord, thou wilt
pardon my sin t for it is
13. Who is the roan
that feareth the Loid >
lie hath appointed him
a law' in the way he
hath chosen.
Second Nocturn, 43
14. Animaejus in bo-
nis demorabitur : et se*
men ejus hsereditabit
15. Firmamentam est
Dorninus timentibus
eum : testamentum ip*
siusut manifestetur il-
16. Oculi mei semper
ad Dominum : quoniam
ipse evellec de laquto
pedes meos.
17. ttespice in me, tet
miserere mei : quia uni*
cus et pauper sum ego.
18. Tribulationes cor*
dis mei multiplicatse
sunt : de necessitatibus
meis erue me.
19. Vide humilitatem
meant et » laborem mo
am : et dimitte univer-
sa delictamea. .
SO. Itespice in mi i cos
meo*, .'quoniam multi*'
plicati sunt : et orbo ini-
quo oderuut me.
21. Custodi animam
mcatn, et erue me : non
erubescam quoniam
speravi in te *:
22. Innocentes et
recti adhaaserunt mihi :
quia susdnui te.
23. Libera ;Deus Is*
14. His soul shaft
dwell in good things}
and his seed shall in*
herit the land.
15. The Lord is a fir*
raament to them that
fear him : and his co«r
venam shall be made
manifest to them.
16. My eyes are ever
towards the Lord; for
be shall pluck my feet
out of the snare. -
17. Look thou upon
me, and have mercy on
me; for I am alone and
18. The troubles of
'my heart are multipli-
ed; deliver, me from
my necessities. • «
19. See tny abjection
and my labour ; and
foi^pve -me all my sins.
1 30. Consider my e&e*
mtes, for they are mul-
tiplied, and have hated
me with an unjust ha-
tred. - *
i lb Keep thou my
soul, and deliver me;
l shall not be ashamed,
for I have hoped in thee.
33: The innocent and
the upright have adher-
ed to me; because I'
have waited on tliee.
i3. Deliver Israel, -O
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44 At Matins . T
Tael t ex omnibus tribu- God, from all hnlfibu-
tefionibns §uss.- • lations.
Requiem aeternam, Grant them eternal
Ssci, ' rest, &c.
jkiL Delieta jtnrentu-* Anttu The »■ sins of
tie met, et ignorant iaS my youth, and my igno-
mcBSy nemeiunens Do* r antes, do not remera-
mine. ' • her, O Lord.
Ant. Credo vtdere. Antk. I believe to see.
. : Pmdtn xxvL ^
D Ominus illumina* r pHE Lord is my light
tiomea, et salus A and ray salvation,
■Boat quern timeho ? whom shall Hear? '
. 2. Doeiinus protector ft. The; Lord is the
vitas meae : tiquwtrept* protector of my life;
dabo. of whom shall 1 be
-• . afraid?
: S* Dun wpproprmnt 3. Whilst the wicked
snper me nocentes r ut draw near against me,
edant carues naeas. to eat my fleshy :n
4. Qoi trdmiant me . 4- My enemies .that
ifctmid eaeift ipsi infers trouble me have them*
roati aunt, et>:ceade~ selves been weakened,
xunt. ami have fallen. :
JLSi coo si slant ad- * armies in camp
versum me castrat should stand together
non.tiraebit cor mewn. against me, my heart
6hall not fear.
6 . Si exurg&t adver-; 6 . If a battle should
sum me praslnHn : in rise up against me, in
hoc ega sperabUfc ' tbts wiU'l be confidents
. ?. Urwwn petiiiDe- ^.Cne thing I have-
raino, hanc requirams. asked ol'the Lord, this
ut inhabitem ; in : domo will I seek after ; that I
Domini > -omnibus 'die* may dwell in toe house*
bns'vitcnieaa. of the Lead aU the days
■ w * , *j.-: ‘ of my. life,
v <8. Ut videani volup- A Ttiat l may see the
tattfm Domini : et viaw delight of the Lord, and
aem teinplum 'jus. may vbit his tempk.
3y Google
Second Nocturn .
5. Quoniam abscon-
*dit me in tabernacolo
auo: in die malorum
protexit me in abscon*
<Uto tabernaculi sui.
10* In petraeKaltavit
me : et nunc exaltavk
caput meum super ini*
micas meos.
$i. CircHivi, et im-
exiolavi in tabernacul©
cjus hos tiara vocifcra-
tionis : cantabo et
jtealmum dicam Domi-
12. Exaudi Domine
vocem raeam qu& cla-
xnavi ad te : miserere
mei, et exaudi me.
Tibi dixit cor
meum,*€aquisivit te fa-
cies raea : facie ra tuam
Domine requiram.
14. Neavertas faciem
tuam a me : ne declines
in ira 4 servo tuo.
16* Adjutor meue es-
to : ne derelinquas me,
neque despicias me,
Dcus salutaris ra«u&
16. Quoniam patter
mens et mater mea de-
nelinqueruut me : Do*
joinus autem assumpsit
: 9. For he bath hid
me in his tabernacle; in
the day of evils, he hath
protected me in' the se*
©ret place of his taber-
40. He hath exalted
me .upon a rock : and
now he. hath litted -up
my head above my eno-
11. 1 have gone round,
and have offered up ih
his tabernacle a sacri*
fice of jubilation: 1
will sing; and recite a
p6a)m to the Lord.
12. Hear, O Lord, my
voice, with which I have
cried to , thee : have
.mercy on me, and hear
13. My heart hath*
said to thee : my face
hath sought thee: thy
face, O Ix>rd, will I still
14. Turn not away 7
thy face from me; de-
cline not in thy wrath
from thy servant. •
15. Be thou my help-
er, forsake me not ; do
not thou despise me, O
God ray Saviour. r
16. For my father
and my mother have
left me : but the Lord
hath taken me uju
Digitized byCjOO^lc
At Matins .
17. Legem pone mi- 17. Set me,0 Lord,
hi poraitie in viatua: a lawm the way, and
et dirige me in semi tana guide mein the right
rectam propter mi micros path, because of my
mcos. enemies.
18. Ne tradiderb me 18. Deliver me not
in animas tribuiaatum over to the will of them
meiqmmiammsurrexe- that trouble me: for
rust m me testes iniqui, nnjust witnesses have
et inentita cst iniqnitas risen up against me;
sibk . and iniquity hath lied to
IP. Credo videre bona IP. 1 believe to see
Domini in terra viven- the good things of the
than. Lora in the land of tile
livings ’
30. Expecta Domb 20. Expect the Lord,
iium, viriliter age : et do manfully, and let
eonfortetur cor tuum, et thy heart take dourage,
sustine Dominum. aud wait thou for the
Requiem aeternam, Grant them eternal
&c. rest, &c
Ant Credo videre Avitk. I believe to see
bona Domini in terra the good things of the
viveqtittm. Lord in the land of the
V. Collocet eos Do- V. May the Lord
mrmis cum principibus. place them with the
R. Cum principibus R. With the princes
populi stii. of his people.
Pater noster, secret o. Our Father, &qj in
The fourth Lesson. J«»b. xiii.
R Esponde mihi: VNswer me: how
qnantas haheo ini- many are my ini-
•quitates, et petrata : quittes and sins, make
scefera mea, atque de- me know my crimes and
licta ostende mihi. Cur offences. Why ; hid-
Digitized by Google
Second JSocturn . 47
faciera tuam abscondis,
et arbitraris me inimi-
eumtuum? Contra fo-
lium, quod vento rapi-
tur ostendis potentiam
tuam, et stipuiatn sic-
cam persequeris. Scribis
enim contra me amari-
tudines, et consumere
me vis peccatis adoles-
centia meae. Posuisti
in ncrvo pedem meum,
et observasti omnes se-
rnitas meas, et vestigia
pedum meorum consi-
derasti. Qui quasi pu
tredo consumendus sum,
et quasi vesti men turn
quoa coineditur a tinea.
It. Memento niei,
Deus, quia vermis est
vita mea : * nec aspiciat
me visus hominis.
. V, De profqnd is cla-
mavi ad te, Domine:
Doinine, exaudi vocem
meam. * Nec aspiciat.
. /
est thou thy &ce, and
thinkest me thy enemy ?
Against a leaf that is
cairied away with' the
wind* thou she west thy
power, and thou pursu*
est a dry straw. For thou
writest bitter things a-
gainst me, and wilt con-
sume me forth® sins of
my youth. Thou hast
put my feet in the
stocks, aud hast observ-
ed all my palhs,and hast
considered the steps of
my feet. Who am ro be
consumed, as rotten-
ness, and as a garment
that is moth-eaten.
It. Remember me, Q
God, because my life is
but wind : * nor may
the sight of man behold
V, From the depths I
have cried to thee, O
Lord : Lord, hear my
voice. * Nor may.
The fifth Lesson , Job xiv.
H Omo natus T\/l AN born of a wo
Here, hrevi vivens 1*X man, living for a
tempore, repletut multis short timers filled with
miserns. Qui quasi many miseries. Wi^o
Ros tgreditur et conteii- Cometh forth like a
tUr, et fugit velut um- flower, and is destroyed,
ora, et nunquam in eo- and fleeth as a shadow,
dem statu permanet. Et and never continueth in
dignum ducis super hu- the same state* And
by Google
At Mat inn
jusceraodi aperire' oeu-
los tuos, et adducere
eutn tecum in judicjum ?
Qui^ potest facere mun-
dum de- irtimundo con*
ceptum seminc? Nonne
tu qui solus es ? Breves
<dies hominis sunt, nu
• merits ntensium ejus
apud te est. (Jonstitvi-
isti terroinns ejus, qwi
prsteriri non |H)terunt»
Recede paululum abeo,
tit quiescat, donee op-
Uta veuiat, sicut, mer-
cetturii dies ejue.
R. Hei mihi, De-
mine, quia peccavi ni-
mis in vita mea : quid
taeiam, miser, ubi fugi-
am, nisi ad te, Deus
meus? * Miserere rnei
dutn veneris in novissi-
• mo die. ■
V, Auima mea tur-
bata eSt valde : sed tu,
Domine, succurre ei.
* Miserere mci
Q UIS mihi hoc m-
buat, ut in in-
ferno protegas me,et ab-
• ^condos me, donee per*
dost thou think it meet
to open thy eyes* upon
•such an one, and to* bring
him into judgment with
thee? Who can make
him clean that in con-
ceived of unclean seed ?
is it not thou who only
art? Tlie days of mas
are short, and the num-
her of his months is
with thee: thou hast
appointed his bounds
which cannot be pass-
ed.. Depart a little
from him, that he may
rest, until his wished
for day come, as - that
of the hireling.
ft. Woe is me, O
Lot cl, because I have
sinned exceedingly in
my life : O wretch,
what shall V do, whither
shall I fly but i o t bee my f
God ? • Have merc y on .
me when thou contest
at the latter day.
V. My soul is greatly
troubled; but thou, if
Lord, succour it. • Have
•mercy on me.
Job xiv.
HO will grant me
this, that thou
mayest protect me, in
hell, and hide pie till
The tirik Lft&en.
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Second Noctum. 49
transeat furor tuus, et thy wrath pass, and ap-
constituas mihi tempus, point me a time, when
in quo recorderis mei ? thou wilt remember
Putasne mortuis homo me? Shall man that is
rursum vivat ? Cunctis dead, thinkest thou,
diebus, quibus nunc live again ? all the days,
milito ; expecto donee in which I am now in
veniat immutatio mea. warfare, I expect until, et ego re my change come. Thou
spondeho tibi : operi shalt call me, and I will
manuum tuarum por- answer thee: to the
riges dexteram. Tu qui- work of thy hands thou
dem gressus meos di- shalt reach out thy right
numerasti, sed jmree hand. Thou indeed hast
peccatis meis. numbered my steps, but
spare iny sins.
R. Ne recorderis pec- R. Remember not
cata mea, Domine, dum my sins, O Lord, when
veneris ju dicare saecu- thou shalt come to
lum per ignem. judge the world by fire.
V. Dirige, Domine V. Direct, O Lord
Deus meus,in conspectu my God, my way in thy
tuo viam meam : *Dum sight : * When thou
veneris judicare ssecu- shalt come to judge the
lum per ignern world by fire.
V. Requiem aeter- V. Grant them eter-
nam dona eis Domine, nal rest, O Lord, and let
et lux perpetua Inceat perpetual light shine on
eis : * Dum veneris. them : ♦ When.
Here the Lauds are recited , when the second
Noctum only is said.
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At Matin*.
At the Third Nocturh.
On Wednesdays and Saturdays -
Ant. Cotnplaceat. Anth. May it please
Psalm xxxix.
Y^Xpectaos expectavi ’YTTITH expectation
Dominum : et in- W I have waited for
tend it mihi. the Lord, and he was at-
tentive to me.
2. fa exaudivit preces 2. And he heard my
meas: et eduxit me prayers, and he brought
de lacu miseriae, et de me out of the pit of mi-
lutoTaecis. sery and the mire qf
3. Et statuit supra 3. And he setomy feet
S etram pedes meos ; et upon a rock, and duect-
irexitgressus meos. ed my steps.
4. Et immisit in os 4. And he put a new
meum canticum no- canticle into my mouth,
vum : carmen Deo nos- a song to our God.
5. Videbunl multi, et 5. Many shall see this,
timebunt : et sperabunt and shall fear : and they
in Domino. shall hope in the Lord^
6. Beatus vir, cujus 6. Blfessed is the roan
est nomen Domini spes whose trust is in the
ejus : et non respexit in name of the Lord : and
vanitates, et insanias who hath not had re-
falsas. garcl to \ am ues and ly-
ing follies.
7. Mulia fecisti tu, 7. Thou hast multi-
Doxnine,. Deus meus, plied thy wonderful
snirabilia tua : et cogi- works, O Lord my God ;
tationibus tuis non est and in thy thoughts
qui similis sit tibi. there is no one like to
8. Annuntiavi, et 8. I have declared
locutus sum : multipii- and I have rfpoken :
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Third Noctvrn. M
-tati sunt super nume- they are multiplied
rum. above number.
S. Sacrificiura, et
oblationem noluisti :
aures autem pertecisti
to. Uolocaustum, et
11. In capite libri
scrip turn est ae me, ut
fkcerem voluntatem tu-
im : Deus me us, volui,
et legem tuam in medio
cordis mei.
12. Annuntiavijusti-
tiam tuam in ecclesia
magna : ecce labia me a
-non prohibebo, Dotnine,
tu scisti.
13. Justitiam tuam
-non abscond i in corde
meo: veritatem tuam,
et saiutare tuum dixi.
14. Non abscondi
misericordiam tuam et
veritatem tuam ; a con-
ciiio multo.
45. Tu autem, Do-
mine, ne longe facias
tniserationes tuas a me :
misericord la tua, et ve-
ritas tua semper susce-
perunt me.
Id. Quoniam circuro-
■dederuut me mala,
9. Sacrifice and obla-
tion thou didst not de-
sire ; hut thou hast
pierced cars for me.
10. Burnt offering and
sin offering thou didst
not require : then said I,
behold I come.
1 1. In the head of the
book it is written of me,
that I should do thy
will : O my God, 3 have
desired it, and thy law
in the midst of my
12. 1 have declared
thy justice in the great
church : lo I will not*
restrain my lips, O Lord
thou kuowest it.
43. 1 have not hid
thy justice within my
heart : I have declared
thy truth and thy sal.
14. I have not con-
cealed thy mercy and
thy truth from the great
15. Withhold not
thou, O Lord, thy ten-
der mercies from me:
thy mercy and thy
truth have always uj>-
held me.
16. For evils without
number have surround-
i 2
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52 At Matins*
quorum non est nume-
rus: comprehenderunt
me iniquitates iiaeae, et
non potui lit viderem.
17 • Multiplicats sunt
super capiilos capitis
mei : et cor meuin de-
reliquit me.
18. Complaceat, tibi
Domine, ut eruas me :
Do mine ad adjuvandum
me respice.
19. Confundantur et
revereantur simul, qui
qucerunt amniam rae-
am : ut auferunt earn.
20. Convertantur re-
trorsum,et revereantur:
qui voluot mihi mala.
21. Ferant confestim
confusionem suam : qui
dicunt mihi j Euge,
22. Exultent et tae-
tentur super te omnes
quaerentes te : et dicant
semper ; magnificetur
Dominos, qui diiigunt
salutare tuum.
23. Ego autem men-
dicus sum, et pauper :
Dominus sollicitus est
24. Adjutor meus et
protector meus tu es :
Dcus meus ne tarda-
ed me ; my iniquities
have overtaken me, and
I was not able to see.
17. They are multi-
plied above the hairs of
my head : and my heart
hath forsaken me.
18. Be pleased, O
Lord, to deliver me ;
look down, O Lord, to
help me.
19. Let them be con-
founded and ashamed
together, that seek after
my soul to take it away.
20. Let them be turn-
ed backward and be a-
shamed, that desire
evils to roe.
21 Let them imme-
diately bear their con*
fusion, that say to me,
*Tis well, ’tis well.
22. Let all that seek
thee rejoice and be clad
in thee : and let such as
love thy salvation, say
always, the Lora be
23. But I am a beg-
gar and poor : the Lord
is careful for me.
2*. Thou ait my
helper and my protec-
tor : O my God, be not
)igitized byCjOO^lC
Third Nociurn. 5£
Requiem aeternam, Grant them eternal
&c. rest. See.
Ant • Complaceat tibi Ant A. Be pleased,
Domine, ut eripias me : O Lord, to deliver me :
Domine ad adjuvan- look down, O Lord, to
dum me respice. heln me.
Ant. Sana, Domine, A nth. Heal my soul,
animain meim. O Lord.
Psalm xl.
B Eatus qui intelligit
super egenum, et
pauperem : in die mala
liberal it eum Domi-
2. Dominus conser*
vet cum, et vivified
eum, et bealum faciat
etim in terra: et non
tradat eum in animam
3. Dominus opem
ferat illi super lectum
doloris ejus ; universum
stratum ejus versasti in
infirmitate ejus.
4. Egodixi: Domine,
miserere mei : sana ani-
mam mean), quia pec-
cavi tibi.
5. Inimici mei dix-
erunt mala mihi : quan-
do morietur, et peribit
nomen ejus.
6. Et si ingrediebatur,
ut videret, vana loque-
batur : cor ejus congre-
gavit iniquitatem sibi-
Lessed is he that un- j
^ derstandeth con- ;
cerning the needy and }
the poor: the Lord will \
deliver him in the evil f ;
day. |
2. The Lord preserve
him and give him life, j
and make him blessed >
upon the earth; and j
deliver him not up to \
the will of his enemies. *
3. The Lord help him }
on his bed of sorrow; ,
thou hast turned all his
couch in his sickness. 1
4 * I said : O Lord be
thou merciful to me:
heal my soul, for I have
sinned against thee.
6. My enemies have
spoken evils against
me: when shall he die,
and his name perish ?
6. And if he came
in to see me f he spoke
vain things ; his neart
gathered together ini-
quity to itself.
Digitized by Google
34 At Matins .
7. Egfedlebatur Io-
ta#.: et loquebatur in
8 Adversum me su-
■snrrabant omnesinimici
mei : advcrsum me po-
gitabant mala mihi.
9. Verbuin iniquum
constitueruut adversum
me : numquid qui dur-
•wait, lion adjieipt ut re-
surgat ?
10. Etenim homo pa-
ds cneae, in quo speravi :
qui edebat panes meos,
•magnificavit super me
Jl. Tu auiein, Du-
sn’tne, miserere mei, et
resuscita me: et reiri-
imam eis.
12. In hoc cognovi
quoniam voluisti me :
•quoniaana non gaudebit
iniirticus me us super
13. Me autem prop-
ter innooentiam sus-
cepisti : et 'confirmasti
«ne in conspectu tuo in
14. Beoedictus Domi-
nus Deus Israel & sae-
cul 9 , et usque in saecu-
lum ; fiat, fiat.
Requiem aeternam,
Sana! Domine,
7. He went out tfnd
spoke to tbe same pur-
8. All my enemies
whispered together a-
gainst rap : they devis-
ed evils to me.
9. They determined
against me an unjust
Word : shall he tjiat
sleepeth rise again no
more ?
10. For even themwr
of my peace, in whom 1
trusted, who ate my
bread, hath greatly sup-
planted me.
11. But thou, O Lord,
have mercy on me, and
raise me up again : and
I will requite them.
12. Py this I know
that thou hast had &
good will for me,* be-
cause my enemy shall
not rejojpe over me.
13. Butthou hast up-
held me by reason of
my innocence: and hast
established me in thy
sight for ever.
14 Blessed be the
Lord the God of Israel
from eternity *k> eter-
nity. So be it. So be it.
Anthf Grant them
eternal rest, &c.
Aat/u Heal my soui
Digitized byCjOO^le
Third 'Nbctvrn . 55
arifrnamn meatn : quia O Lord, because I have
Ipeccavi tibi. sinned against thee.
Ant, Sitivit. Anth. My soul.
T&alm *li;
Q Ucmadmodum de-
siderat cervus ad
<fomes aquarum : ita de-
siderat anima mea ad
te, Deus.
2. Sitivit anima mea
md Dturn fortem vivtim ■;
quando veniam, et ap-
parebo ante faciem Dei ?
3- Fuerunt mihi lacry-
tnae meae panes die ac
liocte: dum dickur
mihi quotidie : ubi est
Deus tints ?
4. Msec recordatus
rm, et effudi in eie
animam meam : quom-
-am iransibo in locum
tabernacidi admirabilis,
usque ad domum Dei.
In voce exultatio-
nis, et confessions
clonus epul antis.
IS. Quare tristte es
anima mea: et quape
7. Spera in Deo,
quoniant adhuc conh-
.ubur illi : salutare vui-
A S the hart panteth
after the fountains
of waters : so my soul
panteth after thee, O
2 My soul hath thirsft-
ed after the strong liv-
ing God ; when shall l
come and appear before
the face of God f
3. My tears have been
my bread day and night,
whilst it is said to me
daily, where is tby
4. These things I re-
membered, and poured
out my eo til in me : for
I shall go over into the
yd ace ot the wonderful
tabernacle, even to the
house of God :
5. With the voice of
joy and praise ; the
noise of one deasting.
Why art thou sad,
O my soul ? and why
dost thou trouble me r
7. Hope in God ; for
I will still give praise to
hint, the "salvatiott <of
by Google
66 At Matin**
tus mei, et Dcus meus.
8. Ad meipsum ani-
ma mea conturlata est :
propterca memor ero
tui de terra Jordanis, et
lkrmoniini h monte
9. Abyssus abyssura
invocat: in voce cata-
ract a rum tuarom.
10. Oiniua excelsa
tua et fiuct us tui: super
me transierunt.
11. In die mandavit
Dominus misericordi-
ani, attain: et nocte
eauticiun ejus.
VI. A pud me oratio
Deo vitae mese ; dicam
Deo, susceptor meus es.
13. Quare olditus es
mei, et quare toutrisla-
tusincedo: dum sffli-
gu me iunnicus.
14. Dum confringun-
tur ossa mea: expro-
baverunt mihi, qui tri-
bulaut me inimici mei.
16. Dumdiciint mihi
per singulos dies: ubi
eat Dews tuus ? Quare
uisiis es ai'.iiuamca, ct
quare couiurl as urc ?
Spera in Dio,
my countenance, and
my God.
8. My soul is trou-
bled within myself ;
therefore will l remem-
ber thee from the land
of Jordan and Hersno-
niim, from the little
9. Deep calleth on
deep, at the noise of
thy Hood-gates.
IQ. Ail thy heights
and thy billows have
passed over me.
11. In the day time
the Lord hath com-
manded his mercy; and
a canticle to him in the
18. With me is prayer
to the God of my life.
I will say to God, thou
art my support.
13. Why hast thou
forgotten uie? and why.
go 1 mourning, whilst
uiy cuetuy aftlicteth
14. W 7 hilst my bones
are broken, my enemies
who trouble roe have
reproached me.
15. Whilst they say
to me, day by day,
where is thy God ? W by
art thou cast down, O
my >oul ? and why dost*
thou di^juict me ?
10. Hope (lion iu
, y Google
Third Nocturn . 57
quoniam adhuc confite- God, for I will still give
bor illi : salutare vultus praise to him : the sal-
mei, et Deus metis. vation of my counte-
nance and my God.
Requiem aetemam, Grant them eternal
&c. rest, &c.
• Ant . Sitivit anima Anth. My soul has
itiea ad Deum vivum ; thirsted after the living
quando veniam, et ap- God ; when shall I
parebo ante faciem Do- come arid appear before
mini ? the face of the Lord ? ~
V. Ne tradas bestiis V. Deliver not to.
animal confitentes tibi. beasts the souls that
confess thee.
R. Et animas paupe- R. And the souls of
nun tuomm 11 c oblivis- thy poor forget not to
caris in fiuem. the end.
Pater noster, &c. Our Father, &c.
Totum secreto. All in secret •
The seventh Lesson. Job xvii.
OPiritus meus atte- Jl/FY spirit shall be
O nuabitur, dies mei JLV JL wasted, my days
breviabunter, et solum shall be shortened, and
mi hi super est sepul- only the grave remain -
clirum. Non pcccavi : eth for me. I have not
et in amaritudinibus sinned, and my eye ahid-
moratur oculus meus. nh in bitterness. De-
Libcra me, Doniine, et liver me, O Lord, and
pone me juxta te, et set me beside thee, and t
cujusvis manns pugnet let any man's hand fight f
contra me. Dies mei against me. My days
transierunt,cogitationes have passed away, my
mete dissipates sunt, tor- thoughts are dissipated, 5
quentescormeum.Noc- tormenting my heart :
tem verterunt in diem, They have turned night
et rursum post tenebras in to day, and after dark-
spero lucem. Si susti- ness, 1 hope for light
nuero infernus doinus again. If I wait, hell is
mea est, et in tenebris my house, and I have
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5# At Mmtinu
strmvi lectulurn meum. made my bed in dark-
Putredini dixi : pater ness. I have said to rot-
ineus es ; mater raea, tenness ; Thou art my
et soror mea vcrmibus. father : to worms ; you
Ubi est ergo nunc prse- are my mother and my
stolatio mea, et patien- sister. Where is now
tiam mea m, quis consi- then my expectation,
derat t and who considereth
my patieuce ?
It. Peccantcm me li. The fear of death
quotidie, et non roe troubles me: sinning;
pcenilentem, timor daily and not repent-
mortis conturbat me : mg; * because in hell
♦quia in inferno nulla there is no redemption,
est redemptio, miserere have mercy on me, O
met Deus, et saivu me. God, and save me.
V. Deus, iu nomine V. O God, in thy
tuo saivu m me fac, et in name save me, and in
virtute tua libera me; thy strength deliver me;
♦ quia in inferno. * because in hell.
The eighth Ten on. Job atix.
P Elli meseoonsump- ^T^HE flesh being con-
tis carnibus, ad hi- X sumed, my bone
sit os meum : et dere- hath cleaved to my skin,
licta sunt tantummodo and nothing but lips are
labia circa deqtes meos. left about my teeth,
Miseremini mei, mise- Have pity on me, have
remini mei, saltern vos pity on me, at least you
omici mei, quia manus my friends, because the
Domini tetigit me. hand of the Lord hath
•Quare persequimini me touched me. Why do
sicut Deus, et carnibus you persecute me as
roeis saturamini ? Quis God, and glut yourselves
mihi tribuat, vit scri- with my flesh? Who
bantur seraaones mei? will grant me that my
<Juis mihi det, ut exa- word* may be written ?
rentur iu libro stylo Who will grant me that
ferreo. et plumbi lami- they may be marked
ca, veb^elte sculpantur down in a book With
, y Google
Third Noctum.
in si free ? Scio ewim an iron pen, and in a
quod Redemptor mens plate of lead, or else be
vbit, et in novissimo graven with an instru-
die de terra surrec turns raent in dint stone ? For
sum^ et rursum cir- I know that my Re-
owmdabor peHe mea, et deemer liveth, and in
m came mea videbo the last day I shall rise
Dewn salvatocem me- out of the earth. And' I
non : quern visurus sum shall be cloathed again
ego ipse, et oculi mei with my skin, and in
conspecturi sunt, et non my flesh I shall see my
alius i reposita est hac God Whom I myself
spes mea m sinu meo. shall see, and my eyes
shall behold, and not
another: this my hope
is laid up in my bo-
R. Demine, seam- R. Judge me not, O
dtim actum menm noli Lord, according to my
mejudicarei nihil dig- deeds, for I have done
num in conspectu tuo nothing worthy in thy
«gi : ideo dcprecor ma- sight : therefore I be-
jestatem tuam, * ut tu, seech thy majesty,* that
Deus, deleas iniquita- thou, O God, mayest
tem meam. blot out my iniquity.
V. Arnphus lava me, V. Wash me,0 Lord,
Domine, ab injustitia • yet more from my in-
inea : et k dilecto meo justice, and cleanse me
anunda me. * Ut tu, from my sin. * That.
The ninth Lemon . Job x.
Q UARE de vulva \T7HY didst theu
eduxistime? qui W bring me forth
utinam consunaptus es- out of the womb* O
sem l ne octdos me vi- that l had been con-
deret. Fuissem quasi sumed, that eye might
non essera, de utero not see me ! I should
translatus adtumulum. have been as if I had
Numquid non pautit&s not beeu, carried from
Digitized byCjOO^IC
60 At Matins.
dierum meortim finietur
brcvi ? Dimitte ergo
me, ut plangam paulu-
lum dolorem meuni;
antequam vadam, et
non revertar, ad terrain
tenebrosam, et opertam
mortis caligne : terrain
miseriae et tenebrarum,
ubi umbra mortis, et
nullus ordo, sed scmpi-
ternus horror inhabitat,
R. Libera me, Domi-
ne, de viis inferni, qui
portas sereas confregis-
ti; etvisitasti infernuift,
et dedisti eis lumen, ut
viderent te * qui erant
impcenis tenebrarum.
the womb to the grave.
Shall not the fewness of
t my days be ended short-
ly ? suffer me, there-
fore, that I may lament
my sorrow a little:
before I go and return
no more, to a land that
is dark and covered with
the mist of death: a
laud of misery and dark-
ness, where the shadow
of death, and no order,
but everlasting horror,
R. Deliver me, O
Lord, from 'the ways of
hell, who hast broken
the brazen gates, and
hast visited hell, and
hast given light to them,
that they might behold
thee * who were in the
V. Clamantes et di-
, centes : advenisti Rc-
demptor noster. * Qui
V. Requiem aeternam
dona eis Domine, et lux
perpetua luceat eis.
•* Qui erant.
pains of darkness.
V. Crying, and say-
iug : thou art come, O
our Redeemer. * Who
V. Grant them eter-
nal rest, O Lord, and
let perpetdal light shine
on them. * Who were.
This is uluaus suid in He Week day Office. But
the foll’ U'in" Rcsponsory « sutd only on All
Souls Day," token the three Nocturns are
said together, at before , p. 13. *
R. Libera me. Do- R* Deliver me, O
mine, do moite'aeteriia. Lord, from eternal
m die ilia, tremenda, death, in that dreadful
Digitized byCjOO^le
At Lauds. 61
f quando coeli movendi day, fwhen the heavens
sunt et terra : * dum and earth are to be
veneris judicare saecu- moved : * when thou
him per ignem. shalt come to judge the
world by fire.
V. Tremens factus. V. I tremble and do
sum. ego, et timeo, dum fear, when the exami-
discussio venerit atque nation is to be, and thy
venture ira, f Quando wrath to come, f When
cceli movendi sunt et the heavens and earth
terra ; • dum veneris are to be moved; *when
Judicare; thou. *
V. Dies ilia, dies iraa, V. That day is the
calamitatis et miseriae, day of anger, of cala*
dies magua et amara mity, and of misery, a
valde. * Dum veneris great day and very bit •
judicare. ter. •When thou.
V. Requiem aeternam V. Grant them eter-
dona eis, Domiue, et nal rest, O Lord, and
lux perpetua luceat eis. let perpetual light shine
on them.
R. Libera me, Domi- R. Deliver m6, O
ne, de morte aeterna, Lord, from eternal
in die ilia tremenda, deajh, in that dreadful
f quando coeli movendi day, + when the hea-
sunt et terra, * dum ve- vens and earth are to be
neris de judicare. moved, * when thou.
Ant. Exultabunt Do- Anth. The bones that
mtno ossa hu niliata. have been humbled shall
rejoice in our Lord.
Psalm 1.
M iserere roei,Deus, TTAVE mercy on
sccnndum mag. JLl me, O God, acr
nam misericordiam tu- cording to thy great
am. mercy.
t. Et secundum raul- *, And according to
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6? At Laud*.
titudinem miseratio-
num tuarum : dele ini-
quitatem meam.
3. Amplius lava me
ab iniquitatc mea : et a
peccato meo munda
4« Quoniam iniqaii-
tatem meam ego cog-
nosco ; et peccatura
meuru contra me est
Tibi soli peecavi,
et malum corain te fe-
ci: utjustificeris in ser-
Bionibus tuis et vincas
cum judicaris.
6* Ecce enim in int-
quitatibus conceptus
mm: etin peceatis con-
cept me mater mea.
7 . Ecce enim vcrita-
tem dilexisti i incerta et
occulta sapientiae tuae
manifestasli mihi.
8, Asperges me hys-
sopo, . et tmutdabor :
lavabis me, et super ni-
vem dealbabor*
9. Auditui meo dabis
.gaudium et laetitiam :
et exultabunt ossa hu-
the multitude of thjp
tender mercies blot out
my iniquities.
3 Wash me yer
more from my iniquity,
and cleanse me isoa*
my sin.’
4 For I know my
iniquity, and my sin is
always before me.
5. To thee only have
I sinned, and have done
evil before thee i that
thou mayest be justified
in thy words, and
mayest overcome when
thou art judged.
6. For behold I was
conceived in iniquities :
and in sins did my mo-
ther conceive me.
7. For behold thou
hast loved truth: the
uncertain and hidden
things of thy wisdom
thou hast made mani-
fest to me.
8. Thou shalt sprin-
kle me with* hyssop,
and I shall be cleans-
ed : thou shalt wash
me, and 1 shall be made
whiter than snow*
9. To my hearitte.
thou shalt give joy and
gladness : and the bones
that have been humbled
shall rejoice.
At Lauds.
10. Averte faciem t li-
ana 4 peccatis raeis : et
^opines imqtri tales roeas
SI. Cor maoAufli orea
in me Deus : et spiri .
turn rectum inuova in
visceribus meis.
12. Ne projicias me
a. facie tua: et spiritum
sanctum tuiim ne aufe-
jras a me.
IS. Redde mihi lae-
titiam salutaris tui : et
spiritu principali con-
&ma me.
14+ Docebo iniquos
vias ttias : et impii ad
te convertentur.
15. Libera me de
sanguinibus Deus, Deus
salmis mete: etexulta-
l#it lingua ineajustiti&m
16. Domine, labia mea
aeries : et os meutn
annuntiabit laudem tu-
17. Quoniam si vo-
luisses, sacrificium de-
dissem uiique : holo-
caustis non delectaberis.
18. Sacrificium Deo
spiritus contribulatus ;
£jox contritum et bumi-
to. Turn away thy
face from my sins, and
blot out all my iniqui-
11. Create a clean
heart in me, O Gods
and renew a right spirit
within my bowels.
13. Cast me not
away from thy face :
and take not thy holy
spirit from me.
13 Restore unto me
the joy of thy salvation,
and strengthen me witb
a perfect spirit.
14 I will teach the
unjust thy wayse and
the wicked shall be
converted to thee.
15. Deliver me from
blood, O God, thou
God of ray salvation :
and niy tongue shall
extol thy justice.
16. O Lord, thou wilt
open iny Hps: and my
mouth shall declare thy
17. For if thou hadst
desired sacrifice, I would
indeed have given it:
with burnt - offerings
thou will not be de-
18 A sacrifice to God
is an afflicted spirit:
a contrite and humbled
F 2
64 At Lauds,
liatum Deus non despi- heart, O God, thou
cies. wilt not despise.
19. Benigne fac Do- 19. Deal favourably,
mine in bona voluniate O Lord, in thy good-
tua Sion : ut a;dificentur will with Sion ; that the
muri Jerusalem. walls of Jerusalem may
be built tip.
50. Tunc acceptabis 20. Then shalt thou
sacrificiura justitise, ob- accept the sacrifice of
lationes, et holocausta : justice, oblations and
tunc imponent stiver whole burnt-offerings ;
altare tuum vitulos. then shall they lay
calves upon thy altar.
Requiem actemana. Grant them eternal
&c. rest, &c.
Ant. Exultabunt Do- Anih. The bones that
mino ossa humiliata* have been humbled shall
Ant, Exaudi. rejoice in the Lord.
Anth. Hear.
Psalm lxiv.
T E decet hymnus A Hymn, 0 God, be-
Dcus in Sion : et JLa. cometh thee in
tibi reddetnr votum in Sion : and a vow shall
Jerusalem. be paid to thee in Jeru-
2. Exaudi orationem 2. O hear my prayer ;
meatn : ad te omnis all flesh shall come to
caro veniet. thee.
3. Verba iniquorum S. The words of the
prevaluerunt super nos: wicked have prevailed
et impietatibus nostris over us : and thou wilt
tu propitiaberis. pardon our transgres-
4 Beatus, quern ele- 4. Blessed is he whom
gisti, et assumpsisti: in- thou hast chosen and
habitabit in amis tuis. taken to thee; he shall
dwell in thy courts.
5. Replebimur in bo- 5. We shall be filled
nisdomus tua?: sanctum with the good things
est templum tuum, mi- Of thy house ; holy i*
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At Lauds* 45
rabtte in aequitate,
6. Exaudi nos, Dens
salutaris noster : spes
omnium finium terras,
et in mari longe.
7 . Praeparans montes
in virtute tua, accinctus
potentia: quiconturbas
profiiudum maris, so-
nura duct mi m ejus.
8. Turbabuntur gen-
tes, & timebuut qui ha-
bitant terminosasignus
tuis : exitus matutini,et
vespere deleclabis.
9- Visitasti terram, et
ioebriasti earn ; miilti-
plicasti locupletare earn.
10. Flumen Dei re-
pletum est aquis, pa-
rasti cibum illorum ;
quoniam ita est praepa-
Tatio ejus.
11. Rivos ejus inc-
bria, multiplica, genimi-
na ejus : in stillici-
diis ejus laetabitur gcr-
minaus. •
12. Benedices coro
thy temple, wonderfu.
in justice.
6. Hear us, O God
our Saviour, who art the
hope of all the ends of
the earth, and in the sea
afar off.
7. Thou who prepar-
es t the mountains by
thy strength, being gird-
ed with power : who
troublest the depth of
the sea, the noise of its
8. The gentiles shall
be troubled, and they
that dwell in the utter-
most borders shall be
afraid at thy signs: thou
shalt make the outgo-
ings of the morning and
of the evening to be joy-
9. Thou hast visited
the earth, and hast plen-
tifully watered it ; thou
hast many ways enrich-
ed it.
10. The river of God
is filled with water:
thou hast prepared their
food, for so is its prepa*
11. Fill up plentifully
the streams thereof ;
multiply its fruits; it
shall spring up and re-
joice in its showers.
12. Thou shalt bless
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-38 At lAiudt .
tue annl benignitatis the crown t of the year of
fuse : et cam pi twi reple- thy goodness : and thy
bnntur nbertate. fields shall be filled with
13. Pinguescent spe- 13. The beautiful
ciosadeserti ; et extilta- places of the wilderness
tione coltes a< cingentur. shall grow fat : and the
hills shall be girded a-
bout with joy.
14. Induti sunt arie- 14. The rams of the
tes ovium,et valles a- flock are clothed, and
Tuindabunt frumento ; the vales shall abound
ctamabunt,etenimhym- with corn: they shall
mini dicem. shout, yea, they shall
sing a hymn.
Requiem aetemam Grant them eternal
dona cis, Domine rest, O Lord.
Ant . Kxaudi, Do- Anth. Hear my pray-
inine, orationem me- er, O Lord ; all llesh
am; ad tc omnis caro shall come to thee,
Ant. Me suscepit, Anth. Thy right hand.
Psalm lxii.
D EUS, Deus meus : God, my God, to
ad te de luce vi- U tHce do I watch .
gilo. at break of day.
2. Sitivit in te anima 2. For thee my soul
mea: quam multiplied hath thirsted ; for thee
ter tibi caro mea. my flesh, O how manj
ways !
3. In terra deserta et 3. In a desart land,
invia, et inaquosa : sic and where there is no
in sancto apparui tibi, way, and no water; so
ut viderem virtutem tu- in the sanctuary have t
am, et gloriara tuatn. come before thee, to see
thy power and thy giory.
4. Quoniajn melior 4. For thy mercy is
csi miscricordia tua su- better than lives: ihee
3y Google
At Lends. at
per vitas: labia mea
laudabunt te.
5. Sic beuedicam tc
in vita mea : et in no-
mine tuo levabo manus
6. Sicut adipe, et
pinguedine repieatur a-
nima mea: etlabiisex-
ultationis laudabit os
7. Si memor fui t«i
*uper stratum meum,
in matutinis meditabor
in te : quia fuisti ariju-
tor meus.
8. Et in velamento
alarum tuarum exulta-
to, adhsesit anima mea
post te : me suscepit
fdextera tua.
9. Ipsi vero in vanum
quaesieriint animam
meam, introibunt in in-
feriora terra : trade ntur
in manus gladii, partes
yulpium erunt.
10. Rex vero laetabi-
ttur in Deo ; laudabantur
r>mnes,qui jufant in eo;
.quia obslructum cst os
Jpquentium iniqua.
my lips shall praise*
5. Thus will I bless
thee all my life loug:
and in thy name I will
lift up my hands.
6. Let my soul be
filled as with marrow
and fatness: and my
mouth shall praise thee
with joyful lips.
7. If I have remem-
bered thee upon my
bed, I will meditate on
thee in the morning;
because thou hast been
my helper.
8. And I will rejoice
under the covert ol thy
wings; my soul hath
sUick close to thee : thy
right hand hath receiv-
ed me.
9. But they have
sought my soul in vain,
they shall go into the
lower parts of the earth:
they snail be delivered
into the hands of the
sword, they shall be the
portions of foxes.
10. But the king shall
rqjoice in God ; all they
shall be praised that
swear by him: because
the mouth is stopped of
them that speak wick*
cd things*
G3 At Lauds,
Psalm Ixvi.
EUS misereatur
uostri, et benedi-
cat nobis : illuminet.
vultmn suum super nos,
ct miserealur nostri.
2. Ut cognoscamus in
terra viam tuani : in
omnibus gentibus salu-
tare tuuni.
3. Confiteantur tibi
populi, Deus : confi-
tfrautur tibi populi om-
4. La'lcntur et exul-
tent geutes : quoniatn
judicas populos in re-
quitals, et gentus in ter-
ra dirigis.
5. Confiteantur tibi
populi Deus ; confite-
antur tibi populi omnes :
terra dedit fructum
0. Benedicat nos De-
ns, Deus noster, benedi-
cat nos Deus: et me-
tuant eum omnes fines
Requiem aeternam,
Ant. Me suscepit
dextera tua, Domine.
Ant. A per ta rufeii.
M AY God have
mercy on us, and
bless us : may hfe cause
the light of his counte-
nance to shine upon us,
and may he have mercy
on us.
2. That we may know
thy way upon earth, thy
salvation in all nations.
3. Let people confess
to thee, O God : let all
people give praise to
4. Let the nations he
glad and rejoice : for
thou judgest the people
with justice, and direct-
est the nations upon
5. Let the people, O
God, confess to thee ;
let all the people give
praise to thee. The
earth hath yielded her
6. May God, our own
God bless us, may God
bless us: aud all the
ends of the earth fear
Grant them eternal
rest, &c.
Ant. Thy right hand,
O Lord, has received
Anih. From the gate.
3y Google
At Lauds.
The Song of Ezechias.
GO dixi : in dimi-
dio dierum meo-
xum vadam ad portas
i. Qusesivi residuum
an norum meorum :
alixi, non vide bo Domi-
mum Deum iu terra vi-
3 Non aspiciam ho-
oninem ultra : et habita-
torem quietis.
4. Geueratio meo
ablata est, et convoluta
est a me : quasi taber-
jiaculum pastorum.
5. Praecisaest velutit
texente, vita mea; dum
ad hue ordirer, succidit
me : de mane usque ad
vesperam imies me.
G. Sperabatn usque
ad mane- quasi leo sic
contrivit omnia ossa
7. De mane usque ad
vesperam limes me : si-
cut pullushirundinis sic
clamabo, meditabor ut
8 Attenuatisuntocu-
]i mei : suspicicntes in
9. Doinine, Tim pa-
iior, responde pro me :
^uid dicam aut quid re-
Isaias xxxviii.
I SAID: in the midst
of my days I shall
go to the gates of hell :
2. I slight for the re-
sidue of my years : I
said : I shall not see the
Lord God in the land
of the living.
8. 1 shall behold man
no more, nor five inha-
bitant ot rest
4 My generation is at
an end, and it is rolled
away from me, as a
shepherd’s tent.
5. My life is cutoff as
by a weaver : whilst I
was yet but beginning,
he cut me off : from
morning even to night
lhou wilt make an end
oi me.
6. I hoped till morn-
ing, as a lion so hath
he broken all my bones#
7. From morning
even to night thou wilt
make an end of me.
I will cry like a young
swallow, 1 will meditate
like a dove.
8. My eyes are weak-
ened with looking up-
ward :
9. Lord, I suffer vio-
lence, answer thou for
me. W bat shall I say.
Digitized byCjOO^lc
70 At Laud «.
spondcbit mi hi, cum
ipse iecerit ?
10. Recogitabn tibi
omnes an nos meos : in
amaritudine anhns
11. Damme, si sic vi-
vittir, et in talibus nta
spiritus mei, corripies
me, et vivificabis me :
ecce in pace amarftttdo
mea amarissima.
19. Tu autem emisti
animam meam, ut non
periret; projecisti post
tergum tiium otnuia
peccat* mea.
13. Quia non infernus
confitebitur tibi, ntqtte
mors laud ab it te : non
expectabunt, qui de-
scemltint in lacum veri-
tatem tuam.
14. Vivens, vivens
ipse confitebitur tibi, si-
cut et ego hodie ; pater
filHs noram faciet veri-
tatem tuam.
15. Domine, salvum
me tac ; et psalmus nos-
tros cantabimus cunctis
dicbtis vine nostrae, in
tiomo Domini.
Requiem artcrnaxn,
or what slrall he answer
for me, whereas he him-
self hath done it ?
10. I will recount to
thee all my vears in the
bitterness of my* soul*
11. O Lord, if matv%
life t>e such, and the fife
of my spirit be in such
things as these, thou
shalt correct me, and
make me to live. Be-
hold in peace is my bit-
terness most bitter.
19. But thou hast de-
livered my soul, that it
should not perish, thou
hast cast all my sins be-
hind thy back.
IS. For hell shall not
confess to thee, neither
shall death praise thee:
nor shall they that go
down into the pit, look
for thy truth.
14. The livings the
living, he shall give
praise to thee, as f do
this day: the father
shall make thy truth
known to the children.
15. O Lord, save me,
and we will sing our
psalms all the days of
our life in the house of
the Lord.
Grant them eterqal
rest, &c.
At Xqiufe. 71
Amt. A porta inferi, Anth. From the gate
erne, Domine, auimam of hell, deliver my sou)*
in cam. O Lord.
Amt, Omnis spirit us Anth. Let every spi-
laudet Dominum, rit praise the Lord.
Psalm cxlviii.
Audate Dominum
de ccelis ; laudate
eum in excelsis.
2. Laudate eum om-
nes angeiiejus: laudate
eura omnesvir tutes ejus.
3. Laudate eum so),
et luna: laudate eum
omnes stellau ct Juinen.
4 . Laudate eum cceli
ccelorum ; et attire om-
nes, quae super ccclos
sunt, Jaudent nomen
6. Quia ipse dixit, et
facta sunt; ipse mauda-
. vit et creata sunt.
6. Statuit cain ater-
num ; et in saeculum
ssculi ; precept urn po-
suit, et non prieteribit.
7. Laudate Dominum
de terra; dracones et
omnes abyssi.
8. Ignis, grand©, nix,
glories, spinius procel-
larum ; qua* ihciuut
yerbum ejus.
P RAISE ye the Lord
from the heavens;
praise ye him iu the
nigh places.
2. Praise ye him all
his angels : praise ye
him all his hosts.
3. Praise ye him O
sun and moou : praise
him all ye stars and
4. Praise him ye
yens of heavens: and
let all the waters that
are above the heavens,
praise the name of; (he
5. For be spoKe, and
they were made ; ha
commanded, and they
were created.
0. lie hath establish?
ed them for ever, and
for ages of ages: he
hath made a decree, and
it shall not pass away. .
7 S Praise the Lord
from the earth, ye dra*
gons, and all ye deeps.
8. Fire, bail* isnow,
ice, stormy winds**
which fulfil his word.
■igitized byCjOO^lC
Ti At Lau<tk.
9. Montes, et omnes 9. Mountains ancf all
tolles : ligna fructifera, hills, fruitful trees ancf
et oiunes cedri. all cedars.
10. Bestiae, et univer- 10. Beasts and all cat-
sapecora: serpentes, et tie: serpents and fea-
volucres pennatae. thered fowls.
11. Reges teme r et tt. Kings of the earthy
omnes populi; princi- and alt people; princes*
pes, et omnes judices and all judges of the
terns. earth.
If*. Jhvenes, etvirgi- 19. Young men an<9
nes, senes cutn juniori- maidens: \tt the old
bus,laudent nonien Do- with the-yonnger praise
mini: quia exaltatnm the name of the Lord r
est nomen ejus solius. for his name alone is
Id. Confcssio ejus su- 14. The praise of him
per ccelum et terrain; et is above heaven and
exallavit oornu populi earth : and' he hath ex-
sui. alted- the horn, of his
14. Hymmis omnibus 14. A hymn to all his
sanctis ejus : filiis Israel, saints: to the children
populO appropinquanti of Israel, a people ap-
sibi preaching to him.
Psalm cxlix.
C Antate Domino ^*ING ye to the Lord
canlicum novum : O a new canticle : let
kus ejus in ecclesia his praise- be in the
sanctorum. church of the saints.
it. Laetetur Israel in 9. Let Israel rejoice in
eo qui fecit eum : et fi- him that made (uni :
Mi Sion exultent in rege and let the children of
stto. Sion be joyful in their
3. Laodent nomen S. Let them praise
ejus in choro: in tym- his name in choir:* let
pano, et psalterio psaL them sing to him with
lar.t ei. the timbrel andthe psal*
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4r. Quia * benepJaci-
turn est Domino in po-
pulo suo: et exaltabit
mansuetos insalutem.
5. Exultabunt sancti
in« gloria: lstahuntur
in cubilibus suis.
6. Exiihatianes Dei
in gutture eorum ; et
gladii ancipitesin mani-
bus eorum.
7- Ad faciendam vin-
dictam in • nationibus ;
increpatiotoes in popuiis.
8* Ad alligandos re-
ges eorum in compedi-
bus : et nobiles eorum
in manicis ferreis.
9. Ut faciant in eis
judicium conscriptum :
gloria liaee est omnibus
sanctis ejus.
MLaink. f%
4 . For the Lord is
well pleased with his
people : and he dill ex-
alt the meek unto sali-
5. The saints shall
rejoice in glory : they
shall be joyful in their
6. The high praises
of God shall be in their
mouth : and two edged
swords in (heir hands.
7. To execute venge-
ance upon the natidns,
chastisements among
the people :
8. To bind their kings
with fetters, and their
nobles with manacles of
9. To execute upon
them the judgment that
is written:: this glory is
to all iiis saints.
Psalm cl.
J Audate Dominum in "pRAISE ye the Lord
* sanctis ejus : laudate
eum ia firmamento vir-
tues ejus.
9. Laudate eum in
virtutibus ejus : laudate
eum secundum mullitu-
dinem magnitudinis e-
; us.
3. Laudato cum in
tono tubs ; laudate eum
* in his holy places s
praise ye him in the fir-
mament of his power.
2. Praise ye him for
his mighty acts-:: praise
ye him according to tho
multitude of his great-
3. Praise him with
sound of trumpet?
74 At Limit.
in psakerio at cithara. praise him with psal-
tery and harp.
4. Laudato eurti in 4. Praise kim with
tympano et choro : lait- timbrel and choir* praise
date cum in chordia, et him with strings and or-
OtgttKx gaits.
4. Laudato eum in 5. Praise him on
cymbalis boneaonanti- high sounding cymbals:
bus, laudate eum in praise him on cymbals
cymbalis jubUationis ; of joy : Let every spirit
omnis spiritua laudet praise the Lord.
Requiem wternam, Grant them eternal
dec. . rest, &c.
Amt. Omnis spiritus Anth. Let every spirit
laudet Dominum. praise the Lord.
* V. Audivi voeem de V. I heard a voice
cceki diccntem mibi : from heaven saying to
me :
R. Beati mortal qui R. Blessed are the
m Domino moriuntur. dead that die m the
Ant. Ego sum resur- Anth. I am the resur-
reetk), et vita : qui ere- rection, and the life c be
jdit in me, etiam si mor- that believes in me,
tuus fuerit, vivet ; et though he be dead, shall
omnis qui vivit, et ere- live ; and every one
dit in me, non morielur that lives and believes
ia sternum. in me, shall never die.
The $ang of Zach. Luke i.
B Enedictus Domi- T> Leased be the Lord
nus Deus Israel : X3 God of Israel i bc-
quia vistiavitet fecit re* cause he hath visited
OCmpthmemplebissue. and wrought the • re-
demption of his people.
2. Et erexit cornu sa. 2. A nd tatth raised
Uitis nohis : in domo up a hom of salvation
David pueri sui.. ; to us, in the house of
David his servant.
, y Google
At Lauds .
3. Sicut loculus est
per os sanctorum : qui k
sbguIo suet propbeta-
rum eius.
4. Salutem ex inimi-
cis nostris : et de mami
omnium, qui oderunt
5. Ad facie ndam mi-
sericordiam cura patri-
bus nostris ; at memora-
ri testamenti sui sancti.
6. Ju^jurandumj quod
juravit ad Abraham, pa*
trem oostrum ; daumun
ae nobis.
7. Ut sine timore de
mauu inimicorum nos*
trorum liberati ; servia-
bqus iili.
8. In sanctitate, * t
justitia coram ipso ; om-
nibus diebus nostris.
9. Et tu, puer, pro-
phets altisshni vocabe-
ris \ praeibis enim ante
faciem Domini, parare
aias ejus.
10. Ad dandani sci-
entism salutis plebi
ejus ; in remissionem
peccatorum eorum.
11. Per viscera mise-
ricordis Dei n'oatri: in
quibus visitavit nos ori-
ens ex alto.
12. Illuminare his qui
8. As haspoke by the
mouth uf bis holy pro-
phets, who are from the
4. Salvation from our
enemies, and from the
hand ot all that hate
6. To perform mercy
to our fathers ; and to
remember his holy tes-
6. The oath which he
swore to Abraham our
father, that he would
grant to us.
?. That being deliver-
ed from the hand of our
enemies, we may seiwe'
him without feat.
8. In holiness and
justice before him, all
our flays.
9. And thou, child,
shall be called the pro-
phet of the highest : for
thou shalt go before the
face ot tbe Lord to pre-
pare his ways*
10. To give know-
ledge of saltation to his
people, unto tbe remise
sion of their sine :
11. Through the
bowels of the mercy of
our God i in which the
orient from on high,
hath visited us.
12 . To enlighten them
tized by GoOglC
At Lauds.
jo tenebris et in umbra that sit iodai4cness,and
mortis sedent; ad diri- in the shadow of death :
gendospedes nostros in to threat our feet in the
viam pacis. way of peace.
Requiem . seternam, Grant them eternal
«&c. rest, &c.
Ant . Ego sum resur- Anth. l am the resur-
rectio, et vita : qui ere- rection, and the life : he
dit in me, etiam si mor- that believes in me,
urns fuerit, -vivet ; et thetigh he be dead, shall
omnis qui vivit, et ere* live-; and every one that
dit in me, non morietur lives, and believes in
in eelernufa. me, shall never die.
Tkefolhmmg Prayers are said kneeling , when the
-Office is not a Double .
Pater noster, secreto. Our Father, &c. in
secret .
, V. Et ne nos inducas V. And lead* us not
*n tentationem. into temptation.
R. Sed libera nos a U. But deliver us
m&lo* from evil.
When the . Office is a Double , tie following
PsJ cxxix. is omitted .
D E profiindis^lama- /"AUT qf the depths I
vi ad te \Domine ; have cried to
Domine esauefc vocem thee, O Loid ; Lord hear
-meant. jny voice.
g. Fiant auras tuac 2 . Let thy ears be at-
intendentes ; in voeem tentive to the voice of
4eprecatjonjsmeagt> my supplication.
. £. Si iniquitates ob- 45* If thou, O Lord,
aervaverisDoroinet Do- wilt mark • iniquities :
mine, quia sustinebit? Lord who shall stand
. . ill
4. Quia atpud te pro*- • 4. For with thee there
piuatio est : et propter is merciful lor give ness :
legem Urnm sustinui te, and by reason of thy
Doming. , ,, law, 1 have waited for
lhee,D Loixik
, y Google
AfLauds. 77
5- Sustinuit aniraa 5. My soul hath re-
tinea in verboejus: spe- lied on his word: my
ravit anima mea in Do- soul hath 'hoped in the
mino. Lord.
- - 6. A custodia matu- 6. From the morning
tina'nsque ad noctem watch even until night,
speret Israel in Do- let Israel hope in the
ini no. Lord.
>?• Quia apud Do- 7. Because with the
niinuin misericordia : Lord there is mercy ;
et cbpiosa apud eum re- and with him plentiful
demptio. redemption.
8. Et ipse red i met 8. And he shall re-
Israel, ex omnibus ini- deem Israel from all his
- quitatibus cjus. r iniquities.
Requiem eterpam, Grant them eternal
.&c. rest, &c.
V. A porta inferi. V. From the gates uf
R Erue Domihe ani- R. Deliver their soifls
mas eornm. O Lord.
V. Requiescaut in V. May ■they rest 4n
pace. peace.
R. Amen. R. Amen.
V. Domine, exaudi V. O Lord, hear my
orationein meam. prayer. ••
R, Et clamor meus R. And let my cry
ad te veniat. come to thee.
V. Duminus vobis- V. The Lord be with
•cum. you.
R. Et cum spiritu R. And with thy spi*
tuo. rit
The Prayer is recited a* at the End of the Vespers,
(page 22.) according to the Rank , Decree, or Ses
of the Person for the Repose of whose Soul the Qf*
fice lot* been said or sunp.
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MASSES fob the DEAD.
The Mass for all the Faithful De-
The Priest vested in Black at the Foot of the Altar,
begins with mu king the Sign of the Cross, and
saying, •
I N nomine Patris, et ¥N the name of the
Filii,etSpiritusSan- A Father, and of the
ti, Amen. Sou, &c. Amen.
Introibo ad aitare I will go to the altar
Dei. of God.
It. Ad Deiim qui l*e- Ans. To God who
tHirat jnventutem me- rejoices my youth,
S. Adjutorium nos- Pr. May our help be
trum in nomine Do- in the name of the
mini. Lord.
It. Qui fecit ccelum Ans. Who made hea-
rt terram. ven and earth.
S. Confiteor Deo Pr. I confess to Al-
omnipotenti, ftc. mighty God, &c.
it. Misereatur tui Ans . May Almighty
omnipotens Dens, et di- God be merciful to thee,
missis peccatis tuis, per- and forgiving thee thy
ducat te ad vitam aeicr- sins, bring thee to ever-
natm lasting fife*
8. Amen, Pr, Amen.
JK. Confiteor Deo Ans. 1 confess to AI-
omnipotenti, beat m Ma^. mighty God, to Blessed
rimeetnper Virgini.bea- Mary ever a Virgin, to
to Michael i A^changclo, B. Michael the Archan-
heato Joartni Baptistte, gel, to B. J. Baptist, to
Sanctis Apostolis Pctro the holy Apostles Peter
et Paulo, oir-\ibu* and Paul, Ki all tire
Man for the Faithful departed . 79
Sanctis, et tibi, Pater :
quia peccavi nimis co-
gitaiione, verbo et o-
]>ere mea culpa, mea
culpa, mea maxima
culpa. Ideo precor
be&tam Mariam semper
Virginem, beatum
Michaelem Archange-
lum, beatum Joannem
Baptistam, Sanctos A-
postolos Petnwn et
Pauliim, omnes Sanc-
tos, et te, Pater, orare
pro me ad Dominum
Deum nostrum.
S. Misereatur vestri
omnipotens Dcus, et
dimissis peccatis vestris
perducat vos ad vitam
R. Amen.
S. Indulgentiam, ab-
tolutionem, et remissio-
nem peccatorum nos-
trorum, tribuat nobis
omnipotens et miseri-
cors Domidus.
R. Amen*
S. Deus,tu converses
vivifieabis nos*
R. Et plebs tua lee-
tabitur in te.
S. Ostende nobis,
Dornine, misericord iam
R. Et salutare tu-
um da nobis.
Saints, and to you, Fa-
ther, that I hare sinned
exceedingly, in thought,
word, and deed, thro’
my fault, thro* my fault,
thro* my most grievous
fault. Therefore I be-
seech the B. Mary ever
Virgin, B. Michael the
Archangel, B. John the
Baptist, the holy Apos-
tles Peter and Paul, all
the Saints, and you. Fa-
ther, to pray to our
Lord God tor me.
Pr. May Almighty
God he merciful to you,
and forgiving you yotir
sins, bring you to life
Jnt. Amen.
Pr. May the Almigh-
ty and most merciful
Lord, grant us pardon,
absolution, and remis-
sion of our sins.
dns* AmCn.
Pr. Looking towards
us, O God, thou wilt
enliven us.
Jbu> And thy people
shall rejoice in thee.
Pr. Shew us, O Lord,
thy mercy.
yJfis.And grant us thy
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*60 Mass for the
S. Dentine, exaudi Pr. O Lord, hear my
orationem meani. grayer.
R. Et clamor me- Ant . And let my cry
•us ad te veniat. come to thee.
S. Dominus vobis- Pr. The Lord be -with
cum. you.
R. Et cum spiritu Ant, And with thy
The Priest goes up t
Aider a nobis, quas
4umus Domine, iniqui-
tates nostras : ut ad
Sancta Sanctorum, pu-
lis mercamur mentibus
introire. Per Ciiristum
Doniinum nostrum. A-
Oram us te, Domine,
.per merila Sanctorum
tuorum quorum reli-
quiae hiq sunt, et omni-
um Sanctorum ; ut in-
dulgere digneris omnia
peccata uaca. A men.
The Imtroit,
T> Equiem sternam
.XV dona eis, Domine,
set lux perpetua luceat
Psalmus. Te decet
hymnus, Deus in Sion,
jet tibi reddetitr votum
in Jerusalem : exaudi
•orationem meam, ad te
caro veniat.
Let us praj\
the Altar, and says,
lake from us, we
beseech thee, O Lord,
our iniquities; that we
may be worthy to enter
with pure minds into
the Holy of Holies.
Thro’ Christ our Lord.
We beseech thee, O
Lord, by me merits of
thy saints, whose relics
are here, and of all the
.Saints ; that thou
wouldst vouchsafe to
forgive me all my atos.
Psalm lxiv» 1.
E Ternal rest give to
them, O Lord, and
let perpetual light shine
on them,
Ps. A hymn, O God,
becometh thee in Siom
and a vow shall be paid
to thee in Jerusalem.
O hear my prayer : all
ilesh shall come to
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Requiem aeternam,
S. Kyrie eleison.
JLesp. Kyrie eleisofl.
S. Kyrie eleison.
: Ltap.Christe eleison.
- S. Christe eleison.
Jlesp. Christe eleison.
S. Kyrie eleison.
• Fesp. Kyrie eleison..
S. Kyrie eleison.
S. Dominus vObis-
Fesp. £t cum spiritu
Luo. .
departed . 81
Grant them eternal
rest, &c.
Pr. Lord have mercy
on us.
.4n*Lord have mercy
on us.
Pr. Lord have mercy
onus. ?
Ans. Christ - have
mercy on us*
Pr. Christ have mercy
on us;
■ Ans. Christ have
mercy on us. »
Pr. Lord have mercy
on us.
Ans . Lordhave mercy
on us.
Pr. Lord have mercy
on us. i
Pr. The Lord be with
Ans . And with thy
Oremus; .
Idelium JDeus om.
nium Condi tor et
Jttederoptor : animabus
ia mu lorn in fatmilarumo
ique tuariim, remissro-
jjem cunctorum tribue
peccatorum ; ut indul-
gent iam, quatn semper
opt averunt, pits supplf-
^ationiUrs conseqUan-
tur : Qui vivis, j
Let us fray.
O God the Creator
and Redeemer of
all the faithful, give to
the souls of thy servants
the remission of ail t heir
sins; that through the
help of pious supplies-
tions, they may obtain
the pardon they have
always desired. Who
livest, &ۥ
Mm ft ike
Eptitle, 1 Cor. xv. 51, 57.
F Eat res: ecce myste-
rium vobis dioot
Omnesquidera resurge-
mus, sed noo omnes
immutabimar. In ino.
mento, in ktu oculi,
m ooymiiPft tuba ; ca-
net enhn tuba, ct mor*
tui resurgent inconrupti :
et nos immutabiimur.
Oportet enim corrapti-
bile hoc, induere incor-
ruptiooem ; et naortale
hoc induere immortal*-
tateiu. Cum autem
mortale hoc induerit ira*
mortalitatem, tunc fiet
senuo,qui scriptus est 4
absorpta est mors . in
victoria. Ubi est mors
victoria tua? Ubi est
mors stimulus tuus ?
Stimulus autem mortis
peccatum est : virtus
vero ptccati lex. Deo
autem gratias, qui debit
nobis victoriam per Do*
annum nostrum Jesura
Hap. £>eo gratias.
B Ebold I tell you s |
mystery: We&hall
all indeed rise again:'
but we shall not all be
changed. In a moment,
in the twinkling of as
eye, at the last trum-
pet : for the trumpet
shall sound, and the
dead shall rise again in-
corruptible ; and we
shall be dianged. For
this corruptible must
put on incorruption ;
and this mortal must
put on immortality.
And when this mortal
hath put on immorta-
lity, then shall come
to pass the saying that
is , written : death is
swallowed up in vic-
tory. O death where
is thy victory ? O death
where is thy sting ?
Now the sting of death
is sin : and the strength
of sin is the law. But
thanks be to God, who
has given us the victo-
rjr through our Lord
Jesus Christ.
An$. Thanks be to
Faithful departed.
Requiem aeternam Grant them eternal
dona eis Domine,et lux rest, O Lord, and let
perpetua luceat eis. perpetual light shine on
V. In memoria aeter- V. The just shall be
na erit juslus : ab audi- in eternal remember-
tjone mala non timebit ance : he shall not fear
, at the hearing of evil
• A bsolveDomine, ani-
mas omnium fidelium
defunctorum ab oiimi
vinculo delictorum.
V . Et gratia tua illis
succurrente, mereantur
evadere judicium ultio-
V. Et lucis seternte
beatitudine perfmi.
Absolve, O Lord, the
souls of all the faithful
departed from every
chain of sin9.
V. And by the assist-
ance of thy grace, may
they deserve to escape
the sentence of con-
V. And enjoy the
happiness of eternal
ty* Before the removal of the Book to the
Gospel-side of the AUary the following Sequence
it recitedy or sung ; and whilst it is singing in the
Choir , the Priest, Deacon and Sub-deneon, retire to
their seats at the Epistle-ride , f tiU towards the con -
elusion .
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Mats fur Che \
Sbqveut ja. .
< , * i
D IBS irae, dies
Solvct ssbcIuid in favilia;
Teste David cum Sybilla.
Quantus tremor est futurtis,
Quando judex est venturus,
Cuncta stricte discussurus !
Tuba minim spargens sonurn
Per sepulchra regionum,
Coget ante thronum
Mors stupebit, et uatura,.
Cum resurgpt creatuca*
Judicanti responsura.
Liber scriptus profcretttr,
In quo totum continetiuv
Unoe mundus judicetur.
judex ergo cum s^edebit,
Quidquid latet apparebit;
Nil inultum remanebjt.
Quid sum miser tunc dictum s?
Quern patronum rogaturus,
Cum vix jiistus sit securusf
Rex tremenda* majestatis,
Qui salvandos salvas gratis,
Salva me, Ions pietatis,
Recordare Jesu pie,
Quod sum causa tuae via*, *
Ne me pejrdas ilia die.
Querens me, scdisti lassus,
Redemisti crucem passus,
Tantus labor non sit caesus.
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Ttoithful departed.
Dies ire, dies ilia.
T HE day of wrath, that dreadful day.
Shall the whole world in ashes lay,
As David and the Sybils say.
What horror will invade the mind,
When the strict Judge, who would be kind,
Shall have few venial faults to find !
The last loud trumpet’s wond’rous sound
Must thro’ the rending tombs rebound ;
And wake the nations under ground.
Nature and death shall with surprise,
Behold the pale offender rise !
And view the Judge with conscious eyes.
Then shall, with universal dread,
The sacred mystic book be read.
To try the liviug and, the dead.
The Judge ascends his awful throne,
He makes each secret sin be known,
And all with shame confess their own.
O then ! what int’rest shall I make,
To save my last important stake,
When the most just have cause to quake?
Thou mighty formidable King !
Thou mercy’s unexhausted spring !
Some comfortable pity bring.
Forget not what my ransom cost.
Nor let my dear-bought soul be lost,
' Jn storms of guilty terror tost.
Thou who for me didst feel such pain.
Whose precious blood the cross did stain ;
Let not those agonies be vain.
Mau-for tfip
Juste judex ultionis,
Donum fac remission!**
Ante diem rationis.
lngemisco tauquam reus :
Culpa rubet vultus meas j
Supplicanti parce, Deus.
* Qiii Mariam absolvisti,
Et httronem exaudisti*
Mihi quoque spem dedistk
Freces me® non sunt digna*
Sed tu bonus fac benigne r
Ne perenni cremer igne.
Inter oves loc um praesta,
Et ah hoedis me sequestra.
Statue ns in parte dextra.
Confutatis mafedictis,
Elammis acribus addictis,
Voca me cum benedittis.
Or© suplex, et acclinis.
Cor contntum quasi cinis ^
Gere curajn met finis.
Lacryxnosa dies ilia,
Qua resurget ex favilla
Jodieandus homo reus.
IJuic ergo parce, Deus.
Pie Jesu Domine*
Dona eis requiem. Amen.
Jfe Stitur tcquen* Oratio Munda, &c. ante Evan*
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Faithful depart ad* t f
Thou, whom avenging powers obey.
Cancel my debt '(too great to pay)
Sefore the sad accounting day.
Surrounded with amazing fears;
Whose load my soul with anguish bearer
3 sigh, I weep^ accept. my tears.
Thou, wiio wast amov’d with Mary^ grisf,
And iiy absolving of the thie^
Hast giv'n me hope, now give Telief.
feeject not my unworthy pray’r,
Preserve me from the dangerous snare,
Which death and gaping hell prepare.
Give my exalted soul a place
Amongst the chosen right-hapd rafia.
The sons of God, and heirs of grace.
From that insatiate abyss,
Where flames devour, and serpents hiss,
Promote me to thy seat of bliss.
Prostrate, my contrite heartl rend.
My God, my Father, and my friend !
Do not forsake me in my end*
Well may they curse their second birth, i
Who rise to a surviving death.
Thou great Creator of mankind*
£et guilty man compassion find. Amea*
Mem 4i. eflid the following prayer Cfeanst, Ac.
before the Gospel,
, j ,
, II 3
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Mass for the
M Unda cor meuro,
ac labia mea, om-
nipotens Deus, qui la-
bia Isaiae prophetse cal-
culomundasti ignito: ita
roe tua grata miserati-
une dignare mundare,
ut sanctum evangelium
tuum digne valeam
nuutiare. Per Chris-
tumDominum nostrum.
8. Dojninusvobrscum.
R. Et cum spiritu
S. Sequent ia sancti
Evungelii secundum Jo-
annem, cap. v. 25.
Rcsp. Gloria tibi, Do-
I N illo tempore : dixit
Jesus turbis Jocfaeo-
rum : Amen, dico vobis;
quia venit hora, et tiunc
cst, quando roortui au-
dient vocem Filii Dei :
et qui audierint vivent.
Sicut enim Pater habet
vitam ia semetipso, sio
dedit et Fiiio vitam ha-
bere in semetipso : et
potostatem dedit ti ju-
dicium facere, quia Fi-
lius hominus esi. No-
lite mirari hoc, quia ve-
nit hora, in qua omnes
C Leanse my heart
and my lips, O al-
mighty God, who didst
cleanse the lips of the
prophet Isaiah with a
burning coal: vdtrebsafe
thro* thy gracious mer-
cy, so to purify me,
that I may worthily de-
clare thy holy gospel.
Through Christ our
Lord. Amen.
Pr. The lord be with
Anm. And with thy
spirit. ?
Pr. Tlte following pert
of the holy Gospel accord -
ing to St. John, chap,
v. 2$.
Anm. dloiry be to
thee, O Lord.
AT that time : Jesus
^ said to the multitude
of the Jews: Amen f a-
men 1 say imtoyou, that
the hour cometh, and
now is, when the dead
shall hear the voice of
the Son of God,and they
that hear, shall live. For
as' the father hath life
in himself; so he hath
given to the Son also to
have life in himself: and
he hath given him am
thority to executejudg*
ment, because he fs the
, y Google
Faithful departed. 89
qiriin monumentts stint, Son of Man. Wonder not
audientvocemFiliiDei: at this: for the hour
et procedent cjui bona cometh, wherein all that
fecenint, in resnrrectio- are in the graves shall
nem vitte : qui vero ma- hear the voice of the
la egerunt, in resurrec- Son of God : and they
jtionem judicii. that have done good
, ' things, shall come forth
unto the resurrection of
life ; but they that have
j done evil, unto the re-
surrection of judgment.
Rap. Laus tibi, Answ. Praise be to
Christe. thee, O Christ.
S. Dominus vobis- Pr. The Lord be with
cum. you.
Resp. Et cum spiritu Answ. And with thy
tuo. spirit.
Oremus. Let us pray.
D OM IN E Jesu Lord Jesus Christ,
Christe, Rex glo- V-/ King of glory,
rise, libera animas omni- “deliver the souls of all
um fidclium defuncto- the faithful departed
rufn de pcenis inferni, et from the pains ot hell,
de profit ndo lacu : Jibe- and from the deep lake :
ra eas de ore leonis, ne deliver them from the
absorbeat eas tartarus, lion’s mouth, lest hell
ne cadaut in obscurum : swallow them up, or
sed signifer sanctus Mi- they fall into darkness^:
chael reprsesentet eas in But let thy standard
lucem sanctam : Quam ‘ bearer St. Michael bring
olim Abrahac promisisti them to the holy light :
tt semini ejus Which thou hast pro-
mised of old to Abra-
ham and bis seed.
$fat$for the
y. Host pwes V- We ^ffer,*Q lto$e,
tibi, Do mine, laudis O Lord, sacrifices of
offerimus: tu suscipe praise and prayers:
pro animabus illis, qua- vouchsafe . to accept
rum hodie mempnam them for those souls
factious: fac. eas, Do- >we commemorate this
mine, de morte transire day : make tliem. pass,
ad vitam : Quam ojim O Lord, from death to
Abrahse promisisti et life : Which thou hast
aemini qjos, promised of old to Abra«
ham and his seed.
The Priest offering up the* Host, soys,
OUscipejsaucte^ter, \ Ccept, O holy F#-
KJf emnipotens teterne jLX the r, almighty and
Deus, hanc im macula- eternal God, this irama-
tam hostiajm, quam ego culate host, which I thy
indignus famulus tuus . unworthy servant' offer
offero tibi Deo meo to thee, my living and
vivo et vero, pro iaon- true God, for my inuu-
merabililus j'eccatis, et merable sins, offences,
offensioaibus et neglj- and negligences, and for
gentiis meis, et pro om- all here present, and for
nil) us circumstantibus, all faithful Christians
sed et pro omnibus fi- living and dead, that it
delibus christianis vivis may avail me and them
atque delunctis : ut mb to salvation in eVerlast-
hi ctillis proficiat ad sa- ing life. Amen,
lutem in vitam aeter-
nam. Amen
Putting Wine and Water into the Chalice*
D EUS, qui humame / V God, who ill
substantia digni- \Jr creating humau
tatem mirahiliter con. nature hast wonderfully
didisti,es mirahilius re- dignified it, and hast
tormasti : da nobis per more wonderfully re-
hiiju^equaiet vitii formed it Grant by
faithful dfparh r& 91
*eruim* ejua divioitatis the mystery of this wa-
jcap€ consortes, qui hu- ter and wine that \yc
manitatis nostras fieri , may be partakers of his
dignatus est particeps, divinity, who vouchsaf-
Jesus Christus Filius ed to become partaker
tuus Dominus noster : j of our humanity, Jesus
qui tecum vivit et regnat Christ thy Son our Lord ;
in unitateSpiritusSanc- who lives and reigns
li Deus, Per omnia sae- with tliee, in the unity
<cula saeculorum. of the Holy Ghost, &c.
^mcn. ' world without end*
Then offering the Chalice in the Middle of the
Altar , he says,
O Fferimus tibi, Do- I1I7E offer to thee,
mine, Calicem ** O Lord, the
Salutaris, tuam depre-
cantes clement iam : ut
in, conspectu Divinas
Majestatis tuse pro nos-
tra et totius mundi sa-
lute cum odore suavita-
tis ascendat.
|N spiritu hunrititatis,
A et in animo con-
trito suscipiamur & te
Domine, et sic fiat sa-
•crificiam nostrum in
conspectu tuo hodie, ut
placeat tibi, Domine
Deus. »
V ENI Sanctificator,
omnipotens a> ^
ierne Deus, et benedic
iujc sacrlficium tuo
Chalice of salvation,
beseeching thy cle-
mency: that it may
ascend before thy Di-
vine Majesty, as a sweet
-perfume for our salva-
tion, and for that of the
whole world. Amen.
A Ccept us,0 Lord,
in the spirit of
humility and contrition
of heart, and so let our
sacrifice be made this
day in thy sight, that it
may please thee, O
Lord God.
O almighty
Vy and’ eternkl God
the Sanctifier, and bicss
this sacrifice prepared
98 Mass for tne
sanclb nomini prepare- for the glory of thy holy
turn. name.
Was/ting his Hands at the Corner oj the AHar p
he says, Psalm xxv. 6.
TAvabo inter inno- I will wash my handa
•■^centesmamismeas: -I among the inno-
tt rircumdabo altare cent : and will compass
tuum, Domine. thy altar, O Lord.
Ut audiam voccm That 1 may hear the
laudis : et enarrem uni- voice of thy praise : and
, versa mirabilia tua. tell of all thy wdndrous
Domine, dilexi de- I have loved, O Lord,
corttn domus tire: et the beauty of thy
locum habitation!* glo- house ; and the place
rice tuap. where thy glory dwell-
Ne perdas cum im- Take not away my
piis, Dens, animam soul, O God, with the
inearn: ct cum viris san- wicked ; nor my life
guindin vitam mean). With bloody men.
In quorum manihus In whose hands are
iniquitates stmt : dex- iniquities, their tight
tera eomni repleia est hand is filled with
nmnfrii us. gifts.
Ego aulemin inno- But as forme, I have
cenlia mea ihgtessus walked in my inno-
sum : . redime me, et cer.Ce: redeem me,
miserere met. and have mercy on me.
Pes roeus stetit in My foot hath stood
djrecto : in ecclesiis be- in the direct way : in
nt dicam le, Domine. the churches I will
bless thee, O Lord.
Honing in the Middle of the Altar , he. says,
S usc'n e, sancta Tri- 1 > Eceive, O holy Tri-
nilas, hanc of la- JL\ nity, this ohla-
tiohein quam tiV>i ufie lion whic h we offer to
rimu» ob me monam thte, in nu mory ul the
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Faithful departed. 98
passionis, resurrectio- passion, resurrection,
nis, et ascensionis Jesu and ascension of our
Christ! Domini nostri : Lord Jesus Christ : and
et in bonorem beats in honour of the blessed
Maris semper virginis, Mary ever a virgin, of
et beati Joannis Baptis- the blessed John Bap*
t», et sanctorum apes- tist, of the holy apostles
tolprum Petri et Pauli, Peter and Paul, of these,
etistorum, et omnium and all the Saints; that
sanctorum; utillispro- it may be available to
ficiat ad bonorem, no- their honour, and to our
bis autem ad salu- salvation. And may
tem: et* iili pro no- they vouehsafe to inter-
bis intercedere dignen* cede for us in heaven,
tur in coelis, quorum whose memory we
memoriam agimus in commemorate on earth,
terris. Per eumdem* Thro.’ Amen.
Kissing the Altar he turns to the People,
O Rate, Fratres ; ut TJRAY, brethren,
meum ac vestrum Jl that mine and
sacrificium acceptable your sacrifice may be
fiat apud Deum Patrem acceptable to God the
omnipoteutem. Father Almighty.
Resp. Stiscipiat D(h Answ. May the Lord
minus sacrificium de receive this sacrifice
manibus tuis, ad lau- from thy hands, to the
dem et gloriam nominis praise and glory of his
st}i, ad utilitatem quo- name^and to the bene*
que nostram, totiusque fit both of us, and of all
ecclesiae suae sancts. his holy church. .
S. Amen. Submissa Pr. Amen. With a
voce. low voice •
TJOstias, qusesumus pRopitiously regard ,
^ . Demine, quas ** these hosts, wfr .
tibi pro auimabus famu- beseech thee, O Lord,
lorum ianuilarumque which we offer to tliee
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Maufor ike Faithful departed.
tuarura e&rimuspropi- for the souls of thy^er-
ualus intended ut qui- vants: that as thou hast
bus fidei Christians me- given them the merit of
x£tum contulisti, dones Christian faith, thou wilt
at premium. Per Do- also grant them these-
mintrtn nostrum, Ac. ward of it. Thro% &c.
Per omnia sscufc World without «ndL
*J imp. A me a* Anne. A men*
& Dominos vobis- Pr. The Lord be with
fisst* you. 1
Rap. Ert cum spiritu : Ansm. And with thy
tf|o. > spirit. ;
Pr. Sursum corda. Pr. Lift up your
' i 5 hearts.
Retp. Habemus ad i Ant to. We hate lifted
Dominum. them up to the Lord.
£. Gratias agamus Pu Let us give
Domino Deo nofctrd. . 5 thanks to the Lord Our
t God. n
Rap. Dignum etjus- Anstv. It-is meet and
turn eat. 1 just.
‘y'Ere dignum et jus- I T is truely meet and
* turn est, squura X just; right and a-
et salutare, nos tibi vai table to salvation,
semper et ubiquegratias that we should always
egere, Domine, aancte • and in ail places give
Pater, oennipotens se- thanks to tnee, Q Lord,
terae Deus, per Chris- holy Father, aitnightv
turn Dominum nbs- and eternal God,
tram. Per quent majes- ttaa’ Christ- our Lord ;
tatem tuam iaudant an- by whom the angels
geli, adorant dominati- praise thy majesty, the
ones, tremunt pbtesta- : dominations adore if,
tea, cosh cotflornmque " the power* tremble be-
rtmuee, ae beata sera- fi^it, the heavens nud
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x The Can<m>oflke\hI*u.
phim, socia exultatione heavenly virtues, arid
concelebrant : cum qui- -blessed seraphims,
bus at nostras voces, ut jointly glorify it with
admitti jubeas depreca- exultation: with whom
nriur, supplici » confess!- we beseech thee to ad-
one djcentes, mit also our praises**
Sanctum Samtus, with humble cenfes-
Sanctut r Dominus Deus sion saying, Holy, Holy,
Sabaoth^ Pleni sunt Holy, Lord God of Saba-
ccsii e( terra gloria tua. . oth. The heavens and
Hosanna in excelsis. , earth are full of thy
Benedicfus qui venit in glory. Hosanna in the
nomine Domini. Ho- Highest* Blessed is he
sauna in exclesis. that comes in the name
of the Lord. Hosanna
in the Highest.
rp& igitur, dementis- T^Herefore, most
X* sime Pater, per X merciful Father,
Jesuih Christum Filium we humbly pray and be-
tuum Dominum nos- seech thee, thro’ Jesus
tram suppltces rogamus Christ thySon our Lord,
ac petinius, oti accepta toaccept and bless these
habeas, et be ncdicas,haec gifts, these presents,
dona, haec munera, haec these holy unspottefd
sanctk sacrificed illibata, sacrifices, which ini the
in primis, mice tibi of- first place we offer to
ferimus pro ecclesia tua thee lor thy holy catho-
saricta catholica z quam lie church, that
pacificare, custodire, thou mayest vouchsafe
adunare, et regere dig- to give ‘it peace, to
neris toto orbe terra- preserve, unite, arid go-
rum : una cum famulo vern it, throughout the
tuo Papa nostro N. et whole world, with thy
antistite nostro In. et servantN* our Pope, N.
Itege nostro N.etomui- our Bishop, N our King,
96 The Canon of {fie Matt,
bus orthodoxi$atque ca- and the orthodox pm-
tholi^ apotostoticae fessorff of the catholic
hdei cultoribus. and apostolic faith.
The Memento for the Living.
M Emento, Domt-
ne, famulorum
faniularumque tuarum
N. et N. et omnium cir-
cumstantium quorum
tihi fide s cogr.ita est et
notadevoiio, pro quibus
tib* oi'erimus : vel qui
'tihi o fife rum hoc sacri-
•ticium laudis pro se,
suisque- omnibus, pro
redemptione animarum
-snarum, pro spe salutis,
et Incolumitatis suae:
tibique* reddunt vota
sua liter no Deo, vivo et
Communicantes, et
rnemoriam venerantes,
in prim is gloriosae sem-
per virgims Marias, ge-
nitricis Dei, et Domini
uostri Jesu Christi; sed
et beatorum apostolo-
rum fit tnartyrum tuo-
rum, Petri et Pauli,
Andre©, Jacobi, Joau-
ni« ; Thom©, Jacobi,
Philippi, Bartholemsi,
Matthsei, Simon is et
Thaddsi : Lini, Cleti,
Clementis, Xysti, Cor-
R Emember, O Lord,
thy servants N.and
N. and all here present,
whose faith ana devo-
tion is known to thee,
for whom we offer to
thee, or who offer to
tliee this sacrifice oi
praise for themselves,
and for all that belong
tothem,forthe redemp-
tion of their souls, for
the hope of their health
and safety ; and who
pay their vow$ to thee
the eternal, living, and
true God.
and veneratiug the me-
mory, especially of the
glorious ever virgin
Mary, mother of God
and of our Lord Jesus
Christ; and also of thy
blessed apostles and
> martyrs, Peter and Paul,
Andrew, James, John,
Thomas, James, Philip,
Bartholomew, Mat.
, thew, Simon and Tha-
. d*us Linus, Cletus,
Clement, Xislus, Cor.
The CunOn of the Mast, 97
aeln, Cvpriani, Lauren- nelius, Cyprian, Lat*-
tii,Chrysogoni, Joaunts rence, Chrysogonus,
et Pauto, Casmse et Da- John and F&ul, Cos-
miani : et omnium sane- mat and Damian ; and
torum tuorum : quorum of all thy saints: by
mentis precibusque whose merits and pray-
concedas, ut in omnibus ers grant that we may
protectionis tuse munia- tie defended in all things
mur auxilio. Per. by the help of thy pro-
Amen. tection. Thro*. Amen.
Spreading his Hands over the Oblation he says,
JJANC igitur ohla- \\7 E therefore be-
tionem servitutis W seech thee. O
nostra?, sed et cuncta?,
familia? tu#, queesu-
mus Domine, ut placa-
tus aecipias ; diesque
nostros iu tua pace dis-
ponas, aique ab aeterna
d&muatione nos eripi,
et in electorem tuorum
jubeas grege uumerari.
Per. Amen.
Quam oblationerp tu
Dens in omnibus
qumsumus, benedktam,
adseriptam, mam, ra-
tionabilem, acceptab.i-
lemqtie facere digneris :
ut nobis corpus et san-
guis fiat dilcctissimi Fh
lii tui Domini nostri
Jesu Christi.
Qui pridie quam pa*
teretur, accept panctn
in sanctas ac venerabiles
Lord, craciouly to re-'
ceive this oblation of'
our service, as also of
all thy family; to dis*
pose our days in thy
peace, to deliver us troin
eternal damnation, and ‘
to place us in the iHim*».
her of thy elect. Thro*. -
Vouchsafe* we be-
seech thee, O God, to
render this oblation in
all things blessed, ap-
proved, ratibed, reason-
able, and acceptable : 1
that it may become for
us the body and blood
of thy most beloved
Son our Lord Jesus
Who the day before
he suffered took bread
in his holy aud venera-
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98 The Canon of the Mast,
mantis sttas, et elevatis ble bands, and fitting
Qculis in cesium, ad te up his eyes towards hea-
Deum Patrevn suum ven, to thee Almighty
cm m potent em, tihi God his Fattier, giving
gratias agens, benediait, thanksto t hee, lie bleSs-
tregil t deditque disci • edit, broke it, and gave
puns suis, dicens: ao it to his* disciples, say»
ipite et manducate ex injg : take, and eat ye all
hoc omnes, hoc estenim or this, for this is toy
corpus meum. body.
Here he elevates the sacred Host .
Simili ntodo poke; In like manner after
quam coenatum est, ac- he bad supped, taking
cipiens et hunc praecta- also- this exc ellent cha-
vusn calicem in sahetus lice in his holy and ve-
ae venerabrles manus nerable bauds, and giv-
suas, item, tihi- gratias iug thanks to thee, he
agens, benedixit, dedit- blessed it, and gave it to
qtse discipuiis suis, di- his disciples, saying t
eensr accipite et bibite take and drink ye all of
ex eo omhesr: hie est this : for t/ns is the cka~
enim calif sanguinis mei, lice of my blood, of the
novieteternitestamentr new and eternal testa-
mystcriumjidei ; qui pro ment 9 the mystery of
vohis et pro gtultis effun- faith , which shall be shed
detur remistiouem pec - for you and for many for
color urn, the remission of sins .
Hffic quotiescunaque AsoftenasyeshaEdo
facer it is, in tnei memo- these things, do them
riam facietts in memory of me.
... , . Here he elevates the Chalice *
: After the Elevation , ae goes oh saying ,
U NDE et memorev \\7 HEREFOEE, O
Do mine, nos Lord* we thy
twrvi tui, sed et servants, as also thy
plebs tua sancta, ejus* holy people, comme~
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The Canon of the Mast. 39
idem Christ! Filii tui
Domini nostri cam
beatae passions, necnou
«t ab iuferis.rFsurrectio-
nis sed, ei m rpetos gh>-
riosae asrensiouis ; offe-
rimus praeclarse m^es-
tati tuae de mis dpnis
«c dalis, hostiam pu/>
ram, bostiam sanctapi,
iiostiam immaculatafn,
panem sanctum vitas
^eternae, et calicem sa-
intis perpetuae.
Supra quae propitio
sereno vultu respirere
cligneris, et accepta ha
bene, sicuti accept i ha-
bere dignatus e$ nui-
nera pueri tui justi
Abel: et »acrificium pa-
rtniarchae nostri A brahses
^tquodtibi obtulit sum
mus sacerdos tuusMel-
chisedec, sanctum sa-
crificium, immaculatarn
’ Supplices te roga-
ixpis, omnipotens Dcus,
jube bic perferri per
manus sancti angel.i tui
In sublime altare mum,
in couspectu diviuae
snajestatis t ua ; tit qiiot-
tquot ex hac a l tar is par
tiripatione, sacrosanct
Inin Filii tui corpus et
morating the blessed
passion of the same
Christ thy Sou our Lord,
as also his resurrection
from hell, and his glo-
rious ' ascension into
heaven; we offer tp thy
excellent majesty of thy
gifts and presents, a
pure host, a holy liost,
an unspotted . host, the
holy bread of eternal
life, and the 'chalice of
perpetual salvation*.
Upon which vouch*
sale to look down with
a propitious and serene
countenance, and toac*
cept, as thjtm wast
pleased to accept the
gifts of the just Abel
thy servant, and the Sa-
crifice of put patriarch
Abraham; and that
which thy high priest
Melchisedech offered to
thee, a holy sacrifice,
ami unspotted host.'
We humbly beseech
thee, almighty God,
command these things
to be cgrried to thy. al*
inr above, by my holy
angel, in the sight of
thy divine majesty, that
as many of us, as by
this participation of the
altar, shall take tip
100 The Canon of the Mass .
sanguinem sumpseri- most sacred body and
mus, omni benedictions blood of thy Son, may
easiest iy et gratia re- be filled with all hea-
pleamur. Per, Amen, verily blessings and
grace. Thro’. Amen.
The Memento Jor the Dead.
M Emento, fetiam, T>Ememht*r, also, O
Domine, famn- JLV Lord, thy ser-
lorum famularumque Vai\ts N. and N. who
tuartim N. et N. qui are gone before us with
nos ftrecesseront cum the sign of faith, and
signo fidei, et dormiunt rest In the sleep of
in somno pacis. peace.
Here he mentions such as he intends to pray
for m particular .
Ipsis Domine, et om- To these, O Lord, and
nibus in Christo quies- to all that rest in Christ,
centibus, locum refrige- grant, we beseech thee,
rii, hicis et pacis, ut in- a place of refreshment,
dulgeas deprecam ur. of light and peace.
Per. Amen. Thro*. Amen.
^ Nobis quoque pecca- Also to us sinners thy
toribus famulis tuis, de servants, hoping in the
multitudine miseratio- multitude of thy mer*
mim tuarum speranti- cies, vouchsafe to grant
bus partem aliquant et some part and society
soeietatem donare dig- with thy holy apostles
neris, cum tuis santtis and martyrs, with John,
apostoliset martyribus, Stephen, Matthias, Bar*
cum Joanne, Stephano, nabas, Ignatius, Alex*
Matthia, Bamaba,lgna- auder, Marcellin, Pe-
tio, Alexandra, Mar- ter, Felicitas, Perpetua,
cellino, Petro, Felici- Agathy, Lucy, Agnes,
tate, Perpetua, Agatha, Cecily, Anastasia, v and
Lucia, Agnete, Cecilia, with all thy saints: into
Anastasia, et omnibus whose company admit
sauctistuis; intra quo- us, we beseech thee,
rum nos consortium, not weighingour merits.
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The Canon of the Mass. 101
lion aestimator meriti,
sed veniae qusesumus
largitor admitte. Per
Christum Dominum
Per quern haec omnia,
Domine, semper bona
creas, sanctificas, vivi-
ficas, benedicis, et prse-
stas nobis. Per ipsum,
et cum ipso, et in ipso,
est tibi Deo Patri omni-
potenti, in imitate Spi-
ritus Sancti, omnis ho-
nor et gloria.
S. Per omnia ssecula
Hesp. Amen.
P R accept is salutari-
bus mouiti, et <ii-
vina institutioue for-
mat i, audcmus dicere,
Pater nosier qui es in
ccelis, sanctificetur no-
tnen tuum ; adveniat
regnum tuum ; fiat
voluntas tua, sicut
in coelo et in terra : pa-
nem nostrum, quotidia-
num da nobis hodie ;
et dimitte nobis debita
nostra, sicut et nos di-
mittimus debitoribus
nostris; et ne nos in-
ducas in tentalionem.
but granting us pardon.
Through Christ our
By whom, O Lord,
thou dost always create,
sanctify, enliven, bless,
and give all these good
things to us. By him,
with him, and in him,
is to thee, God the Fa-
ther almighty, in the
unity of the Holy
Ghost, all honour and
Pr. World without
Answ. Amen.
Let us pray.
B Eing admonished
by wholesome
precepts, and taught by
divine instruction, we
presume to say.
Our Father who art
in heaven, hallowed be
thy name ; thy kingdom
come; thy will be done
on earth, as it is in hea-
ven : give us this day
our daily bread $ ana
forgive us ourtrespasse s,
as we forgive them that
trespass against us; and
lead us not into temp-
102 The Canon of the Mass «
'R. Sed libera nos a Ans. But deliver us
malo. from evil.
S. Amen. Pr. Amen.
Libera nos, ausesu- Deliver us, we be-
mus Domine, at ora- seech thee, O Lord,
nibus malis, preeteritis, from all evils, past, pre-
presenlibii3, et futuris : sent, and to come : and
et intercedente beata et by the irttercession
f loriosa semper virgine of the blessed and ever
>ei geni trice Maria, glorious virgin Mary,
cum oeatis apostolis mother of God; of the
tnis Petro et Paulo, at- blessed apostles Peter
q\ie Andrea, et omnibus and Paul, of Andrew,
Sanctis, da propitius and of all the Saints ;
pacem in diebus nostris: propitiously grant us
ut ope misericord itetuae peace in our days; that
adjuti, et & peccato si- through the assistance
mus semper liberi, et of thy merciful help, we
ad omni perturbatione may always be free from
securi. Per eundem sin, and secure from all
Dominum nostrmh Je- disturbance. Thro* the
sum Christum Filium same Lord Jesus
tuum, qui tecum vivit Christ thy Son, who
et regnat in unitate with thee lives and
Spiritus Sancti Deus. reigns, in the unity of
Per omnia saecula ssecu- the Holy Ghost, God,
lorum. world without end,
Kesp. Amen. Ans. Amen.
■S. Pax Domini sit Pr. The peace of the
semper vobiscum. * Lord be always with
Resp. Et turn spiritu ; Ans , And with tby
tuo. ' spirit.
Here he breaks the Host, and puts a Particle of
it into the Chalice , sayings
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The Canon
Hsec commix tia et
consecratio corporis et
sanguinis Domini nostii
Jesu Chri^ti, fiat acci-
pientibus nobis in vitatn
aeternam. Amen.
Aguus Dei, qui tollls
peccata inuiidi, dona
eis requiem.
Agnus Dei, qui toilis
peccata mundi, donaeis
.Agnus Dei, qui toilis
peccata mundi ; dona eis
requiem sempiternam.
‘TvOmine Jesu Christe,
Fili Dei vivi, qui ex
voluntate Patns, co-
©peranie Spiritu feancto,
per mortem tuam m un-
ci um vivificasti : libera
me per hoc Sacrosanc-
tum Corpus et San-
guinein tumn,ah omtu*
bus iniquitatibus meis,
ct universis malis : et
fac me tuis semper in
haerere mandatis, et it
te numquam seperari
permittas ; qui cum eo-
dem Deo Patre, et Spi-
ritu Sancto, vivis et
regnas Dcus, in saicula
siLeulorum. Amen.
of the Mass . 10$
May this mixture and
' consecration of the
body and blood of our
Lord Jesus Christ, be to
us that receive it, effect
tual to eternal life.
Lamb of God, that
takest away the sins* of
the world, give them
Lamb of God, that
takest away the sins of
the world, give them
Lamb of God, that (
takest away the sins of
the world, give them
eternal rest.
O Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of the living
God, who according to
the will of the Father,
. hast by thy death given
life to the world, thro'
the co-operation of the
Holy Ghost, deliver, me
by this thy most sacred
body and blood, from
all ray iniquities, and
from all evils ; and make
me always obedient to
thy commands, and
never suffer me to be
separated from thee ;
who with the same
God the Father, &e.
pErceptio corporis lui,
* Domine JesuChriste,
quod ego indignus su-
mere praesumo, non mi-
hi proveniat in judicium
et condemnationem :
sed pro tua pietate prosit
mihi ad tutamenium
mentis et corporis, et ad
medelam percipien-
dain : qui vivis. Amen.
The Canon of the Mass.
T ET not the partici-
pation of tny holy
body, O Lord Jesus
Christ, which I unwor-
thy, presume to receive,
turn to my judgment
and condemnation : but
let ir, thro* thy mercy,
be an effectual security
and cure of soul and bo-
dy : who livest. Amen.
Taking the sAcred Host in his Hands , he says.
P Anem ccelestem ar-
cipiam, et n
Domini invocabo.
Will take the hea-
venly bread, and
will call upon the name
of the Lord.
Then, in the words of the Centurion, he says three
times .
Domine, non sum Lord, I am not wor-
dignus, ut intres sub thy thou shouldst enter
tectum meuiii : sed
tantum die veibo, et
saimbitur anima mea.
/^Orpus Domini nostri
Jesu Christi custo-
dial animam meam in
vitum seternam. Amen.
under my roof ; say
only the word, and my
soul shall he healed.
r PHE body of our
Lord Jesus Christ
preserve my soul to
everlasting life. Amen.
Hi re he receives the sacred Host ; ujttr which , tgk~
ing the Chalice , he says ,
Quid retribuaui Do-
mino pro omnibus quae
retribuit mihi ? Calicem
salutaris accipiam, et
nomen Domini invoca-
bo. Laudans irivoca-
bo Pomimim, et ab
inimicis uieis salvus
What return shall I
make the Lord for all he
has given to me ? I will
take the chalice of sal-
vation. and call upon
the name. of the Lord.
Praising, I will call
upon the Lord, and I
si tall be saved my
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The Canon oj the Mass.
O Anguis Domini nostri
^ Jhii riiristi rnctn.
'T'HE blood of pur
Jesu Christi custo- A Lord Jesus Christ
diat aniroam meaiu in preserve my soul ,to
vitam aeternam. Amen, everlasting life. Amen.
Here he receives the sacred Blood : then he takes
Wine into the Chalice for the first Ablution , and
g\V0D ore sumpsi- Rant, 0 Lord, that
nms, Domtne, VJ* what we have
pura mente capiamus; taken with our month
et de munere, tempo- we may receive with a
rali fiat nobis remedi- pure miud ; that of a
um sempiternum. temporal gift, it may
become to us an eternal
Taking Wine and Water for the second Ablution,
he says,
Corpus tuum, Do- May thy body, O
mine, quod sumpsi, et Lord, which I have re-
sanguts quern potavi,
adhaereat visceribus
meis : et praesta, ut
in me lion remapeat
see le rum macula, quern
pura et sancta retece-
runt sacramenta. Qui
vivisctregnas in saccula
sxculorum Amen.
L UX aeterna luceat
eis, Demine, cum
aanctis tuis in aeter-
num ; quia pius es.
V. Requiem aeter-
ceived, and thy blood
which 1 have drank,
cleave to my bowels;
and grant, that no stain
of sin may remain in
me, who have been fed
with this pure and holy
sacrament. Who livest
aud reignest for ever and
ever Amen.
L ET eternal light
shine on them, O
Lord, with thy saints
for ever; because thot*
art good.
v. Grant them eter-
106 The C anon of the Mas t,
nara dona eis, Domine : nal rest, O Lord ; and
ot lux perpetua lgceat let perpetual light shine
efe, cum sanctis tiiis m on them, with thy
aebernum ; quia plus es. saints for ever; because,
8. Dominus vobis* Pr. The Lord be with
cum. you.
Rap. Et cum spirilu Anew. And .with thy
tuo. spirit.
A Nimabus, quaesii- Rant, we beseech'
mus Domine, fa- V7 thee, 0 Lord, that
tnutorum famularum- the hmnble prayers'
S ue tuarum oratio pro- which we address to
ciat supplicanthim : ut thee, for. the souls of
eas dt & peccatis omni- thy' servants, may bs
This exuas, ct tuse re- profitable to them ;
tldmplibnis facias esse that being delivered
partitipes. Qui vivis et from all their sins, they
regnas cum Deo Patre, may be made partakers
inuriitateSpiritusSanc- of thy redemption*
ti Dfeiis, per omnia sae- Who livest and rergnest
cida sflecu lor um. Amen, with God the Father,
-"• • ' &c. '
S. Dominus vobis- Pr. The Lord be with
cum. you.
' Rap. Et cum spiritu Answ. And with thy
tuo." spirit.
S. Requiescant in Pr. May they rest in *
pace. peace*
Rap. Amen. Anew. Amen.
Rowing his Read at t\e Middle of the Altar % he
saps, in secret,
pLaceat tibi, sancta T ET the performance
**■ Trinitas, obsequium of my duty, O holy„
servi^utis uie», et praes- Trinity, be pleasing to"
la ; ut sacrificium quod thee; and grant that
, y Google
The Canon of the Mass. f07
oculis lua majestatis
indignus obtuli, tibi sit
acceptable, mihique,
et omnibus pro quibus
illud obiuli, sit, te mi-
sera nte propitiabile.
Per Christum Domi-
juim nostrum. Amen.
S. Dominus vobis-
cum. -
Kesp. Et cfim spiritu
S. Initlnm fyncti
JEvdngelii secundum Jo -
Rcsp. Gloria tibi,
I N principio erat Ver-
bum; et Verbum erat
apud toeum : et Deus
erat Verbum. Hoc erat,
in principio apud De-
lira. Omnia per ipsum
lecta sunt, et sine ipso
factum est nihil, quod
factum est. In ipso vita
erat, ct vita erat lu* bo-
xninuni, et lux in te-
nebris lucet, et tenebra
earn non coroprehende-
riint. Fuit homo mis-,
sus k Deo, cui nomen
erat Joannes. Iiicrvenit
in testimonium, ut tes-
timonium perhiberetde
Itimine; ut omnes ere-*
the sacrifice which i
unworthy have ottered
lip in the sight of thy
majesty, may he ac-
ceptable to thee : and,
through thy mercy,,
propitiatory to me, and
to all those for whom I
have ottered it. Thj-i/1
Pr. The Lord be
with ypiu, . *
Ansa* And with thy
spirit. V,.
Pr. The beginning of
tbe t Gospel according to
fi t, John. s . -
Ansu'tf -Glory be to
thee, O Lord. , \
IN the. beginning was
I the Word, aud jhe
Word was, with God;
arid the Word was God.
The same was in the, be-
ginning with p od.^ Aft
thing* were made by
him ; and without him
was made nothing that
was made. In him* was
life, and the life was the
light of men : and the
light shincth in dajk-
ness, and the d&rfeaftj&g
did not comprehend it*
There was a man sent
from God, whoso tiam©
was John* This man
came fOT a witness', t<*
> y Google
to® The Canon of the Man.
derent per ilium. Non
erat ille hix, sed ut tes-
timonium perhiberet de
lumine. Erat lux vera
quaeilluminat omnem
nominem venientem in
hunc mundum. In
mundo erat, et mundus
per ipsuin factus est, et
mundus eum non cog-
novit. In propria ve-
nit, et sui eum non re-
ceperunt. Quotquot
autem receperunt eum,
dedit eis potestatem Fi-
Hos Dei fieri, his, qui
credunt in nomine eius :
qui non ex sangtiinibus,
neque ex voluntate car
nis, neque ex voluntate
eiri, sed ex Deo nati
sunt. Et verbum caro
fee turn est, et habitavit
in nobis; et vidimus
gioriam ejus, gloriam
quasi unigentf a Patre,
plenum gratis et veri-
Retp. Deo gratias.
give testimony of the
light, that all men might
believe through him. He
was not the light,butwas
to bear testimony of the
light. That was the true
light, which enlighten*
etn every man that com -
eth into this world. He
was in the world, and
the world was made by
him, and the world
knew hiin not. He
edme unto his own, and
his own received him.
not. But as many as re-
ceived him, to them he
gave power to be made
the sons of God; to
them that believe in
his name. Who are
born, not of blood, nor
of the will of the flesh,
nor of the will of man,
but of God. And the
Word was made flesh,
and dwelt in tis; and wc
saw his glow, the glory
as it were ofi tneonfy be-
gotten of the Father,
nil I of grace and truth.
A ns. Thanks be to
The following Vehicle is only sing after solemn
Mass for the Dead.
T Ibera me, Domine, pvEliver me, O lord,
de morte seterua, U from eternal death.
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The Canon
in die ilia, tremenda:
quando cceli movendi
aunt et terra: dum ve-
neris judicare ssculum
per ignem.
V. Tremens factus
sum ego, et timeo dura
discussio veuerit, atque
venture ira.
R. Quando cceli mo-
vendi sunt et temu
V. Dies ire, dies ilia,
calami tat is et miseries,
dies magna et arnara
# R* Dum veneris ju-
dicare saculum per ig-
V. Requiem aeter-
nam donaeis, Domine :
et lux perpetua luceat
Libera me, &c.
Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
Pater noster, &c.
V. Et ne nos inducas
in tentatiooem*
R. Sed libera nos k
the Mm. 109
in that dreadful day :
when the heavens and
the earth shall be moot-
ed : when thou shalt
come to judge the
world by fire.
V. I tremble and fear
when the examination
is to be, ahd the wrath
to come.
R. When the hea-
vens and earth are to be
V. That day is the
day of anger, calamity
and misery; a great
day, and very bitter.
R. When thou shalt
come to judge the world
by fire.
V. Grant them eter-
nal reStjO Lord; and
let perpetual light shine
on them.
R. Deliver me, &c.
Lord, have mercy
upon us.
Christ, have mercy
upon us.
Lord, have mercy
upon bs. -
Our Father, fire, in
secret .
V. And lead us not
into temptation.
R. But deliver us
from evil.
UQ Tfic Canon
V. A porta inferi.
R. Erut% Domine,
animam cjus.
V . Requiescat in
R. Amen.
V. Domine, exaudi
ofationetn meam.
it. Et clamor meus
ail tc veniat.
V. Dominus vobis-
II. Et ? cum spiritu
* * Oremus.
A Bsolve, quaesumus
Doraine, animam
famuli tui N. ab omni
viuculo delictorum : lit
tn resurrectionis gloria
inter sanctos et electos
tuos resu sc i tat us respi*
ret. Per Christum Do*
minum nostrum.
of the Mass .
V. From the gate of
R. Deliver his soul,
O Lord.
V. May he rest in
R. Amen.
V. O lord, hear my
R. Apd let my cry
come unto thee.
V. The Lord be with
R. * And with thy
Let us pray.
A BSolve, we beseech
thee, O.Lord, the
soul of thy 'servant N.
from every bond of sin ;
that he may rfse again
to a new life among thy
saints and eleet, in th?
glory of the resurrecti-
on. Thro’ Christ our
R. Amen.
V. Requiem acter-
nam, Ac.
V. Reqniesc&ut ip
It. A men. ’
R. Amen.
V. Grant them eter-
nal rest, &c>
V. May they rest in
R. Amen.
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Oat t^lk Day op the Death or Burial*
Begin at page 78, to the Collect.
The Collect*
T^BUS, eui proprium r\ God** whose pro-
esttaisereri semper f ” perty it is always
et parcere ; tesupplices* to Have mercy and to
exoramus pro anima l * spare, we humbly be-
muli tui N. quam bodie seech thee- for the Soul
rle hoe sseculo migrare ofthy servant N.whicir
jussisti : lit non tradaa to-day thou * hast token
earn in mattus imraici, out of this world : not
nequeobhvisearis m h- to deliver it into the
ncm, sed jubeas earn k hands of the enemy* nor
Sanctis AngeUs susoepi; to foqget it for ever > but *
et bd patriam paradtei to command the ^ holy
perduci: ut quia in te Angels to receive it, end '
spenavit at credidit, non to conduct it to thehea-
pceaas infemiaustiueat, venly country; that
sed gaud ia Kterna possi- since it has believed and
deat* Per Dominum hoped in thee, it mar
nostrum, &e. : not suffer the pains of
G » : hell, but possess eternal
joys. Thro*.
- •, EPETTLE, 1 Thees. iv. 12, ' ’ • .
F Ratres: nolumtis ‘DRethren; we will
vos jgnorafededor- " riot havejtow kno*
mien ti bus, ut non con*, rant concerning them
tnefiemihi^situt et catf- that are R&tatlp, that
ten qui spem lion ba~ you benot sorftnWul,'
hens* Sion ini credimus- even as others Who'
quod Jfesus mortuusesv have no hopew Fdr if
et rdsurrexit; ita et we* believe that Je&fe 1
Dens eos, qui dormie- died and rose again,
rtmt pen Jesum, addu- even so them who hard
cet cum eo, Hoc tnim slept through Jesus Will
vobis dicimos inverbo God bring with him.
1W Matt on the Dag
Domini: quia nos qui vi- For this we say unto
vimus.quiresiduisumus you in the woid of the
in adventum Domini, Lord, that we who' are
non prteveniemus eos alive, who remain untb
qui dormierunt. Quo- the coming of the Lord,
niam ipse Dominus in shall nor prevent them
jussu, et in voce Aten- who have slept. For the
angeh, et in tuba Dei Lord himseH shall come <
desoendet de ceelo: et down from heaven with
mortui qui in Christo commandment ; and :
sunt resurgent primi. with the voice of an
Deinde nos qui viviraus, archangel, and with the
qui relinquunur, simui trumpet of God s and
rapaemur cum illis in the dead who are ini
nubibus obviam Christo Christ, shall rise first,
in aera «t sic semper Then we who are alive,
eum Domino erimus. who are left, shall be
Itaque oonsolamini in- taken up together with
vicem in verbis intin. them in ^he clouds, to
• meet Christ in the air,,
and«Q shall we be ai-
ways with the Lord,
j Wherefore .comfort ye
* ; one another with these
, words.
Rap. Deo Gratias. Am. Thanks be to
; ' God. : • *
Tkf Gradual, Requiem, &c. tu page 63- • *
GOSPEL, John id. 2 h
I N illo tempore: dixit \ TthattknfcMnrtha
Martha ad Jestim: x\said to Jesus s Lord,
Pontine, si fuisses hie, if thou badst been here,
frater metis non fuissei ray brother irad not
xnortuus. bed et nunc died t hut now also I
scio, quia queecumqu*. know, that whatsoever
proposcerU A Deo debit thou wilt ask of Gad;
tibi Deus. Pick ilii Je- God will give it thee.,
sus; resurget frater tuus. Jesus sakh to her s thy
Dicit ei Martha; scio. brother shall rise again,
quia resurget in resur- Martha saith ro him i I
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tfibeotkor Burial* IIS
rectione in noyissimo know that he shall rise
die. Dixit ci Jesus: again m the resurrection
Ego sum resurrectio et at the last day. Jesus'
vita: qui credit in me, said to her ; I aiii the
^>tiam $1 mortuusfuerit, resurrection and the'
vivet : et omhts jqurvi- life; he that believeth
vit, et credit in live, noit’ irr mg, although he be
morktur in sternum* dead, '.shall live*. , and
Credis hoc? Ait illi: eyery oue that liveth,
Utique, Domine, ego and heiieveth in me,
-crethdi, quia tues Chris- shall not die for ever.
tn^FiHus Dei vivi, qui fiehevest thoti thisf
in hunc mundum veins- She saith to him : yea,
tt. ' Lord. I - have believed
. - that thouart Christ the
Son of the living God,
who art come into this
Resp. Laus tibi, A ns. Praise be to
Christe, > , thee, O Christ. * '
H7ie Offertory,. Domine Jesu, 4*c« as P*€ e ^9,
, ike SECRET.
P Ropitiare, quaesu- T3 E propitious, we
mus, Demine, ani-v JO beseech thee, O
niae famuli tui >{. pro Lord, to tlie soul of thv
cjiia hosiiam laudis tibi servant N. for which
immolamu$, majesta- we sacrifice to thee this
tem tiiam supplicitujr host of praise, most
deprecantess . ut per humbly beseeching thy
hsee piae piacatiopis of- majesty, that by, these
ficia, per venire njerea T pious offices of recpnpi-
ttir ad requiem sera pip , nation, be may be wpr-
ternam. Per Dorn i mini thy to obtain eternal
nostruqi Je^raChris- rest. . Thro’ Q^r.j^rdf
turn, &c. . : &c,^ , ;
The Preface, 4 os \xipe 94, tq the
P R7F.STA, qutesu- ^JHANT, we be-
mus omnipotens ^ .seech thee., O Al-
K 3
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1J4 Mass on the Day
De us; utanima famuli mighty God, that the
tui N.quaehodicde hoc soul of thy servant N»
saeculo migravit, his sa- which has this day de*
crificiis pur- ata, et a parted out of thia world,
peccatis expediu, in- being purified by tliese
dulgentiam et sacrifices, and freed
requiem capiat snnpi* from sin, may also re*
ternam. Per Doiniuiim ceive the pardon there,
nostrum Jesum Chris* of, and eternal rest*
tun. Thro’.
The rest as before, page 106.
On the Third, Seventh, or Thirteenth Day after
the Decease.
Begin at page 78, and go on to the Collect.
Q Utesumus Domine : TX7® beseech thee,
ut aniniK famuli O Lord; that
tui N. cujus deposition the soul of thy servant
liis diein tertium (vet N. the third, (seventh,
sept i mum, vet trigessir or thirtieth) day of
mum) coinniemora mus,, whose death we com*
sanctorum atque eleeto- memorate, may be ad*
rtim tuorum largiri dig* mitted into the fellow-
neris consortia™, et to- ship of thy saints and
rem misericordije tuae elect, and refreshed with
perenneita infundas. Per the perpetual dew of
Domitium. thy merdy. ThroV&c.'
The Epistle and Gospel as in the former Mass,
pages 111, 112. to
M Unera, qusesu- XPAvourably regard
mus Domine, J/ the gifts, we beseech
quae tibi pro anima fa* thee, O Lord, which
sanili tui N. offerinuis we offer to thee for the
Digitized byCjOO^IC
of Death or Burial . 11$
placatus intense s ut re- soul of thy servant N *
mediis purgata ccelesti- that being purified by
bus, in tua pietate re- these heavenly rerae-
quiescat. Per Doroi- dies, it may rest in tby
uum nostrum. goodness. Thro’.
. Preface, &c. as page 94, to ike
S USCIPE, Domine, T> ECEIVE, O Lord,
preces nostras pro XV our prayers for the
anima famuli tui N. ut soul of. tny servant N.
si qu® ei macul© de ter- that if it retains any
reni? contagiis spots of earthly corrup-
runt, remissionis tua f tion, they may be blot-
ipisericordia deleantur. ted out by the mercy of
Per Dominum nostrum, thy remission. Thro*.
The rest as before , page 106.
Qh the Anniversary op the Dead.
Begin as page 78, to the Collect .
For the Collect, see the prayer I>eus, indulgcn-
tiarum, dec, page ^7.
LESSON, 2 Machab. xii 43.
I N diebus illis: vir I N those days : Judas,
fortissimus Judas col- **■ that most valiant
latione facta duodecini mau, making a gather-.
n>illia drachmas argenti ing seot twelve tbou-
znisit Jerosolymam, of- sand drachms of silver
ferri pro peccatis mortu- Jerusalem for sacri-
orura sacrificiuni, bene fire, to be offered for
et' religiose de resurrec- the sins of the dead,
tlone cogitans : nisi e- thinking well and rcli-
nim eos qui ceciderant, giously concerning the
resurrecturos speraret, resurrection: for if he
supefiuum videretur et had not hoped that they
vanum orare pro mor- that were slain ah.mid
tub. Ekquia eouside* ^iseagaiu, it would have
, y Google
1 16 , Jnmvertary Mas* for ike Dead,
rabat, quod hi, qui cum seemed supeafluous and
pietate doimitionem ac- vam to pray for the
cepeimnt, optimam’ dead. And because he
haberent repositam gra- considered' that they
tiam Sanota ergb et tfho had fallen asleep
salubris est cogitatio 'with godliness, had
pro defdnctis exorare : great grace laid up for
ut & peccatis solvantur. them. It is therefore a
Holy and wholesome
thought to pray for the
dead, that they mkf he
* loesed from sins. ‘
Retp. Deo gratia*. Am. Thanks be to
■ ' God.
The Gradual, Requiem, &c. at page 83, to the
GG6PE£y JoHn~vir9Ti ; -
TN illo tempore : dixit A T lhattimei Jestis
* Jesus rturb is Juda*o- xX said to the itniltr-*
rum : omne quod dat lude of the Jews :
mihi Pater, ad me ve» that the Father givefch
niet : et cum, qui venit me, shall come to me,
ad me, nou ejiciam fo- and him that cometh to
ras. Quia descendi de me I will not cast out :
coelo, non lit faciam vo- Because I came down
luntatem meam, sed from heaven, not to do
volunlatem ejusqui mi- my own will, but tliewiU
sit me. Haecestautem of him that seat roe,
voluntas ejus qui misit Now this is the will of .
me, Patris; ut omne the Father tv ho sent me.
quod dedit mihi, non „ that of gU tliat lie hath
perdam e* eo : sed re-, given me, J should Ipse,
sttscitem illud in novis* nothing, . hq* • should
simodie. Hafc est au raise it up again in the
teiu voluntas Pat ris mei, last day.. And this is
qui iiiisiiine: utomui? the will of my Father
3 tii videt Filium,et ere- that sent me; that
it in eum, habeat vitam ' every one who seett}
iHernam, et ego resuv * ilie Son, and l>elievetU
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Anniversary Mass for the Dead . 117
citafb© -cum iu novissi- in him, may have life
mo die. everlasting, and I will
raise him up inlhe last
' day.
Resp. Laus tibi, Ans. Praise be to
Christe. thee, O Christ.
The Offertory, DomineJesu, as page 89, to the
P Ropitiare, Domine, "OE propitious, O
-supplicationibu9 jLJ Lord, to our tup*
nostri s, pro tiuimabus plications, for the sou \»
famulorum famlitamm- • of thy servants, whose
sK tttarum. quorum anniversary we commoi
hodie annua (lies agiuir, morate this day, for
pro quibu* *tib» offer i- which we offer to thee
mussacrificiam laud is 4 ' a sacrifice »of praise?
u t eas sanctorum tuo- that thou raayestvoueh-
rum < coasortio social® safe to unite them to
digneris. Per. the fellowship of thy
saints. Thro*.
Prefece, as page 94, to the Post-Connnuoion.
*TpR»sta, quaesumus JT'lRant, we beseeefy
Domine: ut aril- VJ" thee,0 Lord, that
rme famulorum famu- the souls of all thy ser-
lanimque tuarum, quo- vatits, men and women,
rum aniversarium de- whose anniversary-day
positionis diem comme- , of departure we com-
nioramus, his purgataj ihemorate, being puri-
sacrificii^, indulgentiam tied toy these sacrifices,
pariter, et requiem ca- may also obtain par-
|)iarrt^empiternam.Per. don, anjd eternal rest..
The rest as before^ page 108.
d by Google
The Common Mass for theDfi*p.
Begin as t before, page 78.
For the Collect for Bishops, or Priests, tat the
prayer, Deus, qni inter, &c. page 25.
For the Collect for Brethren, Relations and Bene-
factors, see t/us prayer, Deus veniae, poge, 27.
For the Collect for dll the Faithful, see the^prayer,
Fidelium Deus, page 28.
' LESSON, Jpoc. xiv.
I N diebuaillis: Audivi . |N those days 1 1 heard
vocezn de ccelo, di- f a voice from hearto,
centemmihi: scribe: saying to me : write,
beat! mortui,quiin Do Uosscd are the dead
mino moritimur. A~; whodiein the Lord,
modo jam dicit ^piritue, From henceforth now,
ut.requiescatH 4 labort- saith the . Spirit, that
bus suis : .opera enitn il- they may rest from their
locum sequuntur itlo*. labours : forlbtirwOrks
follow them.
Resp . Deogratiav . Ans* Thanks be to
GO$PH$ John vi. 51.
I N illo tempore : <6x4 A T that time: Jesu*.
it Jesus turbis Ju- JljL said to the multi-
daeoruni Ego sum tude of the Jews ; I am
panis vivtis qui de roelo the living bread, which
descendi. Si qpis nian- came down frorii hea-
ducaverit ex hoc pane, ven. If any man eat of
vivet in sternum. Et this bread he shall live
panis, quern ego dabo, for ever : and the
earo mea e'st pro mundi bread that I will give
vita. Litigabant ereo is my flesh for the life
Juda?i admvicem, di- of the world. The
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Common Mass for the Dead. 110
eentes : quomodo potest Jews therefore strove
hie nobis carnem suam among themselves, say-
dare ad manducandum ? iug : now can this man
dixit ergo eis Jesus: A- give us his flesh to eat ?
nten, amen dico vobis : Then Jesus said to
nisi manducaveritis car- fhem : Amen, amen I
nem Filii hominis, et say unto you: except
biberitis ejus sangui- yon eat the flesh of the
nem, non babebitis vi- son of man, and drink
t«m in vobis. Qui man- bis blood, you shall not
ducat meam carnem, et have life in you. He
bibit meum saoguinem, that eateth my flesh and
habet vitam aeternam; drinketh my blood, hath
et ego resuscitabo eum everlasting life : and I
|n Dovissimo die. will raise him up in the
last day.
Ifc*/?.Lau8tibi, Chris- Ans, Praise be to
te. thee, O Christ.
The Offertory, Domine, &e. as page 89, to the
The Secret for Bishops, or Priests, departed .
S Uscipe, Domine ¥> Eceive, O Lord, we
.quaesumus, pro a- XV beseech thee; these
nimabus famulorum Hosts which we offey
tuorum pontificum, sen for the sotils of thy ser-
s ace rdo turn, quas offeri- vants, bishops or priests;
mu s hostias : ut quihus that as thou hast given
in hoc saeculo pontifi- them in this world, the
cale, seu sacerdotale, pontifical, or priestly
denasti meritum, in coe- dignity, so thou mayest
iesti regno Sanetorum unite them to the fel-
tnotaip jubeas jmigi lowsftip of thy saints in
censottio. Per Domt- the kingdom of heaven,
mnti nostrum, &c. Thro*.
Secret, jor our deceased Brethren, Friends, and
D EUS, cujus raiseri- God, whose raer-
cordis non est nu- vX cy is iufinite, pro-
jncrus, suscipe propitius pitiousfy receive our
prccea huniuiutis nos- most humble prayer
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120 Common Mass for the Dead,
trae : et animabus fra* for the souls of our tore*
trum propinquorum, et threii, relations, and be-
benefactomm nostro- nefactors, to whom
rum, quibus tui nominis thou hast given the con-
dedisti confessionem : fession of thy name;
per haec saci amenta sa- and by these sacraments
futis nostrae, cunctorum of our salvation, grant
remissionem tribue pec- them the remission/ of
catorum. all their sins.
Secret, for all the Faithful departed.
H Ostias, quaesumus T)Ropitiously regard
Domine, quas tibi X these hosts, we be*
pro animabus famulo- seech thee, O Lord,
rum famularumque tua- which we offer to thee
turn offerimus, pFopi- for the souls of thy ser-
tiatus intends ; utqui- vants : that as thou hast
bus fidei christiau® me- given them the merit of
ritum contulisti, dooes Christian faith, thou wilt
et ursmium. Per* also give them the re-
ward of it. Thro.’
The Post Communion, for Bishops, or Priests,
departed .
P Rosit, quaesumus X ET the clemency
Domine, animabus JL^of thy mercy which
famulorum tuorum we have implored, we
pontificum, seu sacer- beseech thee, O Lord,
dotum, misericordi® be profitable to the
tu« implorato clemen- souls of thy servants,
da ; ut ejus in quo spe- bishops, or priests ; that
raverunt et credideiunt, thro’ thy mercy they
aeternam capiant, teroi* may always be united
serante, consortium, with him in whom they
Per Dpmtnum nos* have believed and hop-
trum, &c. ed. Thro’.
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Common Mass for a Pope . 121
Post-Communion, for deceased Brethren,
Friends, and Benefactors.
P Raesta, quaesumus RANT, we be-
omnipotens et mi- \JT seech thee, al-
sericors Deus : ut ani- mighty and merciful
xnaefratrum,propinquo- God; that the souls of
rum, et benefactorum our brethren, relations,
nostrorum, pro quibus and benefactors, for
hoc sacrificium laudis which we have offered
tuae obtulimus majesta- this sacrifice of praise to
ti : per hujus virtutem thy divine majesty ; be-
sacramenti a peccatis ing purified from all
omnibus expiatae, lucis their sins, by the virtue
perpetuae, te miserante, of this sacrament, may,
recipiant beatitudinem. thro* thy mercy, receive
, the bliss of light.
Post-Communion, for all the Faithful departed .
A Nimabus, quaesu- X ET the prayer of
nms Domine, fa- 1 A thy supplicants,
mulorum famularum- we beseech thee, O
mie tuarum oratio pro* Lord, be profitable to
ficiat supplicantium : the sou Is of thy servants:
ut eas eta peccatis om- that thou mayest deli-
nibus exuas, et tuae re- ver them from all their
demptionis facias esse sins, and make them
participes. Qui vivis et partakers of thy re-
regnas. demption. Who.
The rest as before , page 10G.
At the Death or Burial of a Pope.
AU as in the first ]\lass y page 78, except the
D EUS, qui inter sum- /~\ God, who by thy
mos saqcrdotcs fa- ^ wonderful provi-
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122 For a Pope.
mulum tuum N. ineffa- dence bast vouchsafed
bili tua dispositione to number thy servant
connumerari voluisti : N. among the chief
praesta, quaesumus, tit priests : grant, we be-
qui unigeniti Filii tui seech thee, that having
vices in terris gerebat, been the vicar of thy
sanctorum tuorum pon- only Son on earth, he
tiffcum consortio perpe- may be united in per-
tuo aggregetur. Per. petual society with thy
holy bishops. Thro*.
S Useipe, Domine, T) Eceivc, O Lord,
quaesumus, pro ani* Jl\ we beseech thee,
raa famuli tui N. sum- these hosts which we
mi pontificis, quas of- offer for the soul of thy
ferimus hostias : ut cui servant N. chief bishop:
in hoc saeculo pontiff- that as thou hast be-
eale donasti meritum, stowed on him in this
in easiest! regno sancto- life the pontifical dig-
rum tuorum jubeasjun- nity, thou mayest also
gi consortio. jpin him to the fellow-
ship of thy saints in the
kingdom of heaven.
P Rosit, quaesumus beseech thee,
Domine, animae V V O Loid, let the
famuli tui N. summi clemency of thy mercy,
pontificis, misericordi® which we have implor-
tu® implorata clemen- ed, be piofitable to the
tia: ut ejus, in quo soul of thy servant N.
speravit et credklit, ®- chief bishop : that thro*
ternum capiat, te mi- thy mercy he may ob-
serante consortium. tain the eternal society
Ter Dominant nostrum, of him in whom he hop-
&c. ed and believed. Thro’.
, y Google
For a Bishop or Priest .
For a Bishop or Priest, departed .
All as in the first Mass, page 78, except
The COLLECT— Deus <|ui inter, &c. page 25,
R Eceive, 0 Lord, we
beseech thee^
these hosts which we
offer for the soul of thy
servant N. bishop, {or
priest) that as thou hast
bestowed on him in this
world the pontifical (or
priestly) dignity, thou
wilt also unite him to
the society of thy saints
in the kingdom of hea-
ven. Thro* our Lord.
quaesumus \ \ 7 E beseech thee,
VV O Lord, that the
clemency of thy mercy,
which we have implored
may be profitable to the
soul of tny servant; that,
jhro* thy mercy, he
may obtain the eternal
societyof him in whom
he hoped and believed
QUscipe, Domine quae-
siunus, pro anini^
famuli tui N. pontificis
(seu aacerdotis,) quas
offerknus hostias : ut
cui in hoc saeculo pon-
tifical e (seusacerdotale,)
•donasti meritum, in
coelesti regno sanctorum
tuorum jubeas jungi
consortio. Per Domi-
num nostrum Jesum
* Domine,' animae
famuli tui N. pontificis,
{ seu sacerdotis,) miseri-
cordiae time implorata
dementia: ut e-jus, in
quo speravit etcredidit,
-sternum capiat, te mi-
scrante consortium. Per
Dominum nostrum, &c.
Another Mass for a Bishop departed .
AH as in the first Mass t p. 78, except what follows*
D A nobis, Domine, Rant to us, O
utaniinam famuli Vj Lord, that the
tui N. episcopi, quam soul of thy servant N.
de hujus saeculi eduxisti Bishop, whom thou
laborioso certain ine hast delivered from the
’ Digitized by CjOO^Ie
124 For a Priest .
sanctorum tuorum tri- labours of this world,
huas esse consortem. may be received into
Per. the fellowship of thy
saints. Thro*.
A Nnue nobis, quae- /^iRant us, we be-.
sumus Domine, ut \J seech thee, O Lord,
animae famuli tui N. e- that this oblation may
piscopi haec prosit ob- be profitable to the soul
iatio: quam immolan- of thy servant N. bishop,
do,totiusmnndi tribuis- by the immolation of
ti relaxari delicta. Per. which thou hast vouch-
safed to remit the sins
of the whole world.
H IS sacrificiis, quae- 'VX7 E beseech thee, O
sumusomnipotens almighty God,
Deus, purgata anima that the soul ot thy ser-
famuli tui N. episcopi, vant N. bishop, being
arl indulgentiam et re- purified hy these sacri-
frigerium sempiternum fices, may be worthy to
pervenire mereatur. obtain pardon and eter-
Per. nal rest. Thro'.
Far a Priest deceased ; but when for many should
be said in the plural number .
T)Raesta, quaesumus
Domine, ut anima
famuli tuiN. sacerdotis,
quern in hoc saeculo
commorantem, sacris
muneribus decorasti, in
ccelesti sede gloriosa
semper exultet. Per
Dominion nostrum, &c.
G Rant, we beseech
thee, O Lord, that
the soul of thy servant
N. priest, whom thou
hast adorned with thy
sacred gifts in this
world, may for ever re-
joice in theglorious seat
of heavenly bliss. Thro\
• For a Man. 125
Uscipe, Domine, "D Eceive, O Lord, we
qusesumus, pro a- XV beseech thee, these
nima famuli tui N. sa- hosts which we offer for
cerdotis quas offerimus the soul of thy servant
hostias: ut cui sa- N. priest, that having
cerdotale donasti meri- given him the priestly
turn, dones et praemi- dignity, thou mayest al-
um. Per Dominum so give him the reward
nostrum, &c. of it. Thro’, &c.
■pRaesta, quaesumus /^jRant, we beseech
omnipotens Deus, ^ thee, almighty God,
ut animam famuli tui that the soul of thy ser-
ial. sacerdotis in congre- vant N. priest, may be
gatione justorum aeter- united in fellowship to
use beatitudinis juheas the congregation ot the
esse consortem. Per just in eternal bliss,
Dominum nostrum, Thro* our Lord, &c.
For a Man departed.
I Nclina, Domine, au- TNcline, O Lord, thy
rem tuam ad preces ear to our prayers, by
nostras, quibus miseri- which we humbly be-
cordiam tuam supplices seech thy mercy : that
deprecamur: ut animam thou wouldst place the
famuli tui N. quam dc soul of thy servant N.
hoc saeculo migrare jus- whom thou hast taken
sisti, in pads ac lucis re- out of this world, in the
gione constituas : et region of light an 1
sanctorum tuoium ju- peace: and make him
bt*as esse consortem. a companion of thy
Per Dominum. saints. Thro*.
L 3
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For a Woman •
A Nnue nobis, quae- RANT us, we be-
sumus Domine, ut vT seech thee, O Lord,
animae famuli tui N. that this oblation may
haec prosit oblatio ; be profitable to the soul
quani immolando, to- of thy servant N. by im-
tius mundi tribuisti re- mooting which thou
laxari delicta. Per Do- hast vouchsaled to remit
minum,&c. the sins of (he whole
world. Thro’.
A Bsolve, quaesumus \ B solve, we l)eseech
Domine, auimam Jt Jl thee, O Lord, the
famuli tui N. ab omni soul of thy servant N.
vinculo delictorum : fit from every chain of sin ;
in resurrectionis gloria, that rising again in the
inter sanctos et eier.tos glory of thy resurrec-
tuos, resuscitatus respi- lion, he may enjoy a
ret. Per Domituim nos- new life amongst thy
trum. saints and electr Thro*,
For a Woman departed.
Q Uaesumus Domine, LlAVE mercy, we
pro tua pietate LJ. beseech thee, O
miserere aniraa fa mu I® Lord, through thy gpod-
tuae N. et a contagiis ness, on the soul of thy
mortalitatis exutam, in servant N. and having
aeterna; salvatiqnis par- freed her from the cor-
tem restitue. Per Do- rnption of this mortal
minuin nostrum, lifp, grant her a share in
t lexnal salvation. Thro*.
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TJIIS sacrificiis, quae-
* '5tHnus Domine,
anrraa fenmlae fuse N. a
gpeccatis **mnibus> cxua-
tur, sine quibus a culpa
nemo liber extitit: ut
per hsec pise placet ionis
offieia, perpetuam mi-
'Sericordiam couscqua-
lur. Per Dominum nos-
trum, Ac.
lyiAY these sacrifi-
ces, we beseech
thee, O Lord, deliver
the soul of thy servant
N* from all her sins,
without which none
was ever wholly free
from guilt : that by
these pious offices of re-
conciliation it may
obtain perpetual mercy.
TNvcniat, quaesunius /^RANT, we beseech
Domine, anima fa- ” thee, O .Lord, that
*nuhe tute N. lucis at- the soul of thy servant
ternae consoitium : cu- N. having received the
jus perpetuae misericor- sacrament of perpetual
diae consecutaest sacra- mercy, may enjoy ctcr-
mentmn. Per. v nal light. Thro’.
For a Fathxr and Mother.
The COLLECT— Dens qui nos, page 25.
^Ustipe saciificium,
O Demine, quod tU>&
pro animahus Fatrk et
JVlatris mese ofl’ero : eis*
que gaudium sempiter-
iuim in regionevivoruin
concede ; eaeque cum
iilis felicitati sanctorum
conjunge. Per Domi-
nium nostrum, Ac*
T> Eceive the sacrifices
^ O Lord, which I
offer to thee for the
souls of my father and
mother : and grant
them eternal joy in the
region of the living: and
unite me with them in
the felicity of the saints.
Thru’ our Lord, Ac,
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For a Father or Mother .
C CElestis participate
sacramenti, quae-
sumus Domine, anima-
hus patris et matris mcae
requiem et lucem obti-
neat perpetuam : me-
que cum iilis gratia tua
coronet aeterna. Per
Dominum nostrum,
M AY the participa-
tion of this hea-
venly sacrament, we
beseech thee, O Lord,
obtain perpetual rest
and light to the souls of
my father and mother :
and grantj’by thy grace,
I may receive with
them an eternal crown.
For either a Father, or a Mother.
EUS, qui nos pa- God, who
S trem et matrem
►rare praecipisti: mi-
serere clementer anima
patris mei, (vet matris
meae) ejusque peccata
dimitte : meque eum,
{yet earn,) in aeteruae
claritatis gaudio fac vi-
dere. Per.
commanded us to
honour our father and
mother : vouchsafe to
have mercy on the soul
of my father, (or mo-
ther,) and pardoning
his, (or her) sins ; grant
I may see him, (or her)
in the joy ol eternal
glory. Thro*.
S Uscipe sacrificium, TJ Eceive, O Lord, the
Domine, quod tibi XV sacrifice which I
pro anima patris mci, offer to thee for the soul
(vel matris meae,) offe- of tny father, (or mo-
ro: eique gaudium then) and grant it eter-
sempiternum in rogione nal joy in the land of the
vjvoriim concede : me- living: and unite me
que cum illo, (vet ilia) with it in the felicity
lelicitati sanctorum con- of the saints. Thio.’
junge. Per.
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C CElestis participate X Et the participation
sacramenti, quae- JL 4 of the heavenly sa-
sumus Domine, animae crament, we beseech
patris mei, ( vel raa- thee, O Lord, obtain
tris meae,) requiem et perpetual rest and light
lucera obtineat, perpe- for the soul of my
tuam : meque cum illo, lather, (or mother;) and
( vel ilia,) gratia tua co- let thy grace crown me
ronet teterna. Per. with it for ever. Thro*.
For All such as lie buried in a Church-Yard,
EUS,cujus misera-
tione animae fide-
lium requiescunt : famu-
lis et famulabus tuis, et
omnibus hie et ubique
in Christo quiescenti-
bus,da propitius veniam
peccatorum : ut & cunc-
tis reatibus absoluti te-
cum sine fine l&tentur.
God, by whose mer-
^ ey the souls of the
faithful find rest ; mer-
cifully grant to thy ser-
vants, and to all those
that rest in Christ here
and every where, the
pardon of their sins:
that being absolved
from all their offences
Per eundem Dominum they may f or ever rejoice
nostrum, &c. with thee. Thro* the
same our Lord, &c.
T>RO animabus fittnu- t> Eceive favourably,
lorum famularumque ** ** O Lord, this host
Uiarum, et omnium Ca- which is offered for the
tholicorum hie et ubique souls of thy servants
Christo in dormientium, men and women, and
hosliam, Domine, sus- of all Catholics who
cipe benignus oblatum ; sleep in Christ here and
uthoc sacrificio singula- every where : that being
by Google
130 “ For many Departed .
]is horrendse mortis ex- freed from the bonds of
uti, vitam mereantur a> horrid death, by this in~
ternacn. Per. comparable sacrifice',
they may be worthy of
eternal life* Thro*.
et da famulis et famtila-
bus tuis quorum corpo-
ra hie et ubique in
Christo requiescunt, re-
frigerii sedem, quietis
beatitudinem, et lurai-
nis claritatem. Per.
r\ God, the light of
^ faithful souls, give
ear to our supplications;
and grant to the souls
of thy servants, whose
bodies rest in Christ
here and every where,
the seat of refreshment,
the happiness of rest,
and the light of glory.
For many departed.
D EUS,cui proprium
est miserere semper
et parcere : propitiare
animabus famulorum
famularumque tu&rum,
et omnia eorum peccata
dimilte: ut morlalitatis
vinculis absolute, tran-
sire mereantur ad vitam.
Per Dominum nostrum.
O God, whose pro~
perty is always to
have mercy and to
spaFe : be propitious to
the souls of thy servants
men and women, and
remit all their sins :
that being released from
the bonds of mortality,
they may be worthy to
pass to life. Thro*.
A Nnue nobis, quse- f^JIiant to us, we be-
sumus Domine, ut ^ seech thee, O Lord,
animabus famulorum that this oblation may
Digitized by GoOglc
For many Departed. 131
famularumque tuarum be profitable to the souls
h©c prosit oblatio : of ihy servants ; by the
qaaraimmolando totius immolation of which
mundi tribuisti reiaxari thou hast vouchsafed to
tfelicta. Per Domiuum remit the sins of the
nostrum , &c. whole world. Thro*.
D EUS, cui soli com- God, who alone
petit medicinam VJr can bring a remedy
prastare post mortem : after death : grant, we
prsesta quaesumus, ut beseech thee, that the
animse famulorum fa- souls of thy servants be-
mularumque tuarum ing freed from earthly
terrenisexutsecontagiis, corruption, may have a
in tuae redemptionis share in thy redemp-
parte numerentur. Qui. tion. Who.
Another for many departed.
A Nimabus, quaesq- Rant perpetual
mus Domine, fa- \JT mercy, we beseech
mu lorum famularumque thee, O Lord, to the
tuarum misericordiam souls of thy servants:
concede perpetuara : ut that having believed and
cis proficiatinaeternum, hoped in thee, it may
quod in te speraverunt be profitable to them to
et crediclerunt. Per. eternalsalvation.Thro'.
H IS Domine quae- ^Avourably regard
sumus, placatus J/ these gifts, O Lord,
intende muneribus: et we beseech thee ; and
quod ad laudem tui no* grant that as we most
miuis supplicantes offe- humbly offer them to
rimus, ad indulgentiam the praise of thy name,
proficiat defunctorum. they may be profitable
Per. for the pardon of the
dead. Thro’.
Digitized by GoOgle
S Upplices, Demine,
pro animabus famu-
lorum famularuraque
tuarum preces effundi-
xnus, obsecrantes : ut
quid quid conversatione
contraxerunt humana,
clementer indulgeas, et
in tuorum sede laetanti-
uiQ constituas redemp-
torum. Per.
W E offer thee, O
Lord, most hum-
ble prayers for the souls
of thy servants: that
whatsoever they have
committed thro* human
conversation, thou wilt
by thy clemency
forgive, and establish
them in the joyful ha-
bitation of those whom
thou- hast redeemed.
The Order ,of Burying the Dead.
Before the Corpse is carried out of the House ,
the Priest sprinkles it with Holy Water, and
then saps :
Ant, bi iniquitates. Anth. If thou, O Lord,
wilt mark.
Psalm cxxix.— De profundis, &c. page 76.
Requiem aeternam Grant him eternal
dona ei, Doraine ; et rest, O Lord ; and let
lux perpetua luceat ei. perpetual light shine on
Ant, Si iniquitates Anth. If thou, ,0 Lord,
observaveris, Domine : wilt mark iniquities :
Domine quis sustinebit? Lord, who shall stand
Whilst the Corpse is carried to the Church is said
Ant. ExultabuntDo- Anth , The hones that
mino ossa humiliata. have been humbled.
Order of burying the Dead, 133
Psalm 1. — Miserere mei Dciis, &c. p. 61.
Requiem a*tcrnam, Grant them eternal
&c. rest, &c.
Here other Psalms of the Office of the Dead may
be said, if opportunity serves . At entering the
Church , repeat the
Ant . Ex ul tabu nt Do- nf/i. The bones that
tninoossa lumiiliata. have been humbled
shall rejoice'in the Lord.
Iking entered the Churchy the following Kesponsary
is said .
S Ubvenite sanctiDei, /"iOME to his assist-
occurrite Angeii V-/ anc.e, all ye saints
Domini; Suscipientes of God; meet him all
animam ejus, * Ott'e- ve angels of our Lord*
rentes earn in conspectu * Receive his soul, and
Altissimi. present it now before its
V. Suscipiat te Chris- V. May Christ receive
tusqui vocavit te ; et in thee, who has called
sinu Abrahae Angeii thee ; and may the
deducant te. Suscipi- Angels conduct thee to
elites, &c. thy place of rest. May
they receive, &c.
V. Reouiem ate mam V, Grant him eternal
dona ei, Domine. rest, O Lord. <
R. Et lux perpetua R. And let perpetual
lyceat ei. Onerentes, light shine on him.
&c v May they present, &c.
Here the Office for the Dead is said, beginning at
the Invitatory, p . 28 ; and after the Anthem of
the Canticle Benedictus i I am the resurrecti-
on, 4c. p. 74, is said,
Pater noster, secreto. Our Father, &c. in
• V. Et ne nps inducas V. And lead us not
in tentationem. into temptation. ,
Digitized byCjOO^lC
134 Order of burying the Dead .
B. Sed libera nos a It. But deliver u» *
malo. from evil. \
V. A porta inferi. V. From the gate of \
R. Erne Doraine ani- R. Deliver his soul, ,
mam ejus. O Lord.
V. Requiescat in V. May he rest in
pace. ' peace. 4
R. Amen. R. Amen.
V. s Domine, exaudi V. O Lord, hear my
orationem meam. prayer.
R. Et clamor meus R. And let my cry
ad te veniat. come to thee. j
V. Dominus vobis- V. The Lord be with
cum. you.
R. Et cum spiritu R. And with thy
tuo. spirit.
Oremus. Let us pray.
Absolve, quaesuraus, Absolve, we beseech,
&c. p. 126, &c. p, 126.
Mere Mass is said, if opportunity serves ; and then
the following prayer.
N ON intres in judi- Fj'Nter not into judg-
cjnm cum servo JCj meut with thy sec*
tuo, Domine, quia mil- vant,OLord, because uo
lus apud tejustificabitur man shall be justified in
homo, nisi per te omni- thy sight, except thou
um peccatorum ei tri- granlest him the rerinis- ^
buatur remissio. Non sion of all his sins,
ergo eum, quaesumus, Therefore we beseech
tua judicialis sententia thee not to let the sen*
premat, quern tibi vera tence of thy judgment
supplicitio fidei chris- fall heavy upon him,
tianse commendat : sed whom true supplication
gratia tua illi succurren- of Christian faith recom-
te, ' merest ur evade re mends to thee: but may
judicium ultionis, qui he deserve, by thy as-
dum vlveret, insignitus sisting grace, to eecape
, y Google
Order of burying the Dead. 135
est signaculo sanctae the sentence of con*
Trinitatis : qui. demnation, who whilst
he lived was marked
with the image of the
Holy Trinity : who,
R. Amen. R. Amen.
The Rcspohsary.
Libera me, &c.j?. 108. Deliver me, &c. p.
Oremus. Let us pray.
Deus, cui proprium, O God, whose pro*
&c. p. 130. perty, &c. p. ISO.
Here the Corpse is carried to the Grave, and in
the mean time , if opportunity serves , is said the
following Anthem.
N paradisum dedu-
JL cant te angeli : in
tuo adventu suscipiant
te Martyres, et perdu-
cant te in civitatem
sanctam Jerusalem.
Chorus angelorum te
susciputt, et cum Laza-
ro quondam paupere,
sternam habeas requi-
AY the angels
conduct thee mto
paradise : may the
Martyrs receive thee at
thy coming, and lead
thee into tne holy city
of Jerusalem. May the
choir of angels receive
thee, and mayest thou
have eternal rest with
Lazarus, who was for-
merly poor.
The Benediction of the Grave.
D Eus, cujus misera-
tione anions fide-
lium requiescunt, hunc
tumulum benedicere
dignare, eique angelum
tuum sanctum deputa
custodem ; et quorum
quarumque corpora hie
sepeliuntur, aromas eo-
Let us pray.
O God, by whose
mercy the souls of
the faithful find rest,
vouchsafe to bless this
grave, and depute thy
holy angel to guard it :
and absolve the souls of
all those whose bodies
are buried here, from all
136 The Order of Burial.
rum ab omnibus ahsol- the bonds of sin, that
ve vinculis dilectorum, they may always rejoice
lit in se semper cum in thee with thy saints
sanctis tuis sine fine lor ever. Thro*,
ltfctentur. Per.
R. Amen. R. Amen.
Here the Corpse and Grave are sprinkled with
Holy Water, and incensed : and when the Corpse
is deposited in the Grave, is said ihe Ant. Ego
sum resurrectio, and the Song of Zachariah ,
Benedictus Dominus, &c. p. 74.
Anth. Ego sum resur-
rectio, &c.
Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison.
Kyric eleison.
Pater noster, &c.
Anth, lam the resur-
rection, &c.
Lord, have mercy on
Christ, have mercy
on us.
Lord, have mercy on
Our Father, &c.
In the mean time 9 the Corpse is sprinkled with
Holy Water.
V. Et ne nos inducas
in tentationem.
R. Sed libera nos k
V. A porta inferi.
R. Erue, Domine,
animam ejus.
V. Requiescat in pa-
R. Amen.
V. And lead us not
into temptation.
R. But deliver us
from evil.
V. From the gate of
R. Deliver his soul,
V. May he rest Ju
R. Amen.
The Order of Burial. 137
V. Damme, exaudi
orationem meam.
R. Et clamor meus
ad te veriiat.
V. Dominus vobis-
R. Et cum spiritu
F AC, quaesumus Do-
niiue, hanc, eum
servo tuo defuncto (vet
famula tua defuncta)
misericordiam ut fac-
torum suorum in poenis
non recipiat vicem, qui
( vel quae) tuam in votis
tenuit voluntatein ; ut
sicut hie eum (vele am)
vere fides junxjt fideli-
uro turmis, ita ille eum
(vel earn) tua mise ratio
societ. angelieis choris.
R. Amen.
V. Requiem .Tternam
dona ei, Domine.
R. El lux perpetua
luceat ei.
V. Requiescat in pa-
R. Amen.
V. Anima ejus, et a-
ninire omnium tidelium
defunct orum per mise-
nconiiani Dei, requi-
escat in pace,
it. Amen.
V. O Lord, hear my
It. And let my cry
come unto thee.
V. The Lord be with
R. And with thy spi-
Let us pray.
G Rant, we beseech
thee, O Lord, this
mercy to thy servant de-
parted, that he (or she)
may not receive the full
punishment due to his
(or her) sins, who was
desirous to hold fast thy
will ; and as here true
faith united him (orher)
to the company of the
faithful, so there may
thy mercy unite him
(or her) to the choirs of
angels. Thro’. *
R. Amen.
V. Grant him eternal
rest, O Lord.
R. And let perpetual
light shine upon him.
V. May he rest in
R. Amen.
V. May his soul, and
the souls of all the
faithful departed, thro'
t he mercy of God, rest
in peace.
R. Amen,
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158 Order of burying the Dead.
Here reluming from the Grave, say the Anthem
Si iniquitates, Ike. If ihou wilt observe, &c.
With the Psalm, De profnndis, &c. From the
depths, &c. Requiem aeternam, &c. Grant
them eternal rest, &c. All at before, p. 76.
The Order of burying baptized Children, who
die before they come to the Use of Reason.
Children thus dying in a state of innocence , are
generally clothed according to their age : and
in token of the integrity of their virginity, have
a crown of flowers and sweet herbs put on their
head. Before the. Corpse is carried out of the
house, the Priest puts on a Surplice and white
Stole, then sprinkles it with Holy Water, say-
ing :
Ant. Sit nomcn Do- Anth. May the name
mini benedictum. of the Lord be blessed.
Psalm cxii.
T Audate pueri Do-
-L A minum ; laud ate
nomen Domini.
2. Sit nomen Domi-
ni benedictum : ex hoc
nunc et usque in saxu-
3. A soils ortu usque
ad occasum : laudabile
nomen Domini.
4. Excelsus super om-
nes gentes Dominus :
et super ccelos gloria
P Raise the Lord, ye
children : praise
ye the name of the
2. Rlessed be the
name of the Lord, from
henceforth now and for
3. From the rising of
the sun unto the going
down of the same, the
name of the Lord is
worthy of praise.
4. The Lord is high
above all nations: and
his glory above the
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Order of burying the Dead. 1 39
5. Quis sicut Dominus 5. W ho is as theLord
Deus noster, qui in altis our God, who dwelleth
habitat : et humilia re- on high : and looketh
spirit in coelo et in down on the low things
terra ? in heaven and in earth?
6. Suscitans a terra 6. Raising up the
inopem : et de stercore needy from the earth,,
erigens pauperem. and lifting up the poor
out of the dunghill,
7. Ut collocet eum 7. That he may place
cum principibus: cum him with princes, with
principibus populi sui. the princes of his peo-
8. Qui habitare facit 9. Who maketh a
sterilem in doino : ma- barren woman to dwell
trem filiorum laten- in a house, the joyful
tem. mother of children.
Gloria Patri, &c. Glory he to, &c.
Ant. Sit nomen Do- Anth. May the name
mini benedietum : ex of the Lord be blessed ;
hoc nunc et usque in from henceforth, now
saeculum. and for ever.
Whilst the Corpse is carried to the Church, is said
the 118 th Psalm, Bcati immaeolati, &c. Bles-
sed are the immaculate, &c. and if time per-
mit, the 148 th Psalm, Laudate Dominion de
ccelis, &c. 90 th. Praise ye our Lord from the
heavens, &c. and Glory be to the Father, &<;.
When come to the Church , is said the
Ant . 11 tc accipiet. Anth . lie shftall re-
Psalm xxiii.
D Omini est terra, et f T 1 HE earth is the
plenitudo ejus: X. Lord’s, and the
orbis terrarum, et uni- fulness thereof : the
versi qui habitant in eo. world, and all they that
dwell therein.
% Quia ipse super 2. For he hath found-
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J40 Order of burying the Dead.
maria fundavit eum: et
super fhimina praepara-
vit eum.
3. Quis ascendct in
montem Domini : aut
quis stabit in loco sanc-
to ejus ?
4 . Innocens manibus
et mundo corde : qui
non accepit in vano ani-
mam suain, nec juravit
in dolo proximo suo.
5. Hie accipiet bene-
dictionem a Domino :
et misericordiam a Deo
Salutare suo.
6. Haec est generatio
quarentiuui eum : quae-
rentium faciem Dei
7. Attolite | ortas
principes vestras, et
clevamini porta? reter-
nales : el inlroibit Ilex
gloria?. *
8. Quis est iste Rex
gloria? ? Dominus fortis
ei potens : Dominus
potens in pra?lio.
9. Attolite portas
principes vestras, et ele-
vamini port a seteruales;
et intrmbit Rex gloria?.
JO Quis est isle Rex
ed it upon the seas t
and hath prepared it
upon the rivers.
3. Who shall ascend
into the mountain of
tiie Lord : or who shall
stand in his holy plate?
4. The innocent in
hands, and clean of
heart, who hath not
taken his soul in vain,
nor sworn deceitfully to
his neighbour.
5. He shall receive a
blessing from the Lord,
and mercy from God
his Saviour.
6. This is the genera-
tion oft hem that seek
him, of them that seek
the face of the God of
7. Lift up your gates,
O ye princes : and be
ye lifted up, O eternal
gates, and the King of
Glory shall enter in.
8. Who is this King
of Glory ? The Lord, who
is strong aud mighty,
the Lord mighty in bat-
9. Lift up your gates,
O ve princes, aud be ye
lifted up, O eternal
gates ; and the King of
Glory at. all enter in.
1U. V\ no tnis King
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Order of burying the Dead. 141
gloriae? Dominus vir- of Glory? The Lord
ttmun, ipse est Rex of Hosts, he is the
gloriae. King of Glory.
Gloria Patri, &c. Glory be to, &c.
Ant. Hie accipiet be* Anth. He shall re-
nedictionem a Domino, cei ve a blessing from the
et misericordiam a Deo Lord, and mercy from
Salutari suo, quiahaec God his Saviour, be-
est generatio quaerenti- cause this is the gene-
urn Dominufn. ration of them that seek
the Lord.
Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy
upon us.
Christe eleison. Christ, have mercy
upon us>
Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy
upon us.
Pater nosier, &c. se- Our Father, &c. in
ereto. secret .
Here the Corpse is sprinkled with Holy Water.
V. Et ne nos inducas V. And lead us not
in tentationem. into temptation.
R. Sed libera nos k R. But deliver us
malo. from evil.
V.Meautem propter V. But by reason of
innocentiam suscepisti. my innocence thou hast
received me.
R. Et eonfirmasti me R. And thou bast
in conspectu tuo in confirmed me in thy
sternum. sight for ever.
V. Dominus vobis- v. The Lord be with
cum. you.
B. Et cum spiritu R, And with thy spi-
tuo. rit.
Orem us. Lefuspray.
O Mnipotens et mi- /^V Almighty and
tissime Deus, qui most merciful
omnibus parvulis rena- God, who vouchsafest
3y Google
142 Order of burying the Dead.
tis fonte baptismatis to all children baptized,
dum migrant a sseculo, departing this world,
sine ullis eorum mentis eternal life without any
vitam, ill ico largiris merit of theirs, as we
seternam, sicut anjmaB believe thou hast done
hqjus parvuli hodie ere- this day to the soul of
dimus, te fecisse : fac this child: grant us, we
nos, qusesumus Doom beseech thee, O Lord,
ne, per intercessioneni by the intercession of
beatse Marias semper the blessed Mary ever
virginis, et omnium a virgin, and of all thy
sanctorum tuorum hie saints, to serve thee here
purificatis tibi mentibus with pure minds, and to
femulari, et in paradiso be united hereafter with
cum beatis parvulis pe- thy blessed children in
renniter sociari. Per. heaven. Thro*.
R. Amen. R. Amen.
Whilst the Corpse is carried to the Grave (or if it
is not carried ) is said the
Ant. Juvenes et vir- Anth. Young men
gines, &c. and maidens, &c.
Psalm cxlviii.
L Audate Dominum, "DRaisc ye the Lord,
&c. p.7l. A dec. p.7i.
Ant. Juvenes et vir* Anth. Young men
gines, senes cum junio- and maidens: let the
ribus laudent nomen old with the younger
Domini. praise the name of the
Kyrie eleison.
Lord, have mercy
upon us.
Christe eleison.
Christ, have mercy
upon us.
Kyrie eleison.
Lord, have mercy
upon us.
Paternoster, &c. Je-
Our Father, dec. iit
er* jo.
V. Et ne nos iuducas
V. And lead us hot
in tentationem.
into temptation.
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Order of burying the Dead • 143
R. Sed libera nos k R. But deliver us from
mak). evil.
V.Siaite parvulos ve- V. Permit little chii-
nire ad me. dren to come unto me.
It. Talium est enira R. For the kingdom
regnum ccelomm. of heaven is for such.
V. Dominus vobis- V. The Lord be with
cum. you.
R. Et cum spiritu R. And with thy spi-
tuo. rit.
Oremus. Let us pray.
O Mnipotens sempi- /“A A mighty and eter-
terne Deus, sane- V-Jnal God, the lover of
tffi f uritatis amator, qui holy purity, who vouch-
animam hujus parvuli safest this day merciful*
ad coelonun regnum ly to call the soul of this
hodie misericord iter vo- child to the kingdom of
care dignatus es: digne- heaven: vouchsafe also,
ris etiam, Domine, ita O Lord, to act merciful-
nobiscum misericorditer ly with us, that thro’
agere, ut mentis tuae the merits of thy most
sanclissimae passion is, holy passion, and the
et intercessione beat© intercession of the bles-
Mariae semper virginis, set) Mary ever a virgin,
et omnium sanctorum and of all thy saints, we
tuorum, in eodern regno may rejoice with all thy
nos cum omnibus sane- saints and elect in the
tisetelectis tuis semper same kingdom forever,
facias congaudere. Qui. Who.
R. Amen. R. Amen.
Here the Corpse and Grave are sprinkled with
Holy Water and incensed ? after which , the
Corpse is buried.
Returning from the Burial to the Church, is said
the Song of the Three Children , Dan. iii.
Benedicite omnia o- All the works of the
pera Domini, &c. Lord, &c.
Gloria Patri, &c. Glory be, &c.
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144 Order of burying the Dead .
Ant. Benedicite Do- Anth. Bless ye the
ininuni omnes electi Lord all his elect, tnske
ejus, agite dies laetitiae, days of rejoicing, and
et confitemini illi. confess to him. .
Then being before the Altar, is said,
V. Dominus vobis- V. The Lord be with
cum. you.
R. Et cum spiritu R. And with thy spi-
tuo. T
Oremus. Let us pray.
D EUS, quimiroor- God, who with
dine angelorum V-r wonderful order
ministeria, hominum- disposest the services of
que dispensas : concede men and angels : propi-
propitius, ut & quibus tiously grant,that those
tibi ministrantibus in who always attend and,
cceio semper assisttiur, serve thee in heaven,
ab his in terra vita nos- may also guard our lives
tra muniatur. Per. here on earth. Thro’*
R. Amen. R* Amen.
Keating and Brown, Printers. 38, Duke-street,
Urosvenor-sqnarc, and 63, Paternoster-rovr.
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